Putin Will Protect Syria

Remember the "Reset" button that Hitlery thought was such a great idea? Like a Kindergarten School Teacher, she tries to present a grown man with a toy button to amuse everybody.

Well, as usual, being a complete and utter imbecile...... She mispelled the Russian word for reset and somehow ended up with the word for overcharged, peregruzka, instead.


In the entire fucking State Department, this old scrunt couldn't find one person who spoke Russian? What a disgrace to our Country.

Here's what the Russians think about the Stuttering Clusterfukk.

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Reagan did no more to bring down the Soviet Union than any other president before him.
That was just about the stupidest statement I've ever read....

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, doubts that it was Ronald Wilson Reagan, President of The United States of America, who brought down the Evil Empire with an assist From Lady Margaret Thatcher.
You are wrong. Not only do I doubt your silly claim, I know it is factually wrong -- and so does anyone with more than a prole-feed education in political and historical reality.

The constant militaristic pressure of the American War Machine on the USSR was certainly a strain on its domestic economy, but the Soviets fell because of the irrationality of their Command Economy, and because of their obsession with controlling information and restricting the free-flow of knowledge.

Now, in its own inimitable loony-tune fashion, the United States appears determined to follow the Soviets' Path of Destruction.
your knowledge of history is nonexistent. Reagan could have had a war with Russia, but he chose to defeat them with statemanship, rhetoric, and common sense.

There is no comparison between Reagan and the idiot that you fools put in the white house in 08 and 12.

Reagan did no more to bring down the Soviet Union than any other president before him.

And you might want to check your own knowledge of history. The Soviets fell sometime after Reagan was out of office.

That was just about the stupidest statement I've ever read.

And believe me, I've read some stupid shit from libturds.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, doubts that it was Ronald Wilson Reagan, President of The United States of America, who brought down the Evil Empire with an assist From Lady Margaret Thatcher.

dimocrap scum fought us the whole way.

Reagan brought down the Soviet Union. Nobody before him. Nobody after him. To think otherwise is to show the world what a fucking idiot you are.

Nobody except everyone who lives in Eastern Europe. Say that in any of those countries and you will hope you are just laughed at and your comment isn't thought to be an insult. Ask the Polish people who went on strike and closed down the shipyards and ports. Ask the Catholic population, which is huge in many Eastern European countries, who was more responsible for tossing out the Soviet's, the Pope or Reagan. They will look at you like you are stupid. Go to the capital cities and the first place the locals will want to show you is the church or square where the anti-Soviet demonstrations were held.
your knowledge of history is nonexistent. Reagan could have had a war with Russia, but he chose to defeat them with statemanship, rhetoric, and common sense.

There is no comparison between Reagan and the idiot that you fools put in the white house in 08 and 12.

Reagan did no more to bring down the Soviet Union than any other president before him.

And you might want to check your own knowledge of history. The Soviets fell sometime after Reagan was out of office.

That was just about the stupidest statement I've ever read.

And believe me, I've read some stupid shit from libturds.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, doubts that it was Ronald Wilson Reagan, President of The United States of America, who brought down the Evil Empire with an assist From Lady Margaret Thatcher.

dimocrap scum fought us the whole way.

Reagan brought down the Soviet Union. Nobody before him. Nobody after him. To think otherwise is to show the world what a fucking idiot you are.

Wrong Answer. The Soviet Union ended after Reagan forgot they even existed.
I'm telling you, this can get out of hand very quickly with a Stuttering Clusterfukk like the one we have in Office right now leading the way.

Putin not only dislikes the USA, he DESPISES the Stuttering Clusterfukk. It's personal and that's dangerous.

I still think that the SCOAMF let his alligator mouth overload his canary ass because of Snowden and this thing has been in a downward spiral ever since.

With the US saying they're going to use Bombers on Syria, and with Putin threatening to give Syria a Missile shield, what will happen when Bombers start to get knocked out of the sky by the dozens?

Remember something, Russia (okay Serbia, but Russia in reality) knowcked down a Stealth F-117 over Bosnia. Or wherever. I didn't look it up, just memory.

And if you remember, Bill the rapist Clinton stopped the F-117 flights the next day.

Think maybe Russia has found a way to defeat our Stealth technology?

'nuff of that.

Just telling you, this piece of shit can cause a lot of problems for us if we're not lucky

Putin greets Obama with Syria threat | Fox News

PUTIN GREETS OBAMA WITH SYRIA THREAT - President Obama arrived in Russia today to find the already failing relations with his host in even worse condition. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat to provide his Syrian allies with a missile shield in the event of U.S. air strikes further complicates Obama’s flagging effort to win international support for an attack on Damascus. As the Guardian reports, Putin’s warning that an attack without UN backing would provoke military aid from Russia may drive away the handful of international partners for Obama’s proposed attack.

I'm Putin'ed out.


We b in deep doo-doo

this didnt take long

lets ad this to the mix

Report: Obama Considering Sending U.S. Military Trainers To Help Train Syrian Rebels

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is considering a plan to use U.S. military trainers to help increase the capabilities of the Syrian rebels, in a move that would greatly expand the current CIA training being done quietly in Jordan, U.S. officials told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Any training would take place outside Syria, and one possible location would be Jordan.

The officials said no decision had been made, but that discussions were going on at high levels of the government. It comes as the Obama administration prods Congress to authorize limited military strikes against Syrian President Bashar Assad's government in retaliation for a deadly Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack.

The proposal to use the U.S. military to train the rebels – something the administration has resisted through more than two years of civil war – would answer the demands of some lawmakers, including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., to do more to train and equip the Syrian opposition. President Barack Obama in June decided to provide lethal aid to the rebels, but so far none of that assistance has gotten to the opposition.

U.S. Considering Using Military To Train Syria Rebels

didnt kerry just yesterday spend hours and hours

saying we are not trying to tip the scales in favor of one or the other
Remember the "Reset" button that Hitlery thought was such a great idea? Like a Kindergarten School Teacher, she tries to present a grown man with a toy button to amuse everybody.

Well, as usual, being a complete and utter imbecile...... She mispelled the Russian word for reset and somehow ended up with the word for overcharged, peregruzka, instead.


In the entire fucking State Department, this old scrunt couldn't find one person who spoke Russian? What a disgrace to our Country.

Here's what the Russians think about the Stuttering Clusterfukk.

Russian News Anchor Flips Off Obama on Live TV (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - YouTube

they (the administration) effed up from day one with russia

first they missed reset and actually penned "overcharge" imagine that

then two when they meant reset

they didnt mention reset the relationship to the cold war standards
In an interview with the Guardian, Putin said that Russia had plans in the event of a US bombing campaign.

What are obama's plans? His intention is to throw out a few missiles then go home and no one will do anything about it.

Syria has their own plans. They know where we will bomb and have moved troops and equipment out and civilians have moved into these sites and "volunteered" to be human shields. Barry will lob a few missiles and you'll see pictures on Syrian TV of hundreds of dead women and children that they will accuse us of killing. They have killed over a hundred thousand so far. A few thousand more will be no big deal to them. Mark my words.

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