Putin's 'achilles heel' exposed as Moscow horde's death toll climbs. Ukraine is Afghanistan N2 for Moscow

Ukraine looks like a parking lot lol

A parking lot filled with Russian tanks towed off by Ukrainian farmers! LOL

The same way that people survived the depression or stayed at home during the early shutdown for COVID before checks came out or survived the great recession in 2008. There are those who scrape by and those who get punished hard when economic things happen. The dirty masses are usually barely managing so they don't get as badly impacted. This isn't really their first rodeo in living memory. After the USSR collapsed, these people survived and when nobody was willing to take their currency, a robust barter system was used in which Russian companies would ship vodka to Europe and use it to "buy" ketchup or whatever to bring back to Russia.

The real pressure here will be the oligarchs who are losing wealth and revenue streams bigly. Even when Putin wins, I expect to see a lot of powerful people backing a different horse come their next election. Vlad isn't the only one in Russia with the weight to rig an election.
Fair points but there's a big difference between the entire world suffering a depression as in 1929 and when it's just Russian failures of leadership.

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