Putin's Historic Miscalculation May Make Him a War Criminal

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In the eyes of the world and almost certainly history, Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine on Thursday was an epic miscalculation, drawing comparisons to Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein for cold-blooded aggression that could challenge the world order and change its borders. The Russian leader appeared almost delusional in a pre-dawn speech from the Kremlin announcing a “special military operation” to “protect” Donbas, the eastern region where Russian-backed separatists have waged a war for eight years. Putin, instead, immediately ordered Russian tanks into Ukraine and air strikes on the capital and more than a dozen cities in a country of forty million people. “Peace on our continent has been shattered,” the nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg told reporters. “We now have war in Europe on a scale and of a type we thought belonged to history.” Putin’s “reckless” attack risks “countless innocent lives,” Stoltenberg warned.

Putin is now, at minimum, a pariah condemned by leaders across the world. “Putin is the aggressor. Putin chose this war,” President Biden said in a speech to the nation announcing new sanctions on Russian financial institutions and élites. He charged that Putin “has much larger ambitions than Ukraine.” “He wants to, in fact, reëstablish the former Soviet Union,” Biden said. “His ambitions are completely contrary to the place where the rest of the world has arrived.” In one of a flurry of statements reflecting outrage globally, the European Commission chief, Ursula von der Leyen, called Russia’s act “barbaric” and dismissed its justifications as “cynical.” In a tweet, the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said he was appalled by Putin’s “horrific” decision to pursue “a path of bloodshed and destruction.” Putin’s military offensive put him on the diplomatic defensive. The French President, Emmanuel Macron, called the attack “a turning point” in history that will have a profound and lasting impact across the continent.

Putin may now also qualify as a war criminal, according to the Geneva Conventions of 1949. War crimes include willful killing and extensive destruction of property “not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.” The term has been inconsistently interpreted and unevenly applied to leaders or countries—including to the U.S. and its officials—who have initiated aggression for reasons considered unjustified. In Ukraine, Putin’s “war of choice” has clearly violated international law through his invasion of a sovereign country and attempt to oust its government. After an emergency United Nations Security Council meeting, on Wednesday, the Secretary-General, António Guterres, warned that the Russian invasion could be the “worst war” of the century “with consequences not only devastating for Ukraine, not only tragic for the Russian Federation” but for the entire world.

Much more at the link below...

Putin's Historic Miscalculation May Make Him a War Criminal

I totally agree. The above article was written by Robin Wright - a smart lady. What do you think?
But certainly no miscalculation when he considered the limp-wristed response that would come from Xiden! Maybe if Putin were a pre-teen little girl he'd have something to fear........
I am reposting this because I am sick of all You Putin Puffing DemNazis trying to revise history!

You scumbag Democrats have been fornicating with Russia since FDR got a woody for Stalin!

Would Hillary Clinton take a $145 Million dollar bribe from Putin? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton illegally fly Billions of Dollars to Iran so they can buy Russian Uranium, Russian Centrifuges, and Russian Missile Technology, and Russian Nuclear Scientists so that they can build Nukes to exterminate Israel with? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton do a back room sweetheart deal to sell Putin 20% of our Uranium? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton pay Uncle Putin $13 Million dollars for a fake dirty dossier so that they can first try to rig the 2016 election, spy on President Trump, and then attack our Democracy with an internal insurrection and bureacratic COUP? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton assassinate Qadaffi, and pay Al Queda in Libya to overthrow the government there so that Putin could move in and take over Libyan oil fields? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton help Putin to take Crimea? Yes!

Would Biden shut down The XL pipeline and throw 50,000 Americans out of work, and then turn and open up Nordstream2 for his good buddy Putin? Yes!

Would Biden encourage Putin to take over Ukraine like Obama did, and even tell him that a "small invasion was ok?" Yes!

Would Biden allow all of you dummies to be distracted by The Ukraine while Putin has flown 2 more fighter jet squadrons in to Syria armed with Hypersonic Missiles, and also a Heavy Bomber Squadron just this week, and has moved more of it's Navy in to The Mediterranean? Yes!

Would Putin use Nukes? Yes, especially if Joe told him it will be ok to launch them at Israel from Syria, starting WWIII!
I am reposting this because I am sick of all You Putin Puffing DemNazis trying to revise history!

You scumbag Democrats have been fornicating with Russia since FDR got a woody for Stalin!

Would Hillary Clinton take a $145 Million dollar bribe from Putin? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton illegally fly Billions of Dollars to Iran so they can buy Russian Uranium, Russian Centrifuges, and Russian Missile Technology, and Russian Nuclear Scientists so that they can build Nukes to exterminate Israel with? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton do a back room sweetheart deal to sell Putin 20% of our Uranium? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton pay Uncle Putin $13 Million dollars for a fake dirty dossier so that they can first try to rig the 2016 election, spy on President Trump, and then attack our Democracy with an internal insurrection and bureacratic COUP? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton assassinate Qadaffi, and pay Al Queda in Libya to overthrow the government there so that Putin could move in and take over Libyan oil fields? Yes!

Would Obama, Biden and Clinton help Putin to take Crimea? Yes!

Would Biden shut down The XL pipeline and throw 50,000 Americans out of work, and then turn and open up Nordstream2 for his good buddy Putin? Yes!

Would Biden encourage Putin to take over Ukraine like Obama did, and even tell him that a "small invasion was ok?" Yes!

Would Biden allow all of you dummies to be distracted by The Ukraine while Putin has flown 2 more fighter jet squadrons in to Syria armed with Hypersonic Missiles, and also a Heavy Bomber Squadron just this week, and has moved more of it's Navy in to The Mediterranean? Yes!

Would Putin use Nukes? Yes, especially if Joe told him it will be ok to launch them at Israel from Syria, starting WWIII!

The injun and fake constitutional scholar just got their bells rung

Thank you

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