Putting Black Kids In White Schools Solves Nothing

IQ tests are a solid science. But yeah, it does have it's root in eugenic thought. Like you, I don't base my views of peoples intelligence solely from the IQ tests, but it does have validity, especially when it comes to fields such as math and other "roat"(I'm sure I misspelled that) learning that gives you the skills you need in life to succeed, regardless what race you are.
don't disagree with you on this on much but the "Afro-centric" part... But if you mean by Afro-centric that we need to tell the stories of of how we contributed besides being slaves, then I don't disagree at all. We did do a lot more than be slaves. A black man designed D.C. For instance. Since white liberals want to exploit us for votes, they're not going to give us too much credit, they thrive on grievance politics. Therefore, we have to adopt a conservative value system that will uplift our people and go from there. Seperate from the system as I said. This would be a long road, but it would be beneficial to us. Even with all the obstacles, we are catching up in IQ with the average. Black Americans do not fall far behind at all...just a few points. We are scoring higher than South Asians & even the Arabs...it's all about culture.

The only Afrocentric I know is one that is geared towards looking at world history through the eyes of Black people. I'm not NOI or anything like that even though there is some truth to some of their views. Like all things you have to find out what is true and whats not. I agree on some aspects of a conservative viewpoint but not all as defined by today's current climate. I dont really hold the IQ as a standard to gauge intelligence by unless I my aim is to assimilate and lose who we are as Black people. You should realize the IQ test has its roots in eugenics. Why would you measure yourself against a standard originated by people that wanted to rid the earth of you and used it as a justification to say you were less of a human being?

IQ test may be based on a solid science but its definitely not one that measures intelligence. Its more of an assimilation test. "Do you think the way i believe you should think?" What if you do not process information the way the IQ test wants you to? its common knowledge that people perceive, learn, and express ideas via at least 3 methods if I recall correctly. Visual, auditory, and kinetic. Is there an IQ test that takes these factors into consideration? Finally there is one huge variable that the IQ tests cannot account for. The test taker. What mood is the test taker in? Did their parent just die? Do they hate the color red? How do you account for these things?
Putting Black Kids In White Schools Solves Nothing

Wow! What planet have you been on for the past 50 years? Here's a clue,....giving blacks a white education has made the NCAA, NFL, MLB, and NBA the thriving multi-billion dollar empire it is today.
I swear, the Klan loves showing their stupidity with these moron threads.

White education is what gave black athletes their talent?

I bet you're terrible at connect the dots.
Ancient Egypt was founded and built by Mediterranean Caucasians as far back as 4500 B.C. Egypt’s period of greatness was from 3400 B.C. to 1800 B.C. and was characterized by its amazing architecture, pyramids, temples, and mastery of mathematics and engineering, the remnants of which are still evident today. The White Egyptians pioneered medicine, chemistry, astronomy, and law; In many cases, their achievements remain unequalled.

But, about 3400 B.C. Egypt civilization began to spread up the Nile River, bringing it in close contact with the black Nubians to the south. Soon they were using Blacks for slave labor and Egypt became history’s first melting pot.

In time the infusion of Negro blood worked itself up from the bottom of Egyptian society. The slaves were eventually freed, received political equality, and took posts of authority in government.

By the time of King Tut (1370-1352 B.C.) even the ruling classes had been mongrelized and Egypt began a tailspin downward. Today, the once-mighty Egypt is very much a Third World country, having lost its art, its medicine, its architectural ability, and its position in world affairs.

The absurd notion that Ancient Egypt was a product of Negro ingenuity is now being widely disseminated in the schools. Though scholars know this is a blatant lie, they justify the deception by assuming it will boost the “self-esteem” of Black children.

Whites & blacks 100 Facts (and One Lie)

Still going with the pseudo history from stormfront Tank? Where is your evidence "scholars" believe this is a blatant lie? You expect people to believe whites traveled to Africa to build a great civilization in Africa instead of in Europe and then Black people took it over? :lol:

Thats some funny shit seeing as the Greek historians (who were mediterranean caucasians) admitted they learned from Black people. Seems to me Europe would have had a great civilization prior to Egypt if one believes your logic.
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You know what, that's actually a fair criticism and assessment of IQ tests, that they are more a measure of assimilation than intelligence. That's pretty much how I view it myself. Doesn't matter because for the most part American blacks are practically equal to the average white American iq score.
IQ tests are a solid science. But yeah, it does have it's root in eugenic thought. Like you, I don't base my views of peoples intelligence solely from the IQ tests, but it does have validity, especially when it comes to fields such as math and other "roat"(I'm sure I misspelled that) learning that gives you the skills you need in life to succeed, regardless what race you are.
The only Afrocentric I know is one that is geared towards looking at world history through the eyes of Black people. I'm not NOI or anything like that even though there is some truth to some of their views. Like all things you have to find out what is true and whats not. I agree on some aspects of a conservative viewpoint but not all as defined by today's current climate. I dont really hold the IQ as a standard to gauge intelligence by unless I my aim is to assimilate and lose who we are as Black people. You should realize the IQ test has its roots in eugenics. Why would you measure yourself against a standard originated by people that wanted to rid the earth of you and used it as a justification to say you were less of a human being?

IQ test may be based on a solid science but its definitely not one that measures intelligence. Its more of an assimilation test. "Do you think the way i believe you should think?" What if you do not process information the way the IQ test wants you to? its common knowledge that people perceive, learn, and express ideas via at least 3 methods if I recall correctly. Visual, auditory, and kinetic. Is there an IQ test that takes these factors into consideration? Finally there is one huge variable that the IQ tests cannot account for. The test taker. What mood is the test taker in? Did their parent just die? Do they hate the color red? How do you account for these things?
Wow! What planet have you been on for the past 50 years? Here's a clue,....giving blacks a white education has made the NCAA, NFL, MLB, and NBA the thriving multi-billion dollar empire it is today.
I swear, the Klan loves showing their stupidity with these moron threads.

White education is what gave black athletes their talent?

I bet you're terrible at connect the dots.

Not as bad as you are at making sense.
A lot of this discussion misses the point. The main reason why black kids were bussed to “white” schools was because the segregated schools were “separate but NOT equal.” The schools themselves in the black neighborhood were a disgrace, with falling plaster, peeling paint, warped floors in the gymnasiums, disfunctional or no swimming pools, etc. Public schools in the more affluent “white” neighborhoods were as though they were in a whole different country.

There was no reason to believe that the mere positioning of black kids alongside white kids would make them any smarter, behave any better, or learn any more.

But regardless, they were entitled to go to school in good facilities and with teachers who were not uniformly washouts and failures, as they had in their home neighborhoods.
What a bunch a bull, I was bussed to Lincoln High School in Los Angeles and the school was nicer than the all white school I came from.
You know what, that's actually a fair criticism and assessment of IQ tests, that they are more a measure of assimilation than intelligence. That's pretty much how I view it myself. Doesn't matter because for the most part American blacks are practically equal to the average white American iq score.
IQ tests are a solid science. But yeah, it does have it's root in eugenic thought. Like you, I don't base my views of peoples intelligence solely from the IQ tests, but it does have validity, especially when it comes to fields such as math and other "roat"(I'm sure I misspelled that) learning that gives you the skills you need in life to succeed, regardless what race you are.

IQ test may be based on a solid science but its definitely not one that measures intelligence. Its more of an assimilation test. "Do you think the way i believe you should think?" What if you do not process information the way the IQ test wants you to? its common knowledge that people perceive, learn, and express ideas via at least 3 methods if I recall correctly. Visual, auditory, and kinetic. Is there an IQ test that takes these factors into consideration? Finally there is one huge variable that the IQ tests cannot account for. The test taker. What mood is the test taker in? Did their parent just die? Do they hate the color red? How do you account for these things?

IQ tests work pretty good. But yes if it is in English it will assume you know English. They don't write them in lib speak or Ebonics.
[What a bunch a bull, I was bussed to Lincoln High School in Los Angeles and the school was nicer than the all white school I came from.

Many minority schools are fantastic. But it doesn't work because the students are mentally inferior. Libs refuse to face that fact.

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