Putin Supported Trump And The Deplorables.

Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?
The only people calling anyone in Kiev Nazis are Russian state media and Putin's useful tools like you. Seriously why do you think Russia's tightly controlled media is worth listening to? They are not going to say shit that does not issue directly from the Kremlin.

Do you know why I call them nazis? Because their hero is Stepan Bandera. Western Ukraine was notorious for supporting and working with the nazis. I know my history well. Half my family came from the Ukraine.

Till today, western Ukrainians revere Bandera and consider him a hero. And yes he actually fought with the nazis and is buried in Munich. His best known massacre was in Poland. Over 70,000.

World recognized massacre. So when I call the Ukrainians in power now I know exactly what I am talking about. You don't. You have some fucking nerve to call me a useful tool.


Lviv soccer fans at a game against Donetsk. The banner reads in Ukrainian, "Bandera – our hero" This is a western vs easter match.

Blood oozed through the soil at grave sites. You could see the pits move, some of them were still alive': The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' killing centre where 1.6million Jews were executed
  • Jews were humiliated and murdered one by one in Ukraine during WW2
  • Many of them were forced to stand in front of mass graves and shot dead
  • Women were stripped naked, beaten in the streets during 'organised riots'

  • Witnesses today have broken their silence to tell of Ukraine's killing centre
The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' | Daily Mail Online

Oh and here's Euromaiden. You know. The assholes our governments supported.

Many people in Western Ukraine consider Bandera as a hero. But to understand why is that one should look not on the years of WWII but on much more earlier years, namely the late 1500s when the Union of Lublin was signed and when ‘polonization’ began. I am almost sure that you have never heard about the former and maybe little heard about the latter. All these things don’t make the genocide in Volyn justifiable, but can give an explanation why animosity between the Ukrainians and Poles came to existence in those and later times.

And don’t bring up your family. Having you predecessors from Ukraine doesn’t make you an expert in anything. You know nothing and have only a slightest knowledge what is happening in Ukraine and what is a cause of all of that.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?
The only people calling anyone in Kiev Nazis are Russian state media and Putin's useful tools like you. Seriously why do you think Russia's tightly controlled media is worth listening to? They are not going to say shit that does not issue directly from the Kremlin.

Do you know why I call them nazis? Because their hero is Stepan Bandera. Western Ukraine was notorious for supporting and working with the nazis. I know my history well. Half my family came from the Ukraine.

Till today, western Ukrainians revere Bandera and consider him a hero. And yes he actually fought with the nazis and is buried in Munich. His best known massacre was in Poland. Over 70,000.

World recognized massacre. So when I call the Ukrainians in power now I know exactly what I am talking about. You don't. You have some fucking nerve to call me a useful tool.


Lviv soccer fans at a game against Donetsk. The banner reads in Ukrainian, "Bandera – our hero" This is a western vs easter match.

Blood oozed through the soil at grave sites. You could see the pits move, some of them were still alive': The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' killing centre where 1.6million Jews were executed
  • Jews were humiliated and murdered one by one in Ukraine during WW2
  • Many of them were forced to stand in front of mass graves and shot dead
  • Women were stripped naked, beaten in the streets during 'organised riots'

  • Witnesses today have broken their silence to tell of Ukraine's killing centre
The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' | Daily Mail Online

Oh and here's Euromaiden. You know. The assholes our governments supported.

Many people in Western Ukraine consider Bandera as a hero. But to understand why is that one should look not on the years of WWII but on much more earlier years, namely the late 1500s when the Union of Lublin was signed and when ‘polonization’ began. I am almost sure that you have never heard about the former and maybe little heard about the latter. All these things don’t make the genocide in Volyn justifiable, but can give an explanation why animosity between the Ukrainians and Poles came to existence in those and later times.

And don’t bring up your family. Having you predecessors from Ukraine doesn’t make you an expert in anything. You know nothing and have only a slightest knowledge what is happening in Ukraine and what is a cause of all of that.

I know my history quite well thank you very much. As to the present I keep abreast of the current situation in the country.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?
The only people calling anyone in Kiev Nazis are Russian state media and Putin's useful tools like you. Seriously why do you think Russia's tightly controlled media is worth listening to? They are not going to say shit that does not issue directly from the Kremlin.

Do you know why I call them nazis? Because their hero is Stepan Bandera. Western Ukraine was notorious for supporting and working with the nazis. I know my history well. Half my family came from the Ukraine.

Till today, western Ukrainians revere Bandera and consider him a hero. And yes he actually fought with the nazis and is buried in Munich. His best known massacre was in Poland. Over 70,000.

World recognized massacre. So when I call the Ukrainians in power now I know exactly what I am talking about. You don't. You have some fucking nerve to call me a useful tool.


Lviv soccer fans at a game against Donetsk. The banner reads in Ukrainian, "Bandera – our hero" This is a western vs easter match.

Blood oozed through the soil at grave sites. You could see the pits move, some of them were still alive': The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' killing centre where 1.6million Jews were executed
  • Jews were humiliated and murdered one by one in Ukraine during WW2
  • Many of them were forced to stand in front of mass graves and shot dead
  • Women were stripped naked, beaten in the streets during 'organised riots'

  • Witnesses today have broken their silence to tell of Ukraine's killing centre
The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' | Daily Mail Online

Oh and here's Euromaiden. You know. The assholes our governments supported.

Many people in Western Ukraine consider Bandera as a hero. But to understand why is that one should look not on the years of WWII but on much more earlier years, namely the late 1500s when the Union of Lublin was signed and when ‘polonization’ began. I am almost sure that you have never heard about the former and maybe little heard about the latter. All these things don’t make the genocide in Volyn justifiable, but can give an explanation why animosity between the Ukrainians and Poles came to existence in those and later times.

And don’t bring up your family. Having you predecessors from Ukraine doesn’t make you an expert in anything. You know nothing and have only a slightest knowledge what is happening in Ukraine and what is a cause of all of that.

I know my history quite well thank you very much. As to the present I keep abreast of the current situation in the country.
Sure, you do. And show this pretty clear every time.
Total bullshit.

When Putin found out Hillaryous and Obamakov were "meddling" in Russia's elections (proven fact) he made it a point to start kicking sand in their face, personally and on the world stage. He seen NATO getting complacent, evidenced by their not contributing the required defense spending, and started pushing his agenda world wide. Oil prices were sky high and he was getting rich so he could funnel money into his restoration of Russia pride which had been decimated. His approval rating has never fallen below 85%. This continued to embolden him and Obama didn't have the stones to fight back. And Obama just sat around with his thumb up his ass when Putin invaded Crimea. He thought his Iran give away was more important than pushing back against Putin. From that point on Putin knew he could do whatever he wanted. In other words Obama is a pussy and Putin knew it.

Trump's election victory was similar to Putin's as Trump's win was based on restoring our self esteem which has been constantly under attack with identity politics over that last decade. Trump is Putin's worse nightmare and he knows it. Trump has increased military spending which Putin doesn't want, demanded NATO meet their defense spending commitments, bombed the fuck out of Syria for crossing Obama's failed red line. And to make things worse for Putin, Trump is doing everything to promote oil and gas production here which crushes Russia's revenue. Let alone the improving financial markets here which strengthens the dollar and crushes Russia's purchasing power.

So face the facts, libtardos, Putin is weaker with Trump as President and we're all better off with Trump.
It's Not a proven fact.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?

uhhhh, you need to do some fact checking....apples and oranges on the Ukraine and Russia

The differences

If the broad outlines are similar, some key elements distinguish these episodes from each other.

The Politico article highlighted a major one.

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"

To be clear, we do not know if the hacked emails had any ties to contacts the Trump campaign did or didn’t have with Russians. But hacked emails are different from the results of a public investigation.

Taking that difference one step further, there was nothing inherently illegal in the quest for information on Manafort and how that might link Donald Trump to Russia. Wittes noted that from a research perspective, since Manafort’s work took place in Ukraine, "you pretty much have to go to the Ukrainians to get that."

Other details also separate the two narratives.

Ukraine is seen as an ally to the United States, while Russia is at best a competitor and often called an enemy.

Lastly, the stories from Trump associates have changed over time as more press reports emerge. In the case of Donald Trump Jr., he first said he never represented the campaign in any meetings with Russians. Then he said there was a meeting, but it was about adoption laws. Then he said it was about Clinton, but it represented ordinary opposition research.

Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?
Total bullshit.

When Putin found out Hillaryous and Obamakov were "meddling" in Russia's elections (proven fact) he made it a point to start kicking sand in their face, personally and on the world stage. He seen NATO getting complacent, evidenced by their not contributing the required defense spending, and started pushing his agenda world wide. Oil prices were sky high and he was getting rich so he could funnel money into his restoration of Russia pride which had been decimated. His approval rating has never fallen below 85%. This continued to embolden him and Obama didn't have the stones to fight back. And Obama just sat around with his thumb up his ass when Putin invaded Crimea. He thought his Iran give away was more important than pushing back against Putin. From that point on Putin knew he could do whatever he wanted. In other words Obama is a pussy and Putin knew it.

Trump's election victory was similar to Putin's as Trump's win was based on restoring our self esteem which has been constantly under attack with identity politics over that last decade. Trump is Putin's worse nightmare and he knows it. Trump has increased military spending which Putin doesn't want, demanded NATO meet their defense spending commitments, bombed the fuck out of Syria for crossing Obama's failed red line. And to make things worse for Putin, Trump is doing everything to promote oil and gas production here which crushes Russia's revenue. Let alone the improving financial markets here which strengthens the dollar and crushes Russia's purchasing power.

So face the facts, libtardos, Putin is weaker with Trump as President and we're all better off with Trump.
It's Not a proven fact.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?

uhhhh, you need to do some fact checking....apples and oranges on the Ukraine and Russia

The differences

If the broad outlines are similar, some key elements distinguish these episodes from each other.

The Politico article highlighted a major one.

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"

To be clear, we do not know if the hacked emails had any ties to contacts the Trump campaign did or didn’t have with Russians. But hacked emails are different from the results of a public investigation.

Taking that difference one step further, there was nothing inherently illegal in the quest for information on Manafort and how that might link Donald Trump to Russia. Wittes noted that from a research perspective, since Manafort’s work took place in Ukraine, "you pretty much have to go to the Ukrainians to get that."

Other details also separate the two narratives.

Ukraine is seen as an ally to the United States, while Russia is at best a competitor and often called an enemy.

Lastly, the stories from Trump associates have changed over time as more press reports emerge. In the case of Donald Trump Jr., he first said he never represented the campaign in any meetings with Russians. Then he said there was a meeting, but it was about adoption laws. Then he said it was about Clinton, but it represented ordinary opposition research.

Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

First off Clinton made sure Yeltsin won in 1996. History. Fact. Bragged on. Even on the front cover of Time magazine.


TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996

There's actually a double whammy for Democrats here on the collusion. With the Ukraine. Proven as compared to still no evidence that the DNC was hacked by the Russians let alone the Russian government at Putin's behest.

And for crying out loud those sons of bitches in Kiev lied about Paul Manafort forcing his resignation as Campaign Manager only a few months before the election. Big win for the Dems and the scumbucket Ukrainians.

Dirty as all get out.

BUT the Democrats also colluded with Fusion GPS to pay big money to Russian informants for that fairy tale dossier.

And again to the hacking. Still no evidence presented. None. Zip. Nada. CrowdStrike came to that conclusion. They are DNC employees and anti Russian and I'm not buying it.
Not for one freaking minute.
At this point I don't care if Putin hacked the fuckin voting machines. Give him a medal.

He did it to his detriment if he bet on it weakening us. That's why I don't believe any russian influence made any difference. AT ALL.


The narrative is to distract from reality that hitlery is as repugnant as everyone says she is. Thanks to the fact that democrook ignorance is becoming more isolated to squalid cities and that's a good thing. If Trump really gets the shit in gear and starts another Operation Wet Back the DNC will dissolve and merge with the CPUSA.


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