Putin's popularity today 60%... What is your leaders popularity? 15%?? 1 word - LOL

One of the problems the US has is that they cannot have elections and we must have elections. The US and EU cannot impose EU style democracy on Ukraine unless the election for president is fixed. The last monitored free election put Yanukovych in office and a Russian majority will put another pro Russian president in office.

What's an imperialist United States to do?
How about the usual? appoint a banker to be the new leader:


That's what they did. They put a neo Nazi IMF banker in as president. But the EU cannot trust an election which would put in another pro Russia president.
My points exactly. same in Syria and the same in Libya: I distinctly remember Gadaffi saying "let's hold elections" same in Syria, but international criminals just create kayos, then put in their own puppet and call it a leader - they created federal reserve in America in a similar way, and the dingbat Americans who do not understand it never studied their own history, what their own founding fathers said:

James Madison
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." — James Madison

And those tactics continue.....
I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

In one thread your exalting Pootin'. on another thread your saying Pootin' sucks, make up your trolling mind.
I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

In one thread your exalting Pootin'. on another thread your saying Pootin' sucks, make up your trolling mind.
Putin sucks for not doing enough, and the west who criticize him suck because they criticize him for doing too much. got it?
The conservative admiration of Putin is both bizarre and troubling.

Not only is Putin an authoritarian and dictator, he is also a liar, deranged, altogether out of touch with reality, and a propagator of inane conspiracy theories.

Consequently there is nothing to ‘admire,’ about Putin, among his fabrications, contrivances, and lies is the notion that the West is ‘responsible’ for the crisis in Ukraine and there are no Russian soldiers in the Crimea.

Just as bizarre and troubling is that conservatives are so blinded by their hatred of Obama, they’re oblivious to the truth about Putin.
The conservative admiration of Putin is both bizarre and troubling.

Not only is Putin an authoritarian and dictator, he is also a liar, deranged, altogether out of touch with reality, and a propagator of inane conspiracy theories.

Consequently there is nothing to ‘admire,’ about Putin, among his fabrications, contrivances, and lies is the notion that the West is ‘responsible’ for the crisis in Ukraine and there are no Russian soldiers in the Crimea.

Just as bizarre and troubling is that conservatives are so blinded by their hatred of Obama, they’re oblivious to the truth about Putin.
Why don't you do a thread list of lies by Putin Vs. Obama or Clinton, then we can see who is the liar, because I already caught more than one liberal on this forum lying with their pants down: your whole media is a lying industry, your secretary of state is a war criminal, and you are talking about liars.
The conservative admiration of Putin is both bizarre and troubling.

Not only is Putin an authoritarian and dictator, he is also a liar, deranged, altogether out of touch with reality, and a propagator of inane conspiracy theories.

Consequently there is nothing to ‘admire,’ about Putin, among his fabrications, contrivances, and lies is the notion that the West is ‘responsible’ for the crisis in Ukraine and there are no Russian soldiers in the Crimea.

Just as bizarre and troubling is that conservatives are so blinded by their hatred of Obama, they’re oblivious to the truth about Putin.
Why don't you do a thread list of lies by Putin Vs. Obama or Clinton, then we can see who is the liar, because I already caught more than one liberal on this forum lying with their pants down: your whole media is a lying industry, your secretary of state is a war criminal, and you are talking about liars.

War Criminal? You mean the Secretary of State under Bush, right?
I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

In one thread your exalting Pootin'. on another thread your saying Pootin' sucks, make up your trolling mind.
Putin sucks for not doing enough, and the west who criticize him suck because they criticize him for doing too much. got it?

Not doing enough! What the hell do you want him to do, start an all out war?
I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

Number of global superpowers in 1989: 2

Number of global superpowers in 2014: 1


Scoreboard, bitches!

In one thread your exalting Pootin'. on another thread your saying Pootin' sucks, make up your trolling mind.
Putin sucks for not doing enough, and the west who criticize him suck because they criticize him for doing too much. got it?

Not doing enough! What the hell do you want him to do, start an all out war?
1. In Syria - bring in Russian army and hold mandatory elections monitored by both sides as well as Russia
1. In Ukraine - bring in Russian army and hold mandatory elections monitored by both sides
I see a lot of people on both LEFT AND THE RIGHT farting at Putin this Putin that, disregarding US involvement with Syrian terrorists and so on, gloating about it's democracy. All I see is hypocrisy, how popular is your own leader Hussein Obama? or Bush?

Number of global superpowers in 1989: 2

Number of global superpowers in 2014: 1


Scoreboard, bitches!

Lots of far left propaganda on this thread, but not surprising.

I checked your source, then I checked all the other Zionist sources and they're all about the same, claiming that Putin is at an all time low, Satan, dictator, Tyrant, KGB etc.... BUT THEN..... I checked the actual numbers and found the inconsistency:

According to public opinion surveys, Putin's approval rating was 81% in June 2007, and the highest of any leader in the world.[237][238] In January 2013, his approval rating fell to 62%,
Vladimir Putin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I feel a great deal of sympathy for Putin's ex - wife. She suffered greatly. I don't feel sympathy for the President Obama's wife because he doesn't treat her like a dog. Maybe President Obama needs to advise Putin not to remarry. America has no respect for wife beaters and philanderers. Spouse abuse is against the law in the United States. We protect our women. Must be why the Russian brides all want to come to America and marry American men. Very sad.

You have no idea how Putin treated his wife. You know what you have heard or been told but you don't really know. I have heard that President Bill Clinton got a blow job in the oval office by a white house intern and made his wife suck it up in public for all the world to see.

Given that obama MAY never have abused his wife. We don't know because we don't know the details of why Big Moo filed for divorce years ago. I would give you that if obama raised a hand to his behemoth of a wife she is capable of picking her teeth with his femur.
Obama is queer thats why.
I feel a great deal of sympathy for Putin's ex - wife. She suffered greatly. I don't feel sympathy for the President Obama's wife because he doesn't treat her like a dog. Maybe President Obama needs to advise Putin not to remarry. America has no respect for wife beaters and philanderers. Spouse abuse is against the law in the United States. We protect our women. Must be why the Russian brides all want to come to America and marry American men. Very sad.

You have no idea how Putin treated his wife. You know what you have heard or been told but you don't really know. I have heard that President Bill Clinton got a blow job in the oval office by a white house intern and made his wife suck it up in public for all the world to see.

Given that obama MAY never have abused his wife. We don't know because we don't know the details of why Big Moo filed for divorce years ago. I would give you that if obama raised a hand to his behemoth of a wife she is capable of picking her teeth with his femur.
Obama is queer thats why.
Is there any proof to Putin beating his wife? I have no respect for wife beaters.

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