Putin Trumps Obama - Even on CNN


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
If Obama had been in Reykjavik, the world would look a lot different today:

Arguments Putin presents in his op-ed struck a chord with some in Washington, even if they dislike him.
One example: "Syria is not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multi-religious country. There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government."
Other points, like his swipe at Obama's comment this week trumpeting American "exceptionalism," are bound to irritate some of the Americans Putin is trying to sway.
Sen. James Inhofe, a Republican from Oklahoma, said Thursday that "Putin was lecturing to the United States, and I could hear (Ronald) Reagan turning over in his grave as this was going on."

Analysis: Putin scores diplomatic win on Syria - CNN.com

This whole episode has been bad and embarrassing enough, but my bigger concern has been how Putin leverages the gift we gave him. This is not a guy who won't take advantage of something like this. We'll see how it plays out, it's pretty much up to him.

Putin and Russia have basically volunteered for the job of getting rid of Syria's chemical weapons. And conservatives think Obama got owned by Putin on this?

Conservatives misinterpret events so badly.

No wonder Mittypoo lost. No wonder Bush's Presiduncy was such a flop & failure. No wonder it took a liberal Democratic President to find and kill Osama bin Laden. No wonder the GOP majority ended under the Bushtarded One.

Conservatives have bad policy, with terrible track records, and bad political skills too.
Putin and Russia have basically volunteered for the job of getting rid of Syria's chemical weapons. And conservatives think Obama got owned by Putin on this?

Conservatives misinterpret events so badly.

No wonder Mittypoo lost. No wonder Bush's Presiduncy was such a flop & failure. No wonder it took a liberal Democratic President to find and kill Osama bin Laden. No wonder the GOP majority ended under the Bushtarded One.

Conservatives have bad policy, with terrible track records, and bad political skills too.
Sorry, this can't be spun. Obama comes off very Carteresque on this.
Putin and Russia have basically volunteered for the job of getting rid of Syria's chemical weapons. And conservatives think Obama got owned by Putin on this?

Conservatives misinterpret events so badly.

No wonder Mittypoo lost. No wonder Bush's Presiduncy was such a flop & failure. No wonder it took a liberal Democratic President to find and kill Osama bin Laden. No wonder the GOP majority ended under the Bushtarded One.

Conservatives have bad policy, with terrible track records, and bad political skills too.
Sorry, this can't be spun. Obama comes off very Carteresque on this.

How so? Now Russia is responsible for helping Syria get rid of its chemical weapons. And the US doesn't have to bomb Syria like the clodhopping Bush would have without any approval.

Why is this a failure? What should Obama have done? What would Mitt have done that would have been so much better?
Putin and Russia have basically volunteered for the job of getting rid of Syria's chemical weapons. And conservatives think Obama got owned by Putin on this?

Conservatives misinterpret events so badly.

No wonder Mittypoo lost. No wonder Bush's Presiduncy was such a flop & failure. No wonder it took a liberal Democratic President to find and kill Osama bin Laden. No wonder the GOP majority ended under the Bushtarded One.

Conservatives have bad policy, with terrible track records, and bad political skills too.
Sorry, this can't be spun. Obama comes off very Carteresque on this.

How so? Now Russia is responsible for helping Syria get rid of its chemical weapons. And the US doesn't have to bomb Syria like the clodhopping Bush would have without any approval.

Why is this a failure? What should Obama have done? What would Mitt have done that would have been so much better?
Mitt would unlikely have painted himself in a corner a la Obama. Again, Obama came off as a wimp to the point Putin felt he could lecture the US.
Sorry, this can't be spun. Obama comes off very Carteresque on this.

How so? Now Russia is responsible for helping Syria get rid of its chemical weapons. And the US doesn't have to bomb Syria like the clodhopping Bush would have without any approval.

Why is this a failure? What should Obama have done? What would Mitt have done that would have been so much better?
Mitt would unlikely have painted himself in a corner a la Obama. Again, Obama came off as a wimp to the point Putin felt he could lecture the US.

The red line remark was a minor error, and Obama got around it by getting Russia to volunteer for chemical weapons removal duty. No way a GOP White House pulls that off.

Mitt would have us too bogged down with his Iran War to do anything about Syria. Quit trying to defend the failed GOP foreign policies. America has rejected them two elections in a row, and will again in 2016.
Putin and Russia have basically volunteered for the job of getting rid of Syria's chemical weapons. And conservatives think Obama got owned by Putin on this?

Conservatives misinterpret events so badly.

No wonder Mittypoo lost. No wonder Bush's Presiduncy was such a flop & failure. No wonder it took a liberal Democratic President to find and kill Osama bin Laden. No wonder the GOP majority ended under the Bushtarded One.

Conservatives have bad policy, with terrible track records, and bad political skills too.
Sorry, this can't be spun. Obama comes off very Carteresque on this.

How so? Now Russia is responsible for helping Syria get rid of its chemical weapons. And the US doesn't have to bomb Syria like the clodhopping Bush would have without any approval.

Why is this a failure? What should Obama have done? What would Mitt have done that would have been so much better?

A lot of stupid assumptions on your part.

First.... What makes you think Bush would even give a shit about Syria?

He wouldn't. Neither would any other President.

Look, dimocrap idiots......

Sometimes we're forced to take a side. Like in WWII. We weren't crazy about helping out the Soviet Union.

In fact, we sat back for 3 years and watched the Nazis and the commies murder each other by the MILLION. No..... By the TENS OF MILLIONS.

But we HAD to take a side because Nazi Germany was a threat to us and Soviet Russia was not.

communists are so incredibly stupid, they're more laughable and entertaining than they are fearsome.

The Nazis? They were frightening. Scary. They meant business and they could have kicked our asses had we not joined the Soviets and helped them destroy Nazism.

But here? Syria?

Stupidity. Sheer, complete and utter stupidity for the Stuttering Clusterfukk to open his mouth and stick his foot in it.

Syria is no threat to us. Neither is Russia's support of Syria. Neither is Hezbollah.

No threat at all.

al Qaeda was and still is.

Guess whose side al Qaeda is on?

If you guessed Assad's, you'd be wrong. al Qaeda is on the side the Stuttering Clusterfukk wants to help.


Why would we want to help the side that caused more casualties on American Soil than the attack on Pearl Harbor?

What the FUCK is wrong with you people? Seriously.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck wants to help al Qaeda establish a base of operations in Syria and all you people can do is follow him with your tongues hanging out like the good little puppy dogs you are?

the person you people worship, the guy you have a blow-up doll of, the man you voted for.... He is an idiot.

He has no idea what he's doing in Foreign Policy -- Or anything else for that matter. All this is from him campaigning back in 2012 and letting his alligator mouth overload his canary ass.

He lost this one and for you to keep defending him just shows the stupidity of the left in this Country.

He not only lost, he is completely wrong
How so? Now Russia is responsible for helping Syria get rid of its chemical weapons. And the US doesn't have to bomb Syria like the clodhopping Bush would have without any approval.

Why is this a failure? What should Obama have done? What would Mitt have done that would have been so much better?
Mitt would unlikely have painted himself in a corner a la Obama. Again, Obama came off as a wimp to the point Putin felt he could lecture the US.

The red line remark was a minor error, and Obama got around it by getting Russia to volunteer for chemical weapons removal duty. No way a GOP White House pulls that off.

Mitt would have us too bogged down with his Iran War to do anything about Syria. Quit trying to defend the failed GOP foreign policies. America has rejected them two elections in a row, and will again in 2016.
Silly conjecture is not conducive to adult discussion. The here and now is that Putin made Obama look like a rank amateur.
4000 some troops die IN VAIN in Iraq, and you declare Obama's foreign policy a failure?

No wonder America rejected the GOP for the White House twice in a row.

You bumpkins have learned nothing from your Bush-era mistakes.
Sorry, this can't be spun. Obama comes off very Carteresque on this.

How so? Now Russia is responsible for helping Syria get rid of its chemical weapons. And the US doesn't have to bomb Syria like the clodhopping Bush would have without any approval.

Why is this a failure? What should Obama have done? What would Mitt have done that would have been so much better?

A lot of stupid assumptions on your part.

First.... What makes you think Bush would even give a shit about Syria?

He wouldn't. Neither would any other President.

Look, dimocrap idiots......

Sometimes we're forced to take a side. Like in WWII. We weren't crazy about helping out the Soviet Union.

In fact, we sat back for 3 years and watched the Nazis and the commies murder each other by the MILLION. No..... By the TENS OF MILLIONS.

But we HAD to take a side because Nazi Germany was a threat to us and Soviet Russia was not.

communists are so incredibly stupid, they're more laughable and entertaining than they are fearsome.

The Nazis? They were frightening. Scary. They meant business and they could have kicked our asses had we not joined the Soviets and helped them destroy Nazism.

But here? Syria?

Stupidity. Sheer, complete and utter stupidity for the Stuttering Clusterfukk to open his mouth and stick his foot in it.

Syria is no threat to us. Neither is Russia's support of Syria. Neither is Hezbollah.

No threat at all.

al Qaeda was and still is.

Guess whose side al Qaeda is on?

If you guessed Assad's, you'd be wrong. al Qaeda is on the side the Stuttering Clusterfukk wants to help.


Why would we want to help the side that caused more casualties on American Soil than the attack on Pearl Harbor?

What the FUCK is wrong with you people? Seriously.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck wants to help al Qaeda establish a base of operations in Syria and all you people can do is follow him with your tongues hanging out like the good little puppy dogs you are?

the person you people worship, the guy you have a blow-up doll of, the man you voted for.... He is an idiot.

He has no idea what he's doing in Foreign Policy -- Or anything else for that matter. All this is from him campaigning back in 2012 and letting his alligator mouth overload his canary ass.

He lost this one and for you to keep defending him just shows the stupidity of the left in this Country.

He not only lost, he is completely wrong

I agree and who the hell couldn't come out looking better that the current jackass in Chief??

Good Gawd even my dead Border Collie could look better than the community organizer.

He's a joke in the international waters and a burden to we the taxpayers of America.
If Obama had been in Reykjavik, the world would look a lot different today:

Arguments Putin presents in his op-ed struck a chord with some in Washington, even if they dislike him.
One example: "Syria is not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multi-religious country. There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government."
Other points, like his swipe at Obama's comment this week trumpeting American "exceptionalism," are bound to irritate some of the Americans Putin is trying to sway.
Sen. James Inhofe, a Republican from Oklahoma, said Thursday that "Putin was lecturing to the United States, and I could hear (Ronald) Reagan turning over in his grave as this was going on."

Analysis: Putin scores diplomatic win on Syria - CNN.com

It doesn't really take much to trump Obama. Kermit the frog could trump Obama. So, I don't really find this to be something noteworthy.
4000 some troops die IN VAIN in Iraq, and you declare Obama's foreign policy a failure?

No wonder America rejected the GOP for the White House twice in a row.

You bumpkins have learned nothing from your Bush-era mistakes.
Is this some sort of default position from some sort of playbook? Sounds incredibly hackneyed.
If Obama had been in Reykjavik, the world would look a lot different today:

Arguments Putin presents in his op-ed struck a chord with some in Washington, even if they dislike him.
One example: "Syria is not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multi-religious country. There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government."
Other points, like his swipe at Obama's comment this week trumpeting American "exceptionalism," are bound to irritate some of the Americans Putin is trying to sway.
Sen. James Inhofe, a Republican from Oklahoma, said Thursday that "Putin was lecturing to the United States, and I could hear (Ronald) Reagan turning over in his grave as this was going on."

Analysis: Putin scores diplomatic win on Syria - CNN.com

It doesn't really take much to trump Obama. Kermit the frog could trump Obama. So, I don't really find this to be something noteworthy.

At this point, even Trump could trump Obama.
4000 some troops die IN VAIN in Iraq, and you declare Obama's foreign policy a failure?

No wonder America rejected the GOP for the White House twice in a row.

You bumpkins have learned nothing from your Bush-era mistakes.
Is this some sort of default position from some sort of playbook? Sounds incredibly hackneyed.

Infuriating is what it is.

dimocrap scum have now established a pattern of giving away hard-fought, Republican-won Wars out of pure spite.

Viet Nam was a victory. The hard left gave it away. There's just simply no debate on that.

Iraq was a victory and the hard left is trying to give that away as well. And succeeding. No debating that.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. We fight and die to win costly victories and to free people; and dimocrap scum come along and allow their totalitarian pals to enslave those people all over again.

I hate dimocraps.

There should be a bounty on them
Just how are we going to verify that all of the chemical weapons are being accounted for and moved other than Syria's friend, Russia attests to the fact that they are indeed in the hands of an international group that has yet to be determined?

Obama will say, "Yes, Putin, I trust you?" Great. That is as smart as the damn red line in the first place.

Syria admits possession of chemical weapons.
Weapons to be confiscated.
Syria to sign onto ban.
No US military involvement.
Putin hinting at wanting to play by international rules.
Nutters now split on question of American exceptionality.

Awful! Just awful.
4000 some troops die IN VAIN in Iraq, and you declare Obama's foreign policy a failure?

No wonder America rejected the GOP for the White House twice in a row.

You bumpkins have learned nothing from your Bush-era mistakes.

Actually the opposite seems to be the truth: Many on the right recognized that getting involved in ME is not a winning idea. Did you know the American consulate in Afghanistan was attacked last night? Overrun? Not making front page news, but it's out there.
Just how are we going to verify that all of the chemical weapons are being accounted for and moved other than Syria's friend, Russia attests to the fact that they are indeed in the hands of an international group that has yet to be determined?

Obama will say, "Yes, Putin, I trust you?" Great. That is as smart as the damn red line in the first place.

You're asking dimocraps to think?

All they know how to do is to follow, like little puppy dogs, whatever orders the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and obama gives them with their tails wagging and their tongues hanging out.

It's all they know. It's all they've ever known
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