Putin Takes Famous WNBA Player Hostage: Brittney Griner Arrested in MOSCOW

WNBA star Brittney Griner detained in Russia on drug charges

Many women's professional basketball players decide to play in Russia during the WNBA's offseason for a chance to compete and take advantage of the high salaries overseas teams offer. Griner has made as much as $1.5 million a year in Russia, while she had a base salary of $215,000 last season for the Mercury.

Putin is now using hostages against the U.S. They let other players leave, but she was arrested and is now a hostage in Russia. God dammit Putin you piece of shit.

Maybe Steven Seagal will save her—if he can stop eating donuts long enough to remain conscious.
PinktheFloyd is talking about himself as a piece of quano of some sort.
Rememebr when President Trump got 3 black basketball players out of China who were being detained for shoplifting? Let’s see if Joe Biden can get Brittney Briner out of Russia.

WNBA star Brittney Griner detained in Russia on drug charges

Many women's professional basketball players decide to play in Russia during the WNBA's offseason for a chance to compete and take advantage of the high salaries overseas teams offer. Griner has made as much as $1.5 million a year in Russia, while she had a base salary of $215,000 last season for the Mercury.

Putin is now using hostages against the U.S. They let other players leave, but she was arrested and is now a hostage in Russia. God dammit Putin you piece of shit.
It's pretty ironic that Russia arrested an athlete for doping.
Putin is now using hostages against the U.S. They let other players leave, but she was arrested and is now a hostage in Russia. God dammit Putin you piece of shit.

Looks more to me like she was a moron.

Officials say Griner was carrying vaping equipment with cannabis oil cartridges and can face up to 10 years in prison.

These people all seem to think they are immune to the laws of other countries. And I do not have a lot of pity for somebody stupid enough to take drugs to another country.

Maybe next time she will get the hint and leave them at home.
And it was cbd oil, not drugs.

That is a drug.

See all the red countries? Those are the ones where any form of Marijuana is illegal. The form does not matter.


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