Putin won't invade Finland now! NBA All-Star my bro Lauri Markkanen to fulfill mandatory military service in Finland during offseason: ‘We take pride’

of course Putin wont invade,he is not the bad guy the media is portrayimg him as. NATO is.this is WHY the media makes him out to be Hitler.

All countries that remove Central Banking Systems / Petro-Dollar & United States Special Interest Corporations that steal said countrys' natural resources / wealth & send it all OUT of the country, are the ones the CIA / MOSSAD go to war with to overthrow leaders & install puppet leaders controlled by the CIA / Central Bankers / Corporations.

WALL STREET won't invest money in companies overseas, if said countries have an election every 4 years with an impending probability of a NEW President kicking those Special Interest Companies / Banks OUT of their country to keep & share resources & wealth with their own ppl.

When it comes to the cabal's Wall Street investments, they are looking for 50 - 100 year stability / SECURITY to not only get their return investment, but maximize profits thereafter.

Russia is off the dollar.

^^^The Peanut Gallery can look up the Bank for International Settlements and see for themselves what a load of idiotic nonsense the above post is. Then they can go look up how much gold central banks, including the BIS, are buying up, then come back and laugh at this moron.
Is there any serious evidence he didn't have any? His goal is to rebuild the Soviet Empire.
I don’t believe Finland was ever part of the Soviet Empire. Given his military is still bogged down in Ukraine over a year after the invasion it seems highly unlikely Putin had or currently has any plans to invade Finland.

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