Putin's popularity today 60%... What is your leaders popularity? 15%?? 1 word - LOL

We watched you on the left cheer for any foreign leader that came out against Bush

Hell you even cheered Hugo Chavez when he called Bush a dog on our home land...wailed with glee when someone threw a shoe him, etc

so don't give us this high and mighty whine now how everyone is cheering Putin...He is Obama's and this administration's problem, hold them responsible for something at least one frikken time in your pathetic lives
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another lie

but expected

I am really enjoying watching Conservatives cheer on Putins invasion
Ignorant people can even enjoy watching teletubies and cock fights (national sport in Philippines) but reality I lived in USSR, I WAS in Ukraine, ALL people SPEAK Russian, and name aside it IS the same country unlike US and Syria/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan etc. etc. so fuck American degeneracy

I'm taking it that you look forward to the suppression?
I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

If 60% of the Russian people approve a philandering, wife beating, bloodthirsty murdering thief and KGB Thug Punk, I'd say they are either being held hostage to a tyrant or they have no conscience and are as evil as he is. You're over there so you'll have to decide which one it is.

Oh! By the way! The story for C3P0 about the suffering Russians in Ukraine? I got the polar opposite story last night - news reports not one single case could be verified of abuse towards the Russian speaking citizens. On the other hand those who are asking for EU are in great fear for their lives right now. They do not trust Putin. So there you have it.

On the matter of Obama. I didn't vote for him. He is still the president and I do not recall Obama having mistress after mistress as Putin has done. I do not recall the president of the United States ever hiding his wife from the lens of a camera ( Putin hid Ludvilla away for decades ) but rather has shown her off to the world. In all fairness to Putin, Ludvilla was no beauty ( neither is he - let's be fair ) while Michele Obama is a strikingly attractive First Lady - very photogenic. Another thing I do not recall is ever reading a story of Obama stealing billions from a private citizen and putting that money in his own private bank account. I don't recall ever hearing about our president being a wife beater yet the news that Putin is a wifebeater is common in Europe.. what else?

I've never seen my president sit on a pony ( pretending it is a horse - in order to make himself look bigger ) without his shirt on and distribute it throughout the world ad nauseum. The presidents daughters both adore him while I'm told Putin's daughter wants nothing to do with him due to his abuse of her mother. Who could blame the girl, right?

Those are a few differences I find striking between your president and mine.

Don't take it personally. It's only a message board. :eusa_angel:

- Jeremiah
another lie

but expected

I am really enjoying watching Conservatives cheer on Putins invasion

I don't see anyone cheering him. Most see a weak and incompetent president.

LOL....... Is that all you have in the GOP playbook?

We saw the same thing in Egypt, same thing in Libya, same thing in Syria

"Obama is a weak and incompetent president" Meanwhile, Obama keeps his cool, ignores the baiting from conservatives and resolves the issues without losing American lives

In reality, a President that has to resort to invasion and nation building to resolve global conflicts is both weak and incompetent
I am really enjoying watching Conservatives cheer on Putins invasion
Ignorant people can even enjoy watching teletubies and cock fights (national sport in Philippines) but reality I lived in USSR, I WAS in Ukraine, ALL people SPEAK Russian, and name aside it IS the same country unlike US and Syria/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan etc. etc. so fuck American degeneracy

I'm taking it that you look forward to the suppression?
Politically, I am only looking forward to the day when the people of the world will be united under one nation, one currency, one leadership, and I understand that this can not happen when someone is charging INTEREST on that currency and can print as much of it as it wants. in other words America already FAILED, no need to look for other bad guys to blame.
I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

If 60% of the Russian people approve a philandering, wife beating,
It took American courts how many? 15? years to convict OJ - end of discussion.
I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

Wait 'til Putin starts up the ol' firing squads.
I will - A much better way to combat evil than indiscriminate bombing of cities or funding terrorists:


I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

If 60% of the Russian people approve a philandering, wife beating,
It took American courts how many? 15? years to convict OJ - end of discussion.

O.J. Simpson was a football player who beat his wife. The american people never nominated him for presidency much less elected him president of the United States.

Your people elected the wife beater Putin and put him in office as president over Russia. You are comparing apples to bananas here.

It isn't the end of the discussion. You invited a response from your OP and you are getting one. I had no idea the Russians had become so delicate and thin skinned. Who knew?
another lie

but expected

I am really enjoying watching Conservatives cheer on Putins invasion
Ignorant people can even enjoy watching teletubies and cock fights (national sport in Philippines) but reality I lived in USSR, I WAS in Ukraine, ALL people SPEAK Russian, and name aside it IS the same country unlike US and Syria/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan etc. etc. so fuck American degeneracy

Your lies are so transparent:
"According to the CIA/World Factbook, the Russian language is spoken by about one-fourth (24 percent) of the Ukrainian population, while about one-sixth (17.3 percent) of the Ukrainian population are ethnic Russians. RT, a Russian television network, claims that 40 percent of Ukrainians speak Russian, (presumably including non-Russians). Russian speakers are concentrated in the southern and eastern parts of Ukraine – while in the southern autonomous region of Crimea (where the Russians have had a naval base on the Black Sea for more than 200 years), an estimated 60 percent of the population are ethnic Russians."

Do you count everyone in the U.S. who speak Spanish as Mexican?
Ignorant people can even enjoy watching teletubies and cock fights (national sport in Philippines) but reality I lived in USSR, I WAS in Ukraine, ALL people SPEAK Russian, and name aside it IS the same country unlike US and Syria/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan etc. etc. so fuck American degeneracy

I'm taking it that you look forward to the suppression?
Politically, I am only looking forward to the day when the people of the world will be united under one nation, one currency, one leadership, and I understand that this can not happen when someone is charging INTEREST on that currency and can print as much of it as it wants. in other words America already FAILED, no need to look for other bad guys to blame.

Ah! Yes! Where have I heard this one before? Didn't you leave something out here? The new world order the communists are interested in seeks to destroy America and remove the Americans out of the way. Which is why the Russians and Chinese are plotting an invasion on the USA. Before you do take a lesson from history:

Isokoku Yamamoto said I would never invade the USA. There would be a gun behind every blade of grass.

Americans have 2nd amendment rights and own firearms. Today there are more American gun owners than there were in Isokoku Yamamoto's day. Factor that in too.
I am really enjoying watching Conservatives cheer on Putins invasion

I don't see anyone cheering him. Most see a weak and incompetent president.

LOL....... Is that all you have in the GOP playbook?

We saw the same thing in Egypt, same thing in Libya, same thing in Syria

"Obama is a weak and incompetent president" Meanwhile, Obama keeps his cool, ignores the baiting from conservatives and resolves the issues without losing American lives

In reality, a President that has to resort to invasion and nation building to resolve global conflicts is both weak and incompetent

Egypt, Libya, Syria have not been resolved.
I am really enjoying watching Conservatives cheer on Putins invasion
Ignorant people can even enjoy watching teletubies and cock fights (national sport in Philippines) but reality I lived in USSR, I WAS in Ukraine, ALL people SPEAK Russian, and name aside it IS the same country unlike US and Syria/Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan etc. etc. so fuck American degeneracy

Your lies are so transparent:
"According to the CIA/World Factbook, the Russian language is spoken by about one-fourth (24 percent) of the Ukrainian population, while about one-sixth (17.3 percent) of the Ukrainian population are ethnic Russians. RT, a Russian television network, claims that 40 percent of Ukrainians speak Russian, (presumably including non-Russians). Russian speakers are concentrated in the southern and eastern parts of Ukraine – while in the southern autonomous region of Crimea (where the Russians have had a naval base on the Black Sea for more than 200 years), an estimated 60 percent of the population are ethnic Russians."

Do you count everyone in the U.S. who speak Spanish as Mexican?

He's already counted every Ukranian citizen and confirmed that they ALL speak Russian?

He must have meant by the time Putin gets finished with this invasion there will be nobody left except Russian speaking Ukranians.
If 60% of the Russian people approve a philandering, wife beating,
It took American courts how many? 15? years to convict OJ - end of discussion.

O.J. Simpson was a football player who beat his wife. The american people never nominated him for presidency much less elected him president of the United States.

Your people elected the wife beater Putin and put him in office as president over Russia. You are comparing apples to bananas here.

It isn't the end of the discussion. You invited a response from your OP and you are getting one. I had no idea the Russians had become so delicate and thin skinned. Who knew?
1. Just because I speak Russian and grew up in USSR, does not make me Russian - (your and American ignorance in general is APALLING to those outside your circle, but I do not blame you, it's your media. :eusa_angel:)
2. I have heard Obama being born in Kenya and Clinton being sucked off by an intern but never heard Putin beating his wife.
But cultures differ so it's ok.

One of the problems the US has is that they cannot have elections and we must have elections. The US and EU cannot impose EU style democracy on Ukraine unless the election for president is fixed. The last monitored free election put Yanukovych in office and a Russian majority will put another pro Russian president in office.

What's an imperialist United States to do?
It took American courts how many? 15? years to convict OJ - end of discussion.

O.J. Simpson was a football player who beat his wife. The american people never nominated him for presidency much less elected him president of the United States.

Your people elected the wife beater Putin and put him in office as president over Russia. You are comparing apples to bananas here.

It isn't the end of the discussion. You invited a response from your OP and you are getting one. I had no idea the Russians had become so delicate and thin skinned. Who knew?
1. Just because I speak Russian and grew up in USSR, does not make me Russian - (your and American ignorance in general is APALLING to those outside your circle, but I do not blame you, it's your media. :eusa_angel:)
2. I have heard Obama being born in Kenya and Clinton being sucked off by an intern but never heard Putin beating his wife.
But cultures differ so it's ok.


1. You are the one that appointed yourself spokesman for Putin. Not us.

2. I have heard Obama was born in Hawaii. So what?!

I am sure you did hear the news of Clintons fall from grace because unlike Russia (where there is no freedom of the press and journalists routinely go missing / or turn up dead mysteriously ) our mainstream media actually reported on Clinton just as it would any news worthy story. * Which is why the story about Putins philandering, wife beating days were never reported by journalists in Russia!

As you have been deprived of the truth / news concerning your hero let me assist you here. Read this:

'Putin was philanderer, wife beater while in KGB' - Worldnews.com

Russian strongman Vladimir Putin has been accused of being a "wife-beater and a philanderer" by German spies when he worked as a KGB agent in Dresden, a leading German paper reported on Thursday.

The PM allegedly had a string of flings while he was himself a spy in the German city in the eighties, Germany's biggest paper Bild reported.

Files from West German spy agency BND published in the media say an interpreter agent befriended Putin's wife Lyudmila, who poured her heart out about her marriage. She allegedly told the agent her husband used "domestic violence and (had) numerous sexual affairs".

The files were discovered by BND expert Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, author of several books and papers on the spy agency.

read more......
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I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

If 60% of the Russian people approve a philandering, wife beating, bloodthirsty murdering thief and KGB Thug Punk, I'd say they are either being held hostage to a tyrant or they have no conscience and are as evil as he is. You're over there so you'll have to decide which one it is.

Oh! By the way! The story for C3P0 about the suffering Russians in Ukraine? I got the polar opposite story last night - news reports not one single case could be verified of abuse towards the Russian speaking citizens. On the other hand those who are asking for EU are in great fear for their lives right now. They do not trust Putin. So there you have it.

On the matter of Obama. I didn't vote for him. He is still the president and I do not recall Obama having mistress after mistress as Putin has done. I do not recall the president of the United States ever hiding his wife from the lens of a camera ( Putin hid Ludvilla away for decades ) but rather has shown her off to the world. In all fairness to Putin, Ludvilla was no beauty ( neither is he - let's be fair ) while Michele Obama is a strikingly attractive First Lady - very photogenic. Another thing I do not recall is ever reading a story of Obama stealing billions from a private citizen and putting that money in his own private bank account. I don't recall ever hearing about our president being a wife beater yet the news that Putin is a wifebeater is common in Europe.. what else?

I've never seen my president sit on a pony ( pretending it is a horse - in order to make himself look bigger ) without his shirt on and distribute it throughout the world ad nauseum. The presidents daughters both adore him while I'm told Putin's daughter wants nothing to do with him due to his abuse of her mother. Who could blame the girl, right?

Those are a few differences I find striking between your president and mine.

Don't take it personally. It's only a message board. :eusa_angel:

- Jeremiah

Do I have this right? You would impose your morality on another entire people. And, that being a morality guided by a state run American media. For all you know, the Russians find our first heifer extraordinarily ugly with a jaw like a land mover (hence the nickname "scoop jaw"). The Russian people might not find the cow's free spending of taxpayer money anything but reprehensible. Did the first lady of Russia vacation herself around the world? Did Putin's girlfriend? If you never heard about obama's theft of money it's not my fault. You never heard of Grove Parc Plaza and just need to be educated. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/a..._proving_ground_for_obamas_housing_policy/All you know about Putin's daughters comes from our own state run mouth pieces. The truth is, no one knows because Putin does not use his children as photo props.
The Mysterious Daughters Of Vladimir Putin - Business Insider

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