Putin, the "savvy" dictator?

Thank goodness for that nationalist strongman Putin, huh?
Part of putins strength is russian oil and gas that the euros crave

The man you voted for is against US oil production which plays right into putin’s hands

As described by Trump. Well he ain't looking so savvy now. Perhaps he should call his beloved Trump for military advice, since Trump "knows more than the generals!" Bigly!!!
We won't know just how savvy he is, or not, until this is all over.

Putin did put the West in a situation where they can't sanction him without cutting their own throats in the process.

It was moronic to become dependent on Russian oil and gas.
So double-digit inflation doesn't harm you?
Tell me how inflation is Biden`s fault. It`s a global economy, a global pandemic, and a global supply chain. Did you hear about that pandemic thingy? AMC movie theaters have decided that a movie goer will pay more to see the new Batman movie than any other movie. Corporate greed is not the fault of a president.
Thank goodness for that nationalist strongman Putin, huh?
The globalists are much more Machiavellian in their ways. They are slowly turning the world into a dystopian totalitarian nightmare. and you are going along with it. You have seen evidence of it over the years in the Western World and are in denial. They even uplift the right dictators
Tell me how inflation is Biden`s fault. It`s a global economy, a global pandemic, and a global supply chain. Did you hear about that pandemic thingy? AMC movie theaters have decided that a movie goer will pay more to see the new Batman movie than any other movie. Corporate greed is not the fault of a president.
By printing up trillions upon trillions of dollars, with no corresponding increase in productive value in the economy....By deliberately shutting down domestic energy production, which raises the costs of EVERYTHING....That's how.

Viruses have no such power to act, fool.
That’s the best you got?

President Trump didn’t start any new wars, and drastically drew down the ones started before him.
Yes, he did, Trump reduced the US troop level in Afghanistan from 13,500 to 2500.
But didn't remove one civilian or piece of equipment out of Afghanistan.
Released over 5000 Taliban prisoners held in Afghan jails and prisons.

He got Arab countries to recognize Israel. That’s more than you beloved Hussein got done.
Who gives a fuck, about israel?
The camel jockey's always recognized israel.

Your current guy is trying to get us into WW3 with Russia.
By NOT taking Russia's side?
Big oil is leaving Russia and it's costing them more than 25 billion dollars. Putin isn't that smart.
From Putin’s Perspective, he’s currently engaged in a civil war, an internal conflict, nothing more – there was never ‘Ukraine,’ just the Ukraine, a wayward province now being reclaimed by its rightful owner: Russia/the Soviet Union/Imperial Russia.

And for Putin this is a war of preemption – the Baltic States, Poland, the Czech Republic, along with other former Soviet client states are all lost and now members of NATO; with democracy extinguished in Belarus, a conquered Ukraine will help establish the necessary bulwark against an aggressive, encroaching West.

The Russian dictator is therefore willing to pay any price, render Russia a pariah state, destroy the Russian economy, none of it matters – the lawless, criminal invasion of Ukraine was no mistake, no miscalculation.
From Putin’s Perspective, he’s currently engaged in a civil war, an internal conflict, nothing more – there was never ‘Ukraine,’ just the Ukraine, a wayward province now being reclaimed by its rightful owner: Russia/the Soviet Union/Imperial Russia.

And for Putin this is a war of preemption – the Baltic States, Poland, the Czech Republic, along with other former Soviet client states are all lost and now members of NATO; with democracy extinguished in Belarus, a conquered Ukraine will help establish the necessary bulwark against an aggressive, encroaching West.

The Russian dictator is therefore willing to pay any price, render Russia a pariah state, destroy the Russian economy, none of it matters – the lawless, criminal invasion of Ukraine was no mistake, no miscalculation.
Got it. Thanks.
The fence-sitters will be voting for President Biden again in 2024 if you run the likes of Trump, DeSantis, or any other reckless, irresponsible, incompetent fool.
The Tweeners are no longer non partisan

they are just democrats in disguise

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