Putting Black Kids In White Schools Solves Nothing

why not be proud of the Ethopian Empires like Abyssinia? There is hardly any fuss over whether they were black(because they were)or not and they had a great civilization. I know I won't convince you of anything , but I feel kind of sorry for you that you feel it's fine to steal someone else's history and make it your own because you want to feel good..when there actually has been black empires, namely Ethiopia , that were great too
You'd be better off claiming Ancient Egypt was multicultural, because it kind of was..then claiming it to be exclusively black civilization. But if you've ever been to Egypt or been to a museum exhibit of ancient Egyptian art, you'd clearly stop with this foolishness and see that blacks were mainly rivals of the Egyptians according to their own depictions of Nubians and themselves. Go to Egypt, see for yourself. I was a merchant marine for a time and have been to Egypt a few times and seen with my own eyes. I hope you get the chance so that you can get that Afrocentric crap out of your mind because other than that crap, you're obviously an intelligent guy.

Ancient Egypt was exclusively Black. Thats who started it. I have actually been to Luxor so you can squash that attempt. I also been to other areas of Africa. Black Nubians were the rivals of Egyptians. They actually ruled Egypt off and on. However they were 2 competing Black cultures. Maybe you would feel better if a white guy told you this. Ever heard of Herodotus the greek historian?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said "The People Of Colchis Must Be Egyptians Because Like Them They Are Black-skinned And Wooly-haired." - Philly.com
why not be proud of the Ethopian Empires like Abyssinia? There is hardly any fuss over whether they were black(because they were)or not and they had a great civilization. I know I won't convince you of anything , but I feel kind of sorry for you that you feel it's fine to steal someone else's history and make it your own because you want to feel good..when there actually has been black empires, namely Ethiopia , that were great too
You'd be better off claiming Ancient Egypt was multicultural, because it kind of was..then claiming it to be exclusively black civilization. But if you've ever been to Egypt or been to a museum exhibit of ancient Egyptian art, you'd clearly stop with this foolishness and see that blacks were mainly rivals of the Egyptians according to their own depictions of Nubians and themselves. Go to Egypt, see for yourself. I was a merchant marine for a time and have been to Egypt a few times and seen with my own eyes. I hope you get the chance so that you can get that Afrocentric crap out of your mind because other than that crap, you're obviously an intelligent guy.

Ancient Egypt was exclusively Black. Thats who started it. I have actually been to Luxor so you can squash that attempt. I also been to other areas of Africa. Black Nubians were the rivals of Egyptians. They actually ruled Egypt off and on. However they were 2 competing Black cultures. Maybe you would feel better if a white guy told you this. Ever heard of Herodotus the greek historian?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said "The People Of Colchis Must Be Egyptians Because Like Them They Are Black-skinned And Wooly-haired." - Philly.com

I am proud of the Ethiopians but what has that got to do with the fact the ancient Egyptians were Black africans? Are you saying I should just accept what white historians say because they don't dispute the Ethiopians? BTW I was never taught in school about Ethiopians. I never knew about them until they started immigrating to the states. You never answered my question. Why is it so hard for you to accept the Egyptians were black even with DNA evidence? Save your sorrow for yourself. I pity Black guys like you. They did a number on your head.

The facts are these: Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?

The Greek philosopher Aristotle writes in the 4th century B.C. in Physiognomonica that the "Egyptians and Ethiopians were very black."
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I told you why. The DNA evidence says they were of western Asian caucasion background, most scientists agree with that position. Plus Ive seen the art to know they depicted blacks as blacks look and how they looked how they looked. That's why. If the situation changes, I will concede but not when the evidence from serious scientists says otherwise. Maybe they were just really light skinned blacks with different features than Nubians and decided to portray themselves as a totally different group but I doubt it. And no you shouldn't just take what white scientists say for granted because they do not dispute the race of those who built the Ethiopian empires being black...not saying that at all, it isn't just white scientists disputing black Egypt either. It is odd how you use the excuse that white people just want to claim Egypt because it was a great empire, yet why don't they do the same for Ethiopia? They were damn near if not as great as the Egyptians(IMO)....why don't they want to claim Ethiopian empires as white
why not be proud of the Ethopian Empires like Abyssinia? There is hardly any fuss over whether they were black(because they were)or not and they had a great civilization. I know I won't convince you of anything , but I feel kind of sorry for you that you feel it's fine to steal someone else's history and make it your own because you want to feel good..when there actually has been black empires, namely Ethiopia , that were great too
Ancient Egypt was exclusively Black. Thats who started it. I have actually been to Luxor so you can squash that attempt. I also been to other areas of Africa. Black Nubians were the rivals of Egyptians. They actually ruled Egypt off and on. However they were 2 competing Black cultures. Maybe you would feel better if a white guy told you this. Ever heard of Herodotus the greek historian?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said "The People Of Colchis Must Be Egyptians Because Like Them They Are Black-skinned And Wooly-haired." - Philly.com

I am proud of the Ethiopians but what has that got to do with the fact the ancient Egyptians were Black africans? Are you saying I should just accept what white historians say because they don't dispute the Ethiopians? BTW I was never taught in school about Ethiopians. I never knew about them until they started immigrating to the states. You never answered my question. Why is it so hard for you to accept the Egyptians were black even with DNA evidence? Save your sorrow for yourself. I pity Black guys like you. They did a number on your head.
Next winter olympics I'll check out the Ethiopian bobsled team and get back to you.
I told you why. The DNA evidence says they were of western Asian caucasion background, most scientists agree with that position. Plus Ive seen the art to know they depicted blacks as blacks look and how they looked how they looked. That's why. If the situation changes, I will concede but not when the evidence from serious scientists says otherwise. Maybe they were just really light skinned blacks with different features than Nubians and decided to portray themselves as a totally different group but I doubt it. And no you shouldn't just take what white scientists say for granted because they do not dispute the race of those who built the Ethiopian empires being black...not saying that at all, it isn't just white scientists disputing black Egypt either. It is odd how you use the excuse that white people just want to claim Egypt because it was a great empire, yet why don't they do the same for Ethiopia? They were damn near if not as great as the Egyptians(IMO)....why don't they want to claim Ethiopian empires as white
why not be proud of the Ethopian Empires like Abyssinia? There is hardly any fuss over whether they were black(because they were)or not and they had a great civilization. I know I won't convince you of anything , but I feel kind of sorry for you that you feel it's fine to steal someone else's history and make it your own because you want to feel good..when there actually has been black empires, namely Ethiopia , that were great too

I am proud of the Ethiopians but what has that got to do with the fact the ancient Egyptians were Black africans? Are you saying I should just accept what white historians say because they don't dispute the Ethiopians? BTW I was never taught in school about Ethiopians. I never knew about them until they started immigrating to the states. You never answered my question. Why is it so hard for you to accept the Egyptians were black even with DNA evidence? Save your sorrow for yourself. I pity Black guys like you. They did a number on your head.

The DNA evidence you provided said one of the unnamed mummies had West Asian DNA in addition to being from a latter time period after Black Africans were no longer in power.

All the specimens were dated between 806 BC and 124 AD, a timeframe corresponding with the late Dynastic period. The researchers observed that one of the mummified individuals likely belonged to the mtDNA haplogroup I2, a maternal clade that is believed to have originated in Western Asia.

If you have been to Egypt then you must have seen Abul Simbel like I did. Why does the father of a 96% sub saharan Pharoh have a temple there?

Abu Simbel: Temples of Ramesses II | LiveScience

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Lockjawe. Have you figured out why you are holding onto that one mummy when all the other mummies that were tested were found to be Black Africans? Could it be that a wife was sent to Egypt from another civilization to form an alliance?
I will tell you what, Asclepias. Go ahead and PM me links to your most convincing evidence of black Egypt and I will go through it and compare it to the info I have and give it some serious thought & post a thread about it in the race section where we can discuss this at a later date. I have some things to get done at the house so I have to leave the board for awhile. Also, I wanted to send you a PM with links to a couple trailers to a movie I just ordered the other day. Want to get your opinion of it. Think you could help me out on that? It's from 2011 but it is a straight to DVD film so a lot of people haven't seen it. The previews look good too.
I figured you wouldn't want to go through this as it is disturbing when your reality and reality clash. I went through it myself when I first found out about this information. I just so happen to carry the Thuya gene brother as 1 in 3 of African Americans do. What I gain from knowing that the ancient Egyptians were Black gave me an awareness I came from greatness. The same greatness that provided the world its foundation of knowledge. Now I have a question for you. Why was it so easy for you to discredit that the Egyptians were Black Africans even though Egypt is in Africa? I know the answer but I want to see if you know it.

Ancient Egyptians were a great society, we all know they were dark skinned. There were also other great societies that were mostly white. It shouldn't matter what skin color they were, should it? Focusing on skin color gives power to folks who focus on skin color.

Frankly I think thats a cop out. If it didnt matter why were historians intent on pretending they were white? For centuries the Egyptians were declared to be white. Why? Now that the DNA proof is there why should it not matter? This is important information that should be taught. Why was it ok to teach and socialize people into believing they were white but now its a no no to show the facts that they were Black?

What historians? I don't know what you are talking about. The artwork of the Egyptians speaks for itself no? When I look at the artwork from Egypt I see a racial mix. I assume the texts are not lying when they included facts about the Egytians being traders. I assume they mixed bloodlines with surrounding Mediterranean and indian/asian peoples, no? I find it interesting that most of the artwork gives the people of egypt distinctly asian eye lines.
Lockjawe. Have you figured out why you are holding onto that one mummy when all the other mummies that were tested were found to be Black Africans? Could it be that a wife was sent to Egypt from another civilization to form an alliance?

Maybe the blacks were the ruling class and made slaves of the whites in Egypt?
why not be proud of the Ethopian Empires like Abyssinia? There is hardly any fuss over whether they were black(because they were)or not and they had a great civilization.

Better yet, why don't we focus on human accomplishments rather than obsessing over this bullshit notion of 'race' in the first place?
I told you why. The DNA evidence says they were of western Asian caucasion background, most scientists agree with that position. Plus Ive seen the art to know they depicted blacks as blacks look and how they looked how they looked. That's why. If the situation changes, I will concede but not when the evidence from serious scientists says otherwise. Maybe they were just really light skinned blacks with different features than Nubians and decided to portray themselves as a totally different group but I doubt it. And no you shouldn't just take what white scientists say for granted because they do not dispute the race of those who built the Ethiopian empires being black...not saying that at all, it isn't just white scientists disputing black Egypt either. It is odd how you use the excuse that white people just want to claim Egypt because it was a great empire, yet why don't they do the same for Ethiopia? They were damn near if not as great as the Egyptians(IMO)....why don't they want to claim Ethiopian empires as white
why not be proud of the Ethopian Empires like Abyssinia? There is hardly any fuss over whether they were black(because they were)or not and they had a great civilization. I know I won't convince you of anything , but I feel kind of sorry for you that you feel it's fine to steal someone else's history and make it your own because you want to feel good..when there actually has been black empires, namely Ethiopia , that were great too

I am proud of the Ethiopians but what has that got to do with the fact the ancient Egyptians were Black africans? Are you saying I should just accept what white historians say because they don't dispute the Ethiopians? BTW I was never taught in school about Ethiopians. I never knew about them until they started immigrating to the states. You never answered my question. Why is it so hard for you to accept the Egyptians were black even with DNA evidence? Save your sorrow for yourself. I pity Black guys like you. They did a number on your head.

What school did you go to? In junior high we each had to pick a country in Africa to write a report about and there was exactly one black person in our school and she was there only for a short time. I learned about Ethiopia because that's the country I chose for my report.
Ancient Egyptians were a great society, we all know they were dark skinned. There were also other great societies that were mostly white. It shouldn't matter what skin color they were, should it? Focusing on skin color gives power to folks who focus on skin color.

Frankly I think thats a cop out. If it didnt matter why were historians intent on pretending they were white? For centuries the Egyptians were declared to be white. Why? Now that the DNA proof is there why should it not matter? This is important information that should be taught. Why was it ok to teach and socialize people into believing they were white but now its a no no to show the facts that they were Black?

What historians? I don't know what you are talking about. The artwork of the Egyptians speaks for itself no? When I look at the artwork from Egypt I see a racial mix. I assume the texts are not lying when they included facts about the Egytians being traders. I assume they mixed bloodlines with surrounding Mediterranean and indian/asian peoples, no? I find it interesting that most of the artwork gives the people of egypt distinctly asian eye lines.

You dont get to see all of the artwork for one and lots of times what you are looking at is redone by Europeans. If you go and see the artwork for yourself you will see that they were Black. It occurred to me that whites seem to have this idea that all Black people are in fact Black. We have the most diverse gene pool on the face of the planet and we have all the characteristics in our appearance that other races have. I especially like your last note about asian eyes. You do realize that the oldest people on the planet that originated that feature are Black Africans dont you? Here is a picture of the Khoisan people in Africa with so called Asian eyes.


Other Black people in Africa have the same eyes. You too have been influenced by the media and historians.

This girl is from Mali

why not be proud of the Ethopian Empires like Abyssinia? There is hardly any fuss over whether they were black(because they were)or not and they had a great civilization.

Better yet, why don't we focus on human accomplishments rather than obsessing over this bullshit notion of 'race' in the first place?

Because we already were educated on the white version of history. If Whites get to push their version of history then everyone should have the same chance to hear the facts. Its stupid to let the beliefs of racism float around unchecked with facts. What kind of retard are you Unk?
We have really derailed this thread... Back to the original topic. That's true that sending black kids to white schools doesn't really help black kids in the long run. We need to change the culture in our own communities and do it on our own. That's the fix, build stronger families and if someone in our community cannot help their kids with their school work because of whatever reason, those with the means to remedy the situation, be there to help. Seperate from the system as much as possible as far as education goes.
why not be proud of the Ethopian Empires like Abyssinia? There is hardly any fuss over whether they were black(because they were)or not and they had a great civilization.

Better yet, why don't we focus on human accomplishments rather than obsessing over this bullshit notion of 'race' in the first place?

Because we already were educated on the white version of history.

Racist douchebag.
Frankly I think thats a cop out. If it didnt matter why were historians intent on pretending they were white? For centuries the Egyptians were declared to be white. Why? Now that the DNA proof is there why should it not matter? This is important information that should be taught. Why was it ok to teach and socialize people into believing they were white but now its a no no to show the facts that they were Black?

What historians? I don't know what you are talking about. The artwork of the Egyptians speaks for itself no? When I look at the artwork from Egypt I see a racial mix. I assume the texts are not lying when they included facts about the Egytians being traders. I assume they mixed bloodlines with surrounding Mediterranean and indian/asian peoples, no? I find it interesting that most of the artwork gives the people of egypt distinctly asian eye lines.

You dont get to see all of the artwork for one and lots of times what you are looking at is redone by Europeans. If you go and see the artwork for yourself you will see that they were Black. It occurred to me that whites seem to have this idea that all Black people are in fact Black. We have the most diverse gene pool on the face of the planet and we have all the characteristics in our appearance that other races have. I especially like your last note about asian eyes. You do realize that the oldest people on the planet that originated that feature are Black Africans dont you? Here is a picture of the Khoisan people in Africa with so called Asian eyes.


Other Black people in Africa have the same eyes. You too have been influenced by the media and historians.

This girl is from Mali


Those are pretty girls.

Sometimes when someone says you have asian looking eyes it just means they think you have asian looking eyes.

Visual Traits can evolve independently or through mixing. I really don't have a problem with either.

Yes, I'm fully aware that traits such as skin pigmentation can can evolve independently and through mixing. My guess is we (man as a species) originate from a large number of primate species, and that our blood lines have mixed and evolved quite literally trillions of times since we started walking upright.
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We have really derailed this thread... Back to the original topic. That's true that sending black kids to white schools doesn't really help black kids in the long run. We need to change the culture in our own communities and do it on our own. That's the fix, build stronger families and if someone in our community cannot help their kids with their school work because of whatever reason, those with the means to remedy the situation, be there to help. Seperate from the system as much as possible as far as education goes.

Which is my point. Black people educated without a Black/Afrocentric view of the world automatically are put into a dynamic where they are taught their ancestors contributed nothing but physical labor. The rare teachers that do know the reality are few and far between. Either the teachers in the school system need to be educated or Black people should start educating their own. There has to be that foundation of pride built first before they have to venture out into a world that is filled with racists. I find it curious that in general Black children seemed to achieve more when segregated and taught by their own.

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