Putting Black Kids In White Schools Solves Nothing

Take your pick.

Some are poor by choice, such as clergy.

Some are poor due to regulatory punishment from our federal government.

Some are poor due to a decided lack of effort.

Some are poor due to them being moochers who would rather be on welfare than work.

Some are poor due to bad decisions, such as buying to much house, or making bad investments.

Some are poor due to being brought up to embrace bad cultures... drug/gang etc.

How many do you want to see?

He said the only reason ALL whites are poor is cause they are all lazy.

He does not think ANY blacks are impoverished due to those reasons.

Can you believe how absurd liberals are? How hypocritical? How brainwashed?

Knowing Asclepias, he was probably pulling your chain. It's tough to be a member of a minority that is being attacked constantly for the things bad elements of the minority are doing.

I wish I had a dollar for every time I was attacked for my libertarian conservative views. And I'll bet others wish they had a dollar for the number of times that I made sarcastic retorts.
Some are poor by choice, such as clergy.

Some are poor due to regulatory punishment from our federal government.

Some are poor due to a decided lack of effort.

Some are poor due to them being moochers who would rather be on welfare than work.

Some are poor due to bad decisions, such as buying to much house, or making bad investments.

Some are poor due to being brought up to embrace bad cultures... drug/gang etc.

How many do you want to see?

We are in agreement then.


It's frustrating to people when they see large groups of a particular group negatively effecting their country, their way of life. It's understandable that people would reject such changes. This goes for all sides of the battle for dominance being waged.

For too long the groups "they see" are Black people. They rarely discuss poor whites or successful Blacks in the news because that would force the racists to confront their worst nightmares.
We are in agreement then.


It's frustrating to people when they see large groups of a particular group negatively effecting their country, their way of life. It's understandable that people would reject such changes. This goes for all sides of the battle for dominance being waged.

For too long the groups "they see" are Black people. They rarely discuss poor whites or successful Blacks in the news because that would force the racists to confront their worst nightmares.

When they bused blacks into my high school in the name of desegregation over forty years ago the first thing they did was create a black studies curriculum and a black student union. To object would be racist.

every other class in your school was a white studies and white history class and the student union was white.

I think it's probably time for you to let it go
The juden want goyim public schools integrated.

While sending their kids to all white private hebe school. . :cool:

Go back to Free Republic / Stormfront, scumbag.
We are in agreement then.


It's frustrating to people when they see large groups of a particular group negatively effecting their country, their way of life. It's understandable that people would reject such changes. This goes for all sides of the battle for dominance being waged.

For too long the groups "they see" are Black people. They rarely discuss poor whites or successful Blacks in the news because that would force the racists to confront their worst nightmares.

Yeah it's hard to see past one's own ingrained racial and cultural biases, esp. under extreme peer pressure. Being willing to stick one's neck out to speak out against one's peer group is not easy. Necessary for progress in this area, but not easy.

Easier for me cause my extended family is a bunch of mutts :) We've got irish, english, african american, cuban, ukranian, spanish, american indian, etc. blood all mixed up across my nieces and nephews.
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Blacks not being offended by being patronized and admitting they are not smart enough or talented enough to make it on their own only proves who the superior race is.

Everyone knows.


I am finding it rather funny how all of a sudden Darwinism does not exist within our own species? Is that what the left tries to push? Is that the reason why they feel that patronizing blacks is so necessary? Is it because they are admitting that in the case of survival of the fittest that the other races really have an unfair advantage?

I mean is it as simple as that? Well, it would have to be right? Well, someone explain to us how survival of the fittest does apply to the human species and what are our conclusions based on general observations.

Let us keep in mind, natives had no word for wheel.

There is your little hint. Am I being racist all of a sudden. Explain please. Is it wrong for me to point out that when the left patronizes blacks that they are the ones being actual racists?

Liberals are so stupid. Perhaps it is the liberal minds that are in each race of the human race that are the morons.

Either way, the left are nothing but puppets for the left that love to divide races and classes for political gain. They have found another nefarious way to get the morons on the left to hold rallies and create fake hype.

Yeah after reading this, I don't know why black people would never vote for conservatives.

You say the left is the ones being racist yet you are actually being racist but not you aren't being racist, you're just "telling the truth." okay buddy.
Blacks not being offended by being patronized and admitting they are not smart enough or talented enough to make it on their own only proves who the superior race is.

Everyone knows.


I am finding it rather funny how all of a sudden Darwinism does not exist within our own species? Is that what the left tries to push? Is that the reason why they feel that patronizing blacks is so necessary? Is it because they are admitting that in the case of survival of the fittest that the other races really have an unfair advantage?

I mean is it as simple as that? Well, it would have to be right? Well, someone explain to us how survival of the fittest does apply to the human species and what are our conclusions based on general observations.

Let us keep in mind, natives had no word for wheel.

There is your little hint. Am I being racist all of a sudden. Explain please. Is it wrong for me to point out that when the left patronizes blacks that they are the ones being actual racists?

Liberals are so stupid. Perhaps it is the liberal minds that are in each race of the human race that are the morons.

Either way, the left are nothing but puppets for the left that love to divide races and classes for political gain. They have found another nefarious way to get the morons on the left to hold rallies and create fake hype.

Yeah after reading this, I don't know why black people would never vote for conservatives.

You say the left is the ones being racist yet you are actually being racist but not you aren't being racist, you're just "telling the truth." okay buddy.

Keep on patronizing them and feel good about yourself when you do.

Keep on convincing them they are victims.

Keep on being the pawns in dividing the races and classes in this country in order for the democrats to gain power.

Keep not understanding what is happening.

All of you liberals are truly nothing but hypocrites. You are all losers. Not to mention fucking stupid as shit.
Blacks not being offended by being patronized and admitting they are not smart enough or talented enough to make it on their own only proves who the superior race is.

Everyone knows.


I am finding it rather funny how all of a sudden Darwinism does not exist within our own species? Is that what the left tries to push? Is that the reason why they feel that patronizing blacks is so necessary? Is it because they are admitting that in the case of survival of the fittest that the other races really have an unfair advantage?

I mean is it as simple as that? Well, it would have to be right? Well, someone explain to us how survival of the fittest does apply to the human species and what are our conclusions based on general observations.

Let us keep in mind, natives had no word for wheel.

There is your little hint. Am I being racist all of a sudden. Explain please. Is it wrong for me to point out that when the left patronizes blacks that they are the ones being actual racists?

Liberals are so stupid. Perhaps it is the liberal minds that are in each race of the human race that are the morons.

Either way, the left are nothing but puppets for the left that love to divide races and classes for political gain. They have found another nefarious way to get the morons on the left to hold rallies and create fake hype.

Yeah after reading this, I don't know why black people would never vote for conservatives.

You say the left is the ones being racist yet you are actually being racist but not you aren't being racist, you're just "telling the truth." okay buddy.

Keep on patronizing them and feel good about yourself when you do.

Keep on convincing them they are victims.

Keep on being the pawns in dividing the races and classes in this country in order for the democrats to gain power.

Keep not understanding what is happening.

All of you liberals are truly nothing but hypocrites. You are all losers. Not to mention fucking stupid as shit.
Who's stupid the guy getting paid to sit on the couch and watch TV all day, the guy getting a kings ransom to pay his constituents to sit on the couch and vote for welfare, or the guy working his ass off so his income can be taken and redistributed to the first two guys?
Kids who come to school with the attitude that they're there to learn generally do and the color of their skin is immaterial.

100% correct. One of the main reasons why so many black students don't do well, is because most blacks are raised to think they're getting a "white" education & this mentality has been passed down over generations and severly hurt our children's chances of doing well in school. If we speak clearly, that is acting white. Enjoy reading? Acting white, unless you're reading Afro-Centric malarky about "black" Egypt & other conspiritorial nonsense.

My nickname as a kid growing up was "White Boy"...and I am not even close to light skinned...
Putting Black Kids In White Schools Solves Nothing

Wow! What planet have you been on for the past 50 years? Here's a clue,....giving blacks a white education has made the NCAA, NFL, MLB, and NBA the thriving multi-billion dollar empire it is today.
I swear, the Klan loves showing their stupidity with these moron threads.
Kids who come to school with the attitude that they're there to learn generally do and the color of their skin is immaterial.

100% correct. One of the main reasons why so many black students don't do well, is because most blacks are raised to think they're getting a "white" education & this mentality has been passed down over generations and severly hurt our children's chances of doing well in school. If we speak clearly, that is acting white. Enjoy reading? Acting white, unless you're reading Afro-Centric malarky about "black" Egypt & other conspiritorial nonsense.

My nickname as a kid growing up was "White Boy"...and I am not even close to light skinned...

Thats a bunch of BS. I was raised to get an education. During that process I realized that what I was being told was a flat out lie. I was told Columbus discovered America even though the picture in the book showed NA's in the forest watching them land. I was told the Greeks came up with the pythagorean theorem when I knew that the Egyptians had done it first. Education is education but when its starts off with lies and continues K-12 kids start figuring things out on their own. Speaking clearly is not acting white. Acting white is acting white. I read a lot and everyone proudly called me a bookworm. I was admired for being smart. I hate when nerdy, socially awkward Black people try and claim that lower income Blacks treated them wrong because they were smart or spoke correct English. You were made fun of because you were weird.

BTW it is sad you consider the fact that the Egyptians were Black as conspiritorial nonsense. The white revisionist historians have certainly done a number on you.
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Putting Black Kids In White Schools Solves Nothing

Wow! What planet have you been on for the past 50 years? Here's a clue,....giving blacks a white education has made the NCAA, NFL, MLB, and NBA the thriving multi-billion dollar empire it is today.
I swear, the Klan loves showing their stupidity with these moron threads.

White education is what gave black athletes their talent?
You realized that Native Americans were here first, so therefore claiming Christopher Columbus as the first to discover the Americas from the Old World is a lie?When did anyone ever claim that native Americans were not here first? If that is your reasoning for calling something a lie then I don't know what to say to that except that's pretty simple minded and obviously wrong.
Kids who come to school with the attitude that they're there to learn generally do and the color of their skin is immaterial.

100% correct. One of the main reasons why so many black students don't do well, is because most blacks are raised to think they're getting a "white" education & this mentality has been passed down over generations and severly hurt our children's chances of doing well in school. If we speak clearly, that is acting white. Enjoy reading? Acting white, unless you're reading Afro-Centric malarky about "black" Egypt & other conspiritorial nonsense.

My nickname as a kid growing up was "White Boy"...and I am not even close to light skinned...

Thats a bunch of BS. I was raised to get an education. During that process I realized that what I was being told was a flat out lie. I was told Columbus discovered America even though the picture in the book showed NA's in the forest watching them land. I was told the Greeks came up with the pythagorean theorem when I knew that the Egyptians had done it first. Education is education but when its starts off with lies and continues K-12 kids start figuring things out on their own. Speaking clearly is not acting white. Acting white is acting white. I read a lot and everyone proudly called me a bookworm. I was admired for being smart. I hate when nerdy, socially awkward Black people try and claim that lower income Blacks treated them wrong because they were smart or spoke correct English. You were made fun of because you were weird.
You realized that Native Americans were here first, so therefore claiming Christopher Columbus as the first to discover the Americas from the Old World is a lie?When did anyone ever claim that native Americans were not here first? If that is your reasoning for calling something a lie then I don't know what to say to that except that's pretty simple minded and obviously wrong.
100% correct. One of the main reasons why so many black students don't do well, is because most blacks are raised to think they're getting a "white" education & this mentality has been passed down over generations and severly hurt our children's chances of doing well in school. If we speak clearly, that is acting white. Enjoy reading? Acting white, unless you're reading Afro-Centric malarky about "black" Egypt & other conspiritorial nonsense.

My nickname as a kid growing up was "White Boy"...and I am not even close to light skinned...

Thats a bunch of BS. I was raised to get an education. During that process I realized that what I was being told was a flat out lie. I was told Columbus discovered America even though the picture in the book showed NA's in the forest watching them land. I was told the Greeks came up with the pythagorean theorem when I knew that the Egyptians had done it first. Education is education but when its starts off with lies and continues K-12 kids start figuring things out on their own. Speaking clearly is not acting white. Acting white is acting white. I read a lot and everyone proudly called me a bookworm. I was admired for being smart. I hate when nerdy, socially awkward Black people try and claim that lower income Blacks treated them wrong because they were smart or spoke correct English. You were made fun of because you were weird.

When you are a 6 year old you tend to be simple minded. Why would you say Columbus discovered america without qualifying it? I was never told Columbus discovered america for the old world. I was told and read that he flat out discovered it as if no one was there already. There is no reason to present it like that to young minds. Why not tell the truth? Lying by omission is still a lie.
The Coptics of Egypt are the closest descendant of the ancient Egyptians, that is the facts. Stop trying to steal someone else's culture & learn about your own. There was a Nubian pharoah, yes, but that didn't last long. No serious scientists claim that the Egyptians were black, brother. Also, Im not and never have been socially akward, I got teased just as you did, quit your false bravado about how everyone thought you were cool. Like black folks don't laugh at Afro-centrics too, smh..
What a load of BS! So they never told you Columbus encountered Native Americans after discovering the New World? They just told you Columbus discovered the Americas and that's it?
You realized that Native Americans were here first, so therefore claiming Christopher Columbus as the first to discover the Americas from the Old World is a lie?When did anyone ever claim that native Americans were not here first? If that is your reasoning for calling something a lie then I don't know what to say to that except that's pretty simple minded and obviously wrong.
Thats a bunch of BS. I was raised to get an education. During that process I realized that what I was being told was a flat out lie. I was told Columbus discovered America even though the picture in the book showed NA's in the forest watching them land. I was told the Greeks came up with the pythagorean theorem when I knew that the Egyptians had done it first. Education is education but when its starts off with lies and continues K-12 kids start figuring things out on their own. Speaking clearly is not acting white. Acting white is acting white. I read a lot and everyone proudly called me a bookworm. I was admired for being smart. I hate when nerdy, socially awkward Black people try and claim that lower income Blacks treated them wrong because they were smart or spoke correct English. You were made fun of because you were weird.

When you are a 6 year old you tend to be simple minded. Why would you say Columbus discovered america without qualifying it? I was never told Columbus discovered america for the old world. I was told and read that he flat out discovered it as if no one was there already. There is no reason to present it like that to young minds. Why not tell the truth? Lying by omission is still a lie.
The Coptics of Egypt are the closest descendant of the ancient Egyptians, that is the facts. Stop trying to steal someone else's culture & learn about your own. There was a Nubian pharoah, yes, but that didn't last long. No serious scientists claim that the Egyptians were black, brother. Also, Im not and never have been socially akward, I got teased just as you did, quit your false bravado about how everyone thought you were cool. Like black folks don't laugh at Afro-centrics too, smh..

Do you know anything about the DNA results on the Egyptian mummies? Sounds like you dont. Like I said someone did a number on you and you have followed the script. Do you want to go up against the evidence you have missed? I can show you the proof. You say no serious scientist claim the Egyptians were Black. Care to tell me the race of the scientists and what they stand to lose by admitting to the facts?

You had to be socially awkward in order to be made fun of. I was never teased. You are just like every awkward kid that got teased. You were weird. You should come to grips with that.
What a load of BS! So they never told you Columbus encountered Native Americans after discovering the New World? They just told you Columbus discovered the Americas and that's it?
You realized that Native Americans were here first, so therefore claiming Christopher Columbus as the first to discover the Americas from the Old World is a lie?When did anyone ever claim that native Americans were not here first? If that is your reasoning for calling something a lie then I don't know what to say to that except that's pretty simple minded and obviously wrong.

When you are a 6 year old you tend to be simple minded. Why would you say Columbus discovered america without qualifying it? I was never told Columbus discovered america for the old world. I was told and read that he flat out discovered it as if no one was there already. There is no reason to present it like that to young minds. Why not tell the truth? Lying by omission is still a lie.

Whats BS about it? Why are there efforts to even get the word "discovered" removed from the history books? You didnt answer my question. Why would you tell children that without specifying that he only discovered it for Europeans which is also a lie. Leif Ericson beat him over here as well. Like I said the white historians attempt to brainwash you has been a resounding success.
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The latest DNA has revealed Western Asian Aja Middle Eastern origins. Africa has never been an entirely black continent. Nothing you cough up will change that reality.
The Coptics of Egypt are the closest descendant of the ancient Egyptians, that is the facts. Stop trying to steal someone else's culture & learn about your own. There was a Nubian pharoah, yes, but that didn't last long. No serious scientists claim that the Egyptians were black, brother. Also, Im not and never have been socially akward, I got teased just as you did, quit your false bravado about how everyone thought you were cool. Like black folks don't laugh at Afro-centrics too, smh..

Do you know anything about the DNA results on the Egyptian mummies? Sounds like you dont. Like I said someone did a number on you and you have followed the script. Do you want to go up against the evidence you have missed? I can show you the proof. You say no serious scientist claim the Egyptians were Black. Care to tell me the race of the scientists and what they stand to lose by admitting to the facts?

You had to be socially awkward in order to be made fun of. I was never teased. You are just like every awkward kid that got teased. You were weird. You should come to grips with that.
What a load of BS! So they never told you Columbus encountered Native Americans after discovering the New World? They just told you Columbus discovered the Americas and that's it?
When you are a 6 year old you tend to be simple minded. Why would you say Columbus discovered america without qualifying it? I was never told Columbus discovered america for the old world. I was told and read that he flat out discovered it as if no one was there already. There is no reason to present it like that to young minds. Why not tell the truth? Lying by omission is still a lie.

Whats BS about it? Why are there efforts to even get the word "discovered" removed from the history books? You didnt answer my question. Why would you tell children that without specifying that he only discovered it for Europeans which is also a lie. Leif Ericson beat him over here as well. Like I said the white historians attempt to brainwash you has been a resounding success.

Just because you discover something does not mean you are the first to discover it. When I discovered girls it was knew to me, hell I'm still pretty excited about it.

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