Putin Wants Proof Of Meddling

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
So much for the fake news collusion bullshit. Putin knows no one will provide him the proof because it would expose methods.

So now what will the fake news pinheads cry about when we just found out Trump started the meeting hitting Putin up about the so called meddling? It would have been a pretty stupid move on Trump's part to start the meeting on that subject if he was part of a conspiracy.

Libtardos have completely lost the fake outrage assault on Trump. Time for Trump to kick the living shit out of the media and Democrats. No quarter.
Trump calls out the liberal media for publishing FAKE NEWS and the liberal media publish so much fake news they prove Trump correct its hilarious. :laugh:
Putin Wants Proof Of Meddling

And that's exactly where the interests of both presidents coincide. I bet, Trump wants to see that proof too. Dems badly wanted to kill two BIG birds in one shot )Trump and Putin), alleging that "meddling". Looks like they only shot their own foot though.

And again: nobody can show proof of something which have never existed.
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Leftists will now start a new war - war against proof and evidence.

They certainly never believed in those things. It's all made up fake news.
but guys - he's under investigation!!!!! there's your proof!!! :)
Geez. Which is it? Did obama not do enough to stop the Russians or did the Russians not Do anything?

You righties need to get your lies in check.
Leftists will now start a new war - war against proof and evidence.

They certainly never believed in those things. It's all made up fake news.

Yes, they do believe those things. Liberalism is an emotional disorder which causes its victims to create fantasy worlds in order to cope with reality.
Geez. Which is it? Did obama not do enough to stop the Russians or did the Russians not Do anything?

You righties need to get your lies in check.

they lie just great, remembering what they said is the issue uneducated senile derelicts have.
Geez. Which is it? Did obama not do enough to stop the Russians or did the Russians not Do anything?

You righties need to get your lies in check.

Time for Trump to force the DNC to turn their servers over to the FBI, it was an act of war after all.
Leftists will now start a new war - war against proof and evidence.

They certainly never believed in those things. It's all made up fake news.

The longer the libtardos drag on the bullshit smear campaign the worse it will be for them but they're too stupid to know it.

Lynch is going to get dragged through the committee and we'll get to see what total corruption is. Billdo should be in jail for obstruction of justice along with Hillarious.

It's going to end bad for these libtarded scumbags and pure comedy for patriots.
Geez. Which is it? Did obama not do enough to stop the Russians or did the Russians not Do anything?

You righties need to get your lies in check.

Obama and his minions played politics by manipulating Intel. of course they wouldn't want to do to much, when they could use vague information as a way to feed propaganda networks in the event of a Trump victory. The Democrats arn't about fair elections, they are only about advancing their agendas at any cost.

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