Putin's 'achilles heel' exposed as Moscow horde's death toll climbs. Ukraine is Afghanistan N2 for Moscow

Comrade Z, while you may hate blacks, Trannies and foreigners, in America we have the 9th and 10th Amendments which authoritarians like you don't understand. It's Chicago's right to choose, even if they are screwing up. Americans don't want to give the Feds the power to take over a state just because it's screwing itself. Dasvidaniya, comrade Z! LOL
I just made a paragraph stating that I wanna protect poor blacks.. but the cat lady can’t read lol
"We're very lucky that they're so f*cking stupid." - A Ukranian Soldier, 2022

Brave Ukrainian soldiers and civilians facing Golden Horde invasion, you are all heroes, SLAVA UKRAINE🙏🙏🙏 Stay strong Ukraine 👏💪🇺🇦🇵🇹 Бабушка - настоящая украинка! Низкий поклон. А оккупантам, хлеб с солью не обещаем, а пирожки с мышьяком - всегда пожалуйста!

Do you receive supplements or do you feed directly from the media teat?
Those Saab AT4 anti-tank missiles have really turned out to be a game changer. The Russians don't know what to do about them.

They don't have the range of a Javelin, but they are lighter than a Javelin and much less expensive. Just a fraction of the cost of a Javelin. And they are disposable. After they fire it they can just drop it because it's garbage. They are truly fire and forget tech.

With the Javelin, they still have to get away with the very expensive command launch units."

It's always really satisfying to people defending their homeland to use a $100K rocket to blow away a $5M tank. LOL
I just made a paragraph stating that I wanna protect poor blacks.. but the cat lady can’t read lol
You're a commie plant, comrade. You confess it with your username and posts to me. Why would I GAF about every lie you post?
Comrade Z, while you may hate blacks, Trannies and foreigners, in America we have the 9th and 10th Amendments which authoritarians like you don't understand. It's Chicago's right to choose, even if they are screwing up. Americans don't want to give the Feds the power to take over a state just because it's screwing itself. Dasvidaniya, comrade Z! LOL


I've always enjoyed a good fire at sunset. ROFL

The Russians probably could have used those vehicles and fuel. LOL
The Ukrainian armed forces said that besides destroying the Orsk, two more ships were damaged.
"A 3,000-ton fuel tank was also destroyed. The fire spread to the enemy's ammunition depot. Details of the damage inflicted on the occupier are being clarified," they said.
It's not known what weapon was used to attack the port...

...The Russian Ministry of Defense had previously reported that "the large landing ship Orsk is the first warship of the Russian Federation to enter the port of Berdyansk. It delivered equipment -- armored personnel carriers."
"The ships of this project are very spacious and can take on board a large amount of equipment, up to 20 tanks or up to 40 armored personnel carriers," the ministry said...
The Putin will flatten in another city this week? 🤣🤣🤡🤡
Thanks for admitting Putin is a war criminal, comrade Z. It makes it easier to put him on trial and execute him.

...but the Russians will probably save everyone the trouble.
Thanks for admitting Putin is a war criminal, comrade Z. It makes it easier to put him on trial and execute him.

...but the Russians will probably save everyone the trouble.
So is Biden what’s your point?
Whataboutism. Is this your first American forum, comrade Z?

You admitted Putin is a war criminal. What do you think should be done to war criminals?
War is vicious maybe you little girls should stay home and make Sandwich for us men lol

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