Putin's miscalculation

Go bum a Sobrainie and get another shot of Graf Ledoff. You are looking for a Russian slaughter in Ukraine before you can condemn his actions? 1,000s in the streets of Russia are way ahead of you, in Vlad's condemnation for this atrocity on the peaceful country of Ukraine.
Go bum a Sobrainie and get another shot of Graf Ledoff. You are looking for a Russian slaughter in Ukraine before you can condemn his actions? 1,000s in the streets of Russia are way ahead of you, in Vlad's condemnation for this atrocity on the peaceful country of Ukraine.

Tell that to the 3,000+ innocents shelled in their towns and homes over the past eight years.

He's beginning to look like a bumbling fool as President Biden and President Zelenskiy fight back against illegal Russian aggression. The economic sanctions levied by President Biden and the European Union will have serious consequences for Putin, which may cause his days as a dictator to be numbered.

Of course, this screw up by Putin is a body blow to his major U.S. asset Trump and his fanatical Cult members who strongly support Putin and applaud his invasion of Ukraine.

Richly deserved by Putin and his American allies!
One more lie by our town drunk.
I always have to laugh at the crazy. They all cheered 44 and Hillary when they were courting the Russians. Even gave them a misspelled reset button. 44 told Putin he would have more flexibility after the election. They tried to get more business going with Russia. They all defended selling uranium to the Russians. They defended the Clinton’s slush fund (charity) receiving millions from Russia while they were being extremely Friendly with them.
Now suddenly they have become the ultimate boogeyman on which everything is laid on them. From rigging elections that they were sure they had in the bag to probably their car failing to start in minus 40 degree temps.
Putin always wanted the Soviet Union restored to its former glory. He has invaded countries every time there was a weak president. You can only draw a line in the sand so many times before someone knows you are not going to back it up.
I realize that some have decided that the worn out phrases like racist and nazi can now be changed to things like Putin sympathizer or Russia lover. But do not forget you were the one that was in reality doing it first.
You can never be taken seriously.

You promote, and support a president in the throws of dementia.

You are vile by that metric alone.
Doing pretty well for supposedly having dementia. It looks like it’s your credibility that’s in question.
Biden ain't doing jackshit. He isn't even at the White House this weekend. Out getting his ice cream.

He may not even know that Russian invaded the Ukraine. Has his handlers even told him yet?
He’s been spot on the entire time. What’s your excuse? Fake news letting you down?
Zelensky grabbed a gun, a flak vest and headed to the streets....Xiden grabed his binky and blanky, and had wifey haul his senile ass back to the basement in Delaware.

Even if Putin would lose this, he still looks like a more bold and decisive man than that empty husk of rapidly deteriorating grey matter.
Biden sent them the ammo and weapons they’re using, fool.
Russia will never withstand the steady onslaught of raids from Ukrainian partisans and guerillas, which will most certainly ensue.....He might just as well be in Afghanistan.
Certainly not with the US supplying weapons and ammo through Poland.
Doing pretty well for supposedly having dementia. It looks like it’s your credibility that’s in question.

Really? Telling the American people they can cross the entire nation on one tank of gas in their electric vehicle is doing "pretty good?" I don't think so.

He’s been spot on the entire time. What’s your excuse? Fake news letting you down?
In times as these, you support your country, your president and the free world over the spawn of the evil empire, or you just aren't worth spit.

I would agree with this but now have to wonder: what is the "free world" anymore?



Ukraine didn't make any of that mess go away
Don't worry about the Russians threatening to use nuclear weapons.

Joe Potatohead's administration has a guy working for the DOE that is on top of it.


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