Putin: World would be more balanced if Russia asserted national interests from outset, Interview...


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014

The fall of the Berlin Wall and USSR did not unite Europe, but only moved the division line eastwards. The West still declares Russia an enemy each time that Moscow takes an independent stance and asserts its national interests, President Putin told German newspaper Bild.

“We did everything wrong from the outset,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with German newspaper Bild. “We did not overcome Europe’s division: Twenty-five years ago the Berlin Wall fell, but Europe’s division was not overcome, invisible walls simply moved to the East. This created the foundation for mutual reproaches, misunderstanding, and crises in the future.”

Russia’s most crucial mistake during these years was a failure to clearly declare and actively protect national interests from day one, Putin said.

“We have failed to assert our national interests, while we should have done that from the outset. Then the whole world could have been more balanced,” Putin said.

German politicians had foreseen that antagonism between Cold War opponents would only grow unless the format of international relations and balance of power in Europe changed radically, the Russian President said, citing archived records of talks which took place between German and Soviet diplomats at the time.

The“patriarch of European politics”at the time, German diplomat Egon Karl-Heinz Bahr said on June 26, 1990:“If while uniting Germany we do not take decisive steps to overcome the division of Europe into hostile blocs, the developments can take such an unfavorable turn that the USSR will be doomed to international isolation.”

The whole of central Europe, either with East Germany or without it, according to Bahr’s concrete proposals, should have formed a separate alliance with the participation of both the Soviet Union and the US, Putin said.

“If there had been political will, if they had wanted to, they could have done anything,”Putin said. But no common alliance, truly uniting the whole of Europe has been created, with NATO instead acting in breach of all promises by expanding eastwards.

“They wanted to reign,”the Russian leader said.“In the last 20-25 years, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union when the second centre of gravity in the world disappeared, there was a desire to fully enjoy one's sole presence at the pinnacle of world fame, power and prosperity. There was absolutely no desire to turn either to international law or to the United Nations Charter. Wherever they became an obstacle, the UN was immediately declared outdated.”

The world today is facing numerous common threats and challenges, from international terrorism to human trafficking and refugee crises, and Russia, according to Putin, would be pleased if all countries joined their efforts in overcoming them.

“Yet this does not mean that it is us who should agree with everything that others decide on these or other matters,”Putin said, reiterating his remarks at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations in New York.

“Furthermore, if someone is not happy with our stance, they could find a better option than declaring us an enemy every time. Would not it be better to listen to us, to critically reflect on what we say, to agree to something and to look for a common solution?”

In order to develop relations between Russia and neighbors in Europe, as well as partners around the world, in a constructive manner, one simple condition must be observed:

“We need to respect each other, each other’s interests and follow the same rules instead of constantly changing them to suit someone’s interests,”Putin said, emphasizing that the 146 million people of the Russian Federation also have their own interests which he has vowed to protect.“We are ready to do this in a non-confrontational manner, to look for compromise but, of course, based on international law, which must be understood uniformly by all.”
World would be more balanced if Russia asserted national interests from outset – Putin

- My attitude to such issues as the fight against terrorism has not changed either. It is true, on September 11 I was the first to call President Bush and express my solidarity. Indeed, we stood ready to do everything to combat terrorism together. Not so long ago, after the terrorist attacks in Paris, I called and then met the President of France.

- You asked me if I was a friend or not. The relations between states are a little different from those between individuals. I am no friend, bride or groom; I am the President of the Russian Federation. That is 146 million people! These people have their own interests, and I must protect those interests. We are ready to do this in a non-confrontational manner, to look for compromise but, of course, based on international law, which must be understood uniformly by all.

- You spoke of sanctions. Everyone says that the Minsk Agreements must be implemented and then the sanctions issue may be reconsidered. This is beginning to resemble the theatre of the absurd because everything essential that needs to be done with regard to implementing the Minsk Agreements is the responsibility of the current Kiev authorities. You cannot demand that Moscow do something that needs to be done by Kiev. For example, the main, the key issue in the settlement process is political in its nature and the constitutional reform lies in its core. This is Point 11 of the Minsk Agreements. It expressly states that the constitutional reform must be carried out and it is not Moscow that is to make these decisions.

Full interview answering questions about fighting Islamic terrorism, Russian economy, sanctions, situation in Ukraine, Crimea etc. at:
Interview to German newspaper Bild
“We have failed to assert our national interests, while we should have done that from the outset. Then the whole world could have been more balanced,” Putin said.
I think Putin is doing well by his country. The Russian standing is at an all time HIGH in the middle east and DESERVES to be. Finance is still a little rough there but given everything on his plate from terrorists BOTH inside and outside his country he is doing better then many.

The general world ignorance at this point is many still see an "eastern Europe and western Europe" NOT Russia for its standing.
The war in Syria is changing this as many Americans see what Russian's see.

I have no doubt Putin's standing with the people of the United States is higher then Obama's. Most Americans know a great leader when they see one and most see that in Putin.
I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
I think Putin is doing well by his country. The Russian standing is at an all time HIGH in the middle east and DESERVES to be. Finance is still a little rough there but given everything on his plate from terrorists BOTH inside and outside his country he is doing better then many.

The general world ignorance at this point is many still see an "eastern Europe and western Europe" NOT Russia for its standing.
The war in Syria is changing this as many Americans see what Russian's see.

I have no doubt Putin's standing with the people of the United States is higher then Obama's. Most Americans know a great leader when they see one and most see that in Putin.
Thank you, DarkFury, you're absolutely right. And in case Americans elect Trump and he keeps his word about installing good relationship with Russia, both countries and their people would benefit a lot from that friendship (instead of harmful and unnecessary confrontation).

Only liberals and terrorists would loose from that friendship, but that's what we need, don't we?
If Trump gets elected, they will straighten him out on who's boss, and what strings will be pulled....
I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The last supply ship to the international space station was supplied by a US company....Which allows private industry to get involved to do R&D...
Oh and they don;pt need your opinion or approval either...In fact this thread should disappear from the forum because of it's insignificance..
I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The problem with Moonglow and the people like him is: they listen to their Media, believe it and don't even try to use their head for anything but eating. And their Media pretty much keeps them in a parallel world, where Obama is a king and Putin/Russia is evil. And watching the people like those on USMB you see: they feel pretty comfortable in their parallel world and prefer not even to stick their noses out of it. Too sad... But that doesn't mean the others shouldn't either.
I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The last supply ship to the international space station was supplied by a US company....Which allows private industry to get involved to do R&D...
Oh and they don;pt need your opinion or approval either...In fact this thread should disappear from the forum because of it's insignificance..
You wish the thread to disappear because in your general laziness you fear other people and other nations have the will and the drive to move forward.

The world will stop moving forward on your request. Other people in other nations simply have the dream the desire and the will. And if the Russians move the world forward the world will look to the Russians for advancement.

I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The problem with Moonglow and the people like him is: they listen to their Media, believe it and don't even try to use their head for anything but eating. And their Media pretty much keeps them in a parallel world, where Obama is a king and Putin/Russia is evil. And watching the people like those on USMB you see: they feel pretty comfortable in that parallel world and prefer not even to stick their noses out of it. Too sad... But that doesn't mean that the others should too.
Thank you for letting me know you don't know shit...
I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The last supply ship to the international space station was supplied by a US company....Which allows private industry to get involved to do R&D...
Oh and they don;pt need your opinion or approval either...In fact this thread should disappear from the forum because of it's insignificance..
You wish the thread to disappear because in your general laziness you fear other people and other nations have the will and the drive to move forward.

The world will stop moving forward on your request. Other people in other nations simply have the dream the desire and the will. And if the Russians move the world forward the world will look to the Russians for advancement.
Hey , I am glad your dislike of Glasnost shows the true Bolshevik you are......
I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The problem with Moonglow and the people like him is: they listen to their Media, believe it and don't even try to use their head for anything but eating. And their Media pretty much keeps them in a parallel world, where Obama is a king and Putin/Russia is evil. And watching the people like those on USMB you see: they feel pretty comfortable in that parallel world and prefer not even to stick their noses out of it. Too sad... But that doesn't mean that the others should too.
Thank you for letting me know you don't know shit...
It IS fools such as yourself that blind many. It IS fools like yourself that restrict inventions in medicine and tech. It IS fools such as yourself who see the NEED to degrade and demean greater then that to attain and prosper.

Most of all you fear Putin, his people and his nation because he and they EXPOSE your laziness.

I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The last supply ship to the international space station was supplied by a US company....Which allows private industry to get involved to do R&D...
Oh and they don;pt need your opinion or approval either...In fact this thread should disappear from the forum because of it's insignificance..
You wish the thread to disappear because in your general laziness you fear other people and other nations have the will and the drive to move forward.

The world will stop moving forward on your request. Other people in other nations simply have the dream the desire and the will. And if the Russians move the world forward the world will look to the Russians for advancement.
Hey , I am glad your dislike of Glasnost shows the true Bolshevik you are......
What do you, Moonglow, know about Bolsheviks? BTW, I grew up in the USSR among those Bolsheviks. They sunk in the past, in 20th century. Wake up, it's 21st century behind your window now! And you are using words without knowing their meaning. Just repeating something you've heard somewhere like a parrot. Just like all other liberals do...
I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The last supply ship to the international space station was supplied by a US company....Which allows private industry to get involved to do R&D...
Oh and they don;pt need your opinion or approval either...In fact this thread should disappear from the forum because of it's insignificance..
You wish the thread to disappear because in your general laziness you fear other people and other nations have the will and the drive to move forward.

The world will stop moving forward on your request. Other people in other nations simply have the dream the desire and the will. And if the Russians move the world forward the world will look to the Russians for advancement.
Hey , I am glad your dislike of Glasnost shows the true Bolshevik you are......
What do you, Moonglow, know about Bolsheviks? BTW, I grew up in the USSR among those Bolsheviks. They sunk in the past, in 20th century. Wake up, it's 21st century behind your window now! And you are using words without knowing their meaning. Just repeating something you've heard somewhere like a parrot. Just like all other liberals do...

Not all liberals Stratford.

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] The former principle is stressed inclassical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programs such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press,freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, and international cooperation.
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The last supply ship to the international space station was supplied by a US company....Which allows private industry to get involved to do R&D...
Oh and they don;pt need your opinion or approval either...In fact this thread should disappear from the forum because of it's insignificance..
You wish the thread to disappear because in your general laziness you fear other people and other nations have the will and the drive to move forward.

The world will stop moving forward on your request. Other people in other nations simply have the dream the desire and the will. And if the Russians move the world forward the world will look to the Russians for advancement.
Hey , I am glad your dislike of Glasnost shows the true Bolshevik you are......
What do you, Moonglow, know about Bolsheviks? BTW, I grew up in the USSR among those Bolsheviks. They sunk in the past, in 20th century. Wake up, it's 21st century behind your window now! And you are using words without knowing their meaning. Just repeating something you've heard somewhere like a parrot. Just like all other liberals do...

Not all liberals Stratford.

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] The former principle is stressed inclassical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programs such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press,freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, and international cooperation.
I did not have any intentions to insult decent liberals (If they exist) at all and would like to apologize (if I did).

From my experience (watching USMB, American and Russian liberals):
- freedom of religion they substitute with freedom from religion;
- freedom of speech, freedom of the press they substitute with political correctness;
- they approve killing people in foreign countries telling everybody: it's for their own good and we are fighting for their civil rights (Ukraine and ME are the most recent examples);
- when they start talking about bringing their democracy into a certain country, the residents of that country should be prepared to say good bye to their piece, security and civil rights (Ukraine and ME also are "good" examples);
and so on and on... They think they care about freedom, but what they don't care is: where their freedom begins, somebody's else freedom may end.

To me liberalism and hypocrisy are basically twins. But that's what I see with my [lying?] eyes. Tehon, I respect you a lot and I know you call yourself slightly liberal. If other liberals were looking like yourself, I would respect them too. Trust me :bow2:
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The last supply ship to the international space station was supplied by a US company....Which allows private industry to get involved to do R&D...
Oh and they don;pt need your opinion or approval either...In fact this thread should disappear from the forum because of it's insignificance..
You wish the thread to disappear because in your general laziness you fear other people and other nations have the will and the drive to move forward.

The world will stop moving forward on your request. Other people in other nations simply have the dream the desire and the will. And if the Russians move the world forward the world will look to the Russians for advancement.
Hey , I am glad your dislike of Glasnost shows the true Bolshevik you are......
What do you, Moonglow, know about Bolsheviks? BTW, I grew up in the USSR among those Bolsheviks. They sunk in the past, in 20th century. Wake up, it's 21st century behind your window now! And you are using words without knowing their meaning. Just repeating something you've heard somewhere like a parrot. Just like all other liberals do...

Not all liberals Stratford.

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] The former principle is stressed inclassical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programs such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press,freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, and international cooperation.
I did not have any intentions to insult decent liberals (If they exist) at all and would like to apologize (if I did).

From my experience (watching USMB, American and Russian liberals):
- freedom of religion they substitute with freedom from religion;
- freedom of speech, freedom of the press they substitute with political correctness;
- they approve killing people in foreign countries telling everybody: it's for their own good and we are fighting for their civil rights (Ukraine and ME are the most recent examples);
- when they start talking about bringing their democracy into a certain country, the residents of that country should be prepared to say good bye to their piece, security and civil rights (Ukraine and ME also are "good" examples);
and so on and on... They think they care about freedom, but what they don't care is: where their freedom begins, somebody's else freedom may end.

To me liberalism and hypocrisy are basically twins. But that's what I see with my [lying?] eyes. Tehon, I respect you a lot and I know you call yourself slightly liberal. If other liberals were looking like yourself, I would respect them too. Trust me :bow2:
I believe in the tenets of liberalism, they are principles my country was founded on. Unfortunately my country has not always kept true to those principles. In America, capital interests take precedence over liberal principles. It's always sold as "spreading democracy", which conservatives have also historically supported. Nobody seems to care that "spreading democracy" is inconsistent with principles of liberty. Maybe those people who lack an understanding of this point should not be honored with the label "liberal". They more accurately deserve the label "neo con". Anyway, I guess what I am saying is that I agree with you, about what you have witnessed on USMB, especially in relation to foreign affairs......... liberalism is not well represented.
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I don't see a great man in Pootin, if you notice, people die a lot in Soviet, er Russia, and they die when they cross der boss Pootin..He likes to throw folks in jail that just criticize him......I could never trust the Ruskies. They are wanting to expand their borders again,,,duh....
Its time you looked at Russia as a country NOT something seeking your approval OR proxy. Because they simply DON'T need it.
Putin HAS keys to the space station and a way to get there.
Obama has keys. That really sorts out the stupid you know.
The last supply ship to the international space station was supplied by a US company....Which allows private industry to get involved to do R&D...
Oh and they don;pt need your opinion or approval either...In fact this thread should disappear from the forum because of it's insignificance..
The last supply ship to the international space station was supplied by a US company
And it wouldn't have gotten off the ground without the Russian built RD-180 engine that was used during liftoff. But you know....those evil Russkies.

Washington, who leveled widespread sanctions against Russia in an increasingly tenuous bid to isolate and undermine the stability of Moscow, has found itself humiliated and backtracking as it lifts bans on Russia’s RD-180 rocket engines.

And even as Washington does so, the US media finds itself still painting Russia as a villain even as the US finds itself forced to buy rockets from a nation it claims invaded Crimea, is fostering a “hybrid war” in eastern Ukraine, and is bombing US-backed “rebels” in Syria. It is worth mentioning that Russia’s RD-180 rocket engines, possessing unparalleled performance US firms have yet to match, will be used to launch payloads into Earth orbit for the US Department of Defense.
First appeared:Washington Quietly Lifts Sanctions on Russian Rockets | New Eastern Outlook

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