Putting Black Kids In White Schools Solves Nothing

I still say that impoverished Blacks will continue to be left behind until the habits are broken that work to knock them down. That is only going to come about en masse by separating them via Black only schools or home schooling. The large number of Black people that are not stuck in this dynamic still need to learn some things but they can succeed and exceed the norm.

Are you saying that only a return to all black (and all white) schools will break the rut in which much of America's black community is stuck? Is that what you are saying? Isn't that what we had BEFORE we blew billions (or trillions) on the infrastructure of forced integration? In fact, isn't that what we often have now as we integrate our schools and the white kids leave?

No thats not what I am saying. I said for impoverished Blacks in the hood for example, they should have the option to go to all black schools that have the resources to educate those children using an Afrocentric curriculum. Again I know how I felt growing up in those conditions and even though I was smart I had little interest in school because all I was taught proclaimed whites to be superior. I knew it was BS but it made me bitter and angry. Its no coincidence that nearly all of the successful Black people I know are very well educated on Black/African history and the foundation our race provided this world.
I still say that impoverished Blacks will continue to be left behind until the habits are broken that work to knock them down. That is only going to come about en masse by separating them via Black only schools or home schooling. The large number of Black people that are not stuck in this dynamic still need to learn some things but they can succeed and exceed the norm.

Are you saying that only a return to all black (and all white) schools will break the rut in which much of America's black community is stuck? Is that what you are saying? Isn't that what we had BEFORE we blew billions (or trillions) on the infrastructure of forced integration? In fact, isn't that what we often have now as we integrate our schools and the white kids leave?

No thats not what I am saying. I said for impoverished Blacks in the hood for example, they should have the option to go to all black schools that have the resources to educate those children using an Afrocentric curriculum. Again I know how I felt growing up in those conditions and even though I was smart I had little interest in school because all I was taught proclaimed whites to be superior. I knew it was BS but it made me bitter and angry. Its no coincidence that nearly all of the successful Black people I know are very well educated on Black/African history and the foundation our race provided this world.

There are no impoverished whites?



Ooooooops. wrong picture. That guy up there is a victim of whitey righty.


Oooooops, I did it again. Another victim who had no opportunities here.


More poor victims in this country who have no opportunity to make it.


Hey Asclepias, why don't you go get your pats on your back from your fellow limousine liberals on how you stand up for the black man by insinuating there are no impoverished white people and black people have such few opportunities here as opposed to what they would have had if they were never "stolen" from Africa.
Are you saying that only a return to all black (and all white) schools will break the rut in which much of America's black community is stuck? Is that what you are saying? Isn't that what we had BEFORE we blew billions (or trillions) on the infrastructure of forced integration? In fact, isn't that what we often have now as we integrate our schools and the white kids leave?

No thats not what I am saying. I said for impoverished Blacks in the hood for example, they should have the option to go to all black schools that have the resources to educate those children using an Afrocentric curriculum. Again I know how I felt growing up in those conditions and even though I was smart I had little interest in school because all I was taught proclaimed whites to be superior. I knew it was BS but it made me bitter and angry. Its no coincidence that nearly all of the successful Black people I know are very well educated on Black/African history and the foundation our race provided this world.

There are no impoverished whites?

Oooooops, I did it again. Another victim who had no opportunities here.

More poor victims in this country who have no opportunity to make it.


Hey Asclepias, why don't you go get your pats on your back from your fellow limousine liberals on how you stand up for the black man by insinuating there are no impoverished white people and black people have such few opportunities here as opposed to what they would have had if they were never "stolen" from Africa.

What do whites have to do with what i said? I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves. These are the same ones that complain about AA. Whites control the power structure in this country. The media rarely portrays whites as impoverished. Whites dont have to fight those mental images of being considered the bottom of the social ladder. Give me a break about poor white people. :lol:
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No thats not what I am saying. I said for impoverished Blacks in the hood for example, they should have the option to go to all black schools that have the resources to educate those children using an Afrocentric curriculum. Again I know how I felt growing up in those conditions and even though I was smart I had little interest in school because all I was taught proclaimed whites to be superior. I knew it was BS but it made me bitter and angry. Its no coincidence that nearly all of the successful Black people I know are very well educated on Black/African history and the foundation our race provided this world.

There are no impoverished whites?

Oooooops, I did it again. Another victim who had no opportunities here.

More poor victims in this country who have no opportunity to make it.


Hey Asclepias, why don't you go get your pats on your back from your fellow limousine liberals on how you stand up for the black man by insinuating there are no impoverished white people and black people have such few opportunities here as opposed to what they would have had if they were never "stolen" from Africa.

What do whites have to do with what i said? I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves. These are the same ones that complain about AA. Whites control the power structure in this country. The media rarely portrays whites as impoverished. Whites dont have to fight those mental images of being considered the bottom of the social ladder. Give me a break about poor white people. :lol:

Yeah, we know the media rarely shows impoverished whites. Yeah, we know that. Really man, maybe you have been paying attention at all. We, have been saying how the media slants things.

We also know that you were not talking about whites. That was my point.

Now, why don't you tell us why the media rarely talks about impoverished whites, and seem to really harp on impoverished minorities.

While you are explaining that, why don't you give us your best reasons why there are so man impoverished whites, if whites have such a monopoly on advantages.

Also, if minorities have such few opportunities, why are there so many black millionaires or how could there possibly be black billionaires.

Try using your own explanation rather than going to the left wing script of fallacies and bullshit.

Hint: You will not be able to logically explain any of those things with out going to your lefty wing script.

Hey, here is keeping the minorities down by giving them enough to never make a difference and always convincing them they cannot ever make it on their own and that they are always the perpetual victim. It has sure worked for your party of liars gain power. That is for sure. Keep it up/:eusa_clap:

Now, go gt your approvals from your demented left wing limousine libs.
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There are no impoverished whites?

Oooooops, I did it again. Another victim who had no opportunities here.

More poor victims in this country who have no opportunity to make it.


Hey Asclepias, why don't you go get your pats on your back from your fellow limousine liberals on how you stand up for the black man by insinuating there are no impoverished white people and black people have such few opportunities here as opposed to what they would have had if they were never "stolen" from Africa.

What do whites have to do with what i said? I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves. These are the same ones that complain about AA. Whites control the power structure in this country. The media rarely portrays whites as impoverished. Whites dont have to fight those mental images of being considered the bottom of the social ladder. Give me a break about poor white people. :lol:

Yeah, we know the media rarely shows impoverished whites. Yeah, we know that. Really man, maybe you have been paying attention at all. We, have been saying how the media slants things.

We also know that you were not talking about whites. That was my point.

Now, why don't you tell us why the media rarely talks about impoverished whites, and seem to really harp on impoverished minorities.

While you are explaining that, why don't you give us your best reasons why there are so man impoverished whites, if whites have such a monopoly on advantages.

Also, if minorities have such few opportunities, why are there so many black millionaires or how could there possibly be black billionaires.

Try using your own explanation rather than going to the left wing script of fallacies and bullshit.

Hint: You will not be able to logically explain any of those things with out going to your lefty wing script.

Hey, here is keeping the minorities down by giving them enough to never make a difference and always convincing them they cannot ever make it on their own and that they are always the perpetual victim. It has sure worked for your party of liars gain power. That is for sure. Keep it up/:eusa_clap:

Now, go gt your approvals from your demented left wing limousine libs.

I think in your haste to categorize me you have confused yourself. My concern is not with impoverished whites because they have very little excuses in general. I've never been a poor white person but I can only think they are poor for some of the same reasons there are poor Black people. They have a blame list.

The media ignores poor whites simply because they are not a good story. Everyone knows they simply have no excuses for their conditions. A poor minority story equals more votes and feeds the white superiority fable. If we want to get deeper it also serves to infuriate poor whites and keep up bad race relations. They see minorities as being privileged (insert your AA complainers here) while they struggle and frequently become racists while minorities see them as racists and end up hating them for the hate they spew.

There are so many poor whites because they dont know how to think for themselves. There is absolutely nothing stopping them in this country except their laziness and gullibility. At least minorities have the burden of historical and present racism and the view that whites own the power structure.

Dont try and peg me as either left or right. I dont play for a specific team except my own. What you see me write may be left leaning or right leaning but I dont fall for either sides extreme stances. I understand that the right has some great ideas as well as the left. People who continuously claim one side or another and then try to do the same to other people are pretty much a lost cause. People need to think independent of their party platform. Politics today is just a diversion so your life is not completely without significant meaning to you. If people wake up and start caring about people the world will be better.
What do whites have to do with what i said? I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves. These are the same ones that complain about AA. Whites control the power structure in this country. The media rarely portrays whites as impoverished. Whites dont have to fight those mental images of being considered the bottom of the social ladder. Give me a break about poor white people. :lol:

Yeah, we know the media rarely shows impoverished whites. Yeah, we know that. Really man, maybe you have been paying attention at all. We, have been saying how the media slants things.

We also know that you were not talking about whites. That was my point.

Now, why don't you tell us why the media rarely talks about impoverished whites, and seem to really harp on impoverished minorities.

While you are explaining that, why don't you give us your best reasons why there are so man impoverished whites, if whites have such a monopoly on advantages.

Also, if minorities have such few opportunities, why are there so many black millionaires or how could there possibly be black billionaires.

Try using your own explanation rather than going to the left wing script of fallacies and bullshit.

Hint: You will not be able to logically explain any of those things with out going to your lefty wing script.

Hey, here is keeping the minorities down by giving them enough to never make a difference and always convincing them they cannot ever make it on their own and that they are always the perpetual victim. It has sure worked for your party of liars gain power. That is for sure. Keep it up/:eusa_clap:

Now, go gt your approvals from your demented left wing limousine libs.

I think in your haste to categorize me you have confused yourself. My concern is not with impoverished whites because they have very little excuses in general. I've never been a poor white person but I can only think they are poor for some of the same reasons there are poor Black people. They have a blame list.

The media ignores poor whites simply because they are not a good story. Everyone knows they simply have no excuses for their conditions. A poor minority story equals more votes and feeds the white superiority fable. If we want to get deeper it also serves to infuriate poor whites and keep up bad race relations. They see minorities as being privileged (insert your AA complainers here) while they struggle and frequently become racists while minorities see them as racists and end up hating them for the hate they spew.

There are so many poor whites because they dont know how to think for themselves. There is absolutely nothing stopping them in this country except their laziness and gullibility. At least minorities have the burden of historical and present racism and the view that whites own the power structure.

Dont try and peg me as either left or right. I dont play for a specific team except my own. What you see me write may be left leaning or right leaning but I dont fall for either sides extreme stances. I understand that the right has some great ideas as well as the left. People who continuously claim one side or another and then try to do the same to other people are pretty much a lost cause. People need to think independent of their party platform. Politics today is just a diversion so your life is not completely without significant meaning to you. If people wake up and start caring about people the world will be better.

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What do whites have to do with what i said? I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves. These are the same ones that complain about AA. Whites control the power structure in this country. The media rarely portrays whites as impoverished. Whites dont have to fight those mental images of being considered the bottom of the social ladder. Give me a break about poor white people. :lol:

Yeah, we know the media rarely shows impoverished whites. Yeah, we know that. Really man, maybe you have been paying attention at all. We, have been saying how the media slants things.

We also know that you were not talking about whites. That was my point.

Now, why don't you tell us why the media rarely talks about impoverished whites, and seem to really harp on impoverished minorities.

While you are explaining that, why don't you give us your best reasons why there are so man impoverished whites, if whites have such a monopoly on advantages.

Also, if minorities have such few opportunities, why are there so many black millionaires or how could there possibly be black billionaires.

Try using your own explanation rather than going to the left wing script of fallacies and bullshit.

Hint: You will not be able to logically explain any of those things with out going to your lefty wing script.

Hey, here is keeping the minorities down by giving them enough to never make a difference and always convincing them they cannot ever make it on their own and that they are always the perpetual victim. It has sure worked for your party of liars gain power. That is for sure. Keep it up/:eusa_clap:

Now, go gt your approvals from your demented left wing limousine libs.

I think in your haste to categorize me you have confused yourself. My concern is not with impoverished whites because they have very little excuses in general. I've never been a poor white person but I can only think they are poor for some of the same reasons there are poor Black people. They have a blame list.

The media ignores poor whites simply because they are not a good story. Everyone knows they simply have no excuses for their conditions. A poor minority story equals more votes and feeds the white superiority fable. If we want to get deeper it also serves to infuriate poor whites and keep up bad race relations. They see minorities as being privileged (insert your AA complainers here) while they struggle and frequently become racists while minorities see them as racists and end up hating them for the hate they spew.

There are so many poor whites because they dont know how to think for themselves. There is absolutely nothing stopping them in this country except their laziness and gullibility. At least minorities have the burden of historical and present racism and the view that whites own the power structure.

Dont try and peg me as either left or right. I dont play for a specific team except my own. What you see me write may be left leaning or right leaning but I dont fall for either sides extreme stances. I understand that the right has some great ideas as well as the left. People who continuously claim one side or another and then try to do the same to other people are pretty much a lost cause. People need to think independent of their party platform. Politics today is just a diversion so your life is not completely without significant meaning to you. If people wake up and start caring about people the world will be better.

I have not confused anything. I know you have no concern for impoverished whites. Not only did I say that, you confirmed it by admitting it.

You then say I am confused.

You are a committed left wing propaganda pusher. Which means you see everything in terms of color. Blacks (everyone else that is not white) are your only concerns. Though, really you are not concerned about any of them. You like all limousine white liberals, only feign outrage and/or concern in order to be accepted in our political correct left wing society.

Like I said, keep up the crusade and keep em down by always giving just enough to never make an actual difference. Keep on thinking they were stolen from Africa by whites, and keep on thinking they would have been better off there with bones through their nose rather than here becoming millionaires.

Now, go back to your feigned outrage while an ignorant ass like Luddly blindly rubs your back.
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Yeah, we know the media rarely shows impoverished whites. Yeah, we know that. Really man, maybe you have been paying attention at all. We, have been saying how the media slants things.

We also know that you were not talking about whites. That was my point.

Now, why don't you tell us why the media rarely talks about impoverished whites, and seem to really harp on impoverished minorities.

While you are explaining that, why don't you give us your best reasons why there are so man impoverished whites, if whites have such a monopoly on advantages.

Also, if minorities have such few opportunities, why are there so many black millionaires or how could there possibly be black billionaires.

Try using your own explanation rather than going to the left wing script of fallacies and bullshit.

Hint: You will not be able to logically explain any of those things with out going to your lefty wing script.

Hey, here is keeping the minorities down by giving them enough to never make a difference and always convincing them they cannot ever make it on their own and that they are always the perpetual victim. It has sure worked for your party of liars gain power. That is for sure. Keep it up/:eusa_clap:

Now, go gt your approvals from your demented left wing limousine libs.

I think in your haste to categorize me you have confused yourself. My concern is not with impoverished whites because they have very little excuses in general. I've never been a poor white person but I can only think they are poor for some of the same reasons there are poor Black people. They have a blame list.

The media ignores poor whites simply because they are not a good story. Everyone knows they simply have no excuses for their conditions. A poor minority story equals more votes and feeds the white superiority fable. If we want to get deeper it also serves to infuriate poor whites and keep up bad race relations. They see minorities as being privileged (insert your AA complainers here) while they struggle and frequently become racists while minorities see them as racists and end up hating them for the hate they spew.

There are so many poor whites because they dont know how to think for themselves. There is absolutely nothing stopping them in this country except their laziness and gullibility. At least minorities have the burden of historical and present racism and the view that whites own the power structure.

Dont try and peg me as either left or right. I dont play for a specific team except my own. What you see me write may be left leaning or right leaning but I dont fall for either sides extreme stances. I understand that the right has some great ideas as well as the left. People who continuously claim one side or another and then try to do the same to other people are pretty much a lost cause. People need to think independent of their party platform. Politics today is just a diversion so your life is not completely without significant meaning to you. If people wake up and start caring about people the world will be better.

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Yeah, we know the media rarely shows impoverished whites. Yeah, we know that. Really man, maybe you have been paying attention at all. We, have been saying how the media slants things.

We also know that you were not talking about whites. That was my point.

Now, why don't you tell us why the media rarely talks about impoverished whites, and seem to really harp on impoverished minorities.

While you are explaining that, why don't you give us your best reasons why there are so man impoverished whites, if whites have such a monopoly on advantages.

Also, if minorities have such few opportunities, why are there so many black millionaires or how could there possibly be black billionaires.

Try using your own explanation rather than going to the left wing script of fallacies and bullshit.

Hint: You will not be able to logically explain any of those things with out going to your lefty wing script.

Hey, here is keeping the minorities down by giving them enough to never make a difference and always convincing them they cannot ever make it on their own and that they are always the perpetual victim. It has sure worked for your party of liars gain power. That is for sure. Keep it up/:eusa_clap:

Now, go gt your approvals from your demented left wing limousine libs.

I think in your haste to categorize me you have confused yourself. My concern is not with impoverished whites because they have very little excuses in general. I've never been a poor white person but I can only think they are poor for some of the same reasons there are poor Black people. They have a blame list.

The media ignores poor whites simply because they are not a good story. Everyone knows they simply have no excuses for their conditions. A poor minority story equals more votes and feeds the white superiority fable. If we want to get deeper it also serves to infuriate poor whites and keep up bad race relations. They see minorities as being privileged (insert your AA complainers here) while they struggle and frequently become racists while minorities see them as racists and end up hating them for the hate they spew.

There are so many poor whites because they dont know how to think for themselves. There is absolutely nothing stopping them in this country except their laziness and gullibility. At least minorities have the burden of historical and present racism and the view that whites own the power structure.

Dont try and peg me as either left or right. I dont play for a specific team except my own. What you see me write may be left leaning or right leaning but I dont fall for either sides extreme stances. I understand that the right has some great ideas as well as the left. People who continuously claim one side or another and then try to do the same to other people are pretty much a lost cause. People need to think independent of their party platform. Politics today is just a diversion so your life is not completely without significant meaning to you. If people wake up and start caring about people the world will be better.

I have not confused anything. I know you have no concern for impoverished whites. Not only did I say that, you confirmed it by admitting it.

You then say I am confused.

You are a committed left wing propaganda pusher. Which means you see everything in terms of color. Blacks (everyone else that is not white) are your only concerns. Though, really you are not concerned about any of them. You like all limousine white liberals, only feign outrage and/or concern in order to be accepted in our political correct left wing society.

Like I said, keep up the crusade and keep em down by always giving just enough to never make an actual difference. Keep on thinking they were stolen from Africa by whites, and keep on thinking they would have been better off there with bones through their nose rather than here becoming millionaires.

Now, go back to your feigned outrage while an ignorant ass like Luddly blindly rubs your back.

I'm very calm. There is no need for outrage when you understand things. I say you are confused simply because you are. You must be confused. That or my refusal to adopt a left or right position in accordance with existing political stances has caused a short circuit in your head. You are only reading your script your handlers gave to you. You are confused because they didn't tell you how handle someone that doesn't conform to what you call a liberal
Yeah, we know the media rarely shows impoverished whites. Yeah, we know that. Really man, maybe you have been paying attention at all. We, have been saying how the media slants things.

We also know that you were not talking about whites. That was my point.

Now, why don't you tell us why the media rarely talks about impoverished whites, and seem to really harp on impoverished minorities.

While you are explaining that, why don't you give us your best reasons why there are so man impoverished whites, if whites have such a monopoly on advantages.

Also, if minorities have such few opportunities, why are there so many black millionaires or how could there possibly be black billionaires.

Try using your own explanation rather than going to the left wing script of fallacies and bullshit.

Hint: You will not be able to logically explain any of those things with out going to your lefty wing script.

Hey, here is keeping the minorities down by giving them enough to never make a difference and always convincing them they cannot ever make it on their own and that they are always the perpetual victim. It has sure worked for your party of liars gain power. That is for sure. Keep it up/:eusa_clap:

Now, go gt your approvals from your demented left wing limousine libs.

I think in your haste to categorize me you have confused yourself. My concern is not with impoverished whites because they have very little excuses in general. I've never been a poor white person but I can only think they are poor for some of the same reasons there are poor Black people. They have a blame list.

The media ignores poor whites simply because they are not a good story. Everyone knows they simply have no excuses for their conditions. A poor minority story equals more votes and feeds the white superiority fable. If we want to get deeper it also serves to infuriate poor whites and keep up bad race relations. They see minorities as being privileged (insert your AA complainers here) while they struggle and frequently become racists while minorities see them as racists and end up hating them for the hate they spew.

There are so many poor whites because they dont know how to think for themselves. There is absolutely nothing stopping them in this country except their laziness and gullibility. At least minorities have the burden of historical and present racism and the view that whites own the power structure.

Dont try and peg me as either left or right. I dont play for a specific team except my own. What you see me write may be left leaning or right leaning but I dont fall for either sides extreme stances. I understand that the right has some great ideas as well as the left. People who continuously claim one side or another and then try to do the same to other people are pretty much a lost cause. People need to think independent of their party platform. Politics today is just a diversion so your life is not completely without significant meaning to you. If people wake up and start caring about people the world will be better.

I have not confused anything. I know you have no concern for impoverished whites. Not only did I say that, you confirmed it by admitting it.

You then say I am confused.

You are a committed left wing propaganda pusher. Which means you see everything in terms of color. Blacks (everyone else that is not white) are your only concerns. Though, really you are not concerned about any of them. You like all limousine white liberals, only feign outrage and/or concern in order to be accepted in our political correct left wing society.

Like I said, keep up the crusade and keep em down by always giving just enough to never make an actual difference. Keep on thinking they were stolen from Africa by whites, and keep on thinking they would have been better off there with bones through their nose rather than here becoming millionaires.

Now, go back to your feigned outrage while an ignorant ass like Luddly blindly rubs your back.

Hey, you wanted to see impoverished whites.

Tank sure spends a lot of time thinking about black people... :eusa_think:

These racist threads just make my skin crawl.

How do these people get to be so completely and utterly ignorant and stupid?

I agree these race threads are creepy but once in a while one learns something. For instance, in justifying his belief that separate black schools would raise "impoverished black kids from the hood" - a idea that may have merit but seems awfully segregationist in this age of diversity - Asclepias claims: "I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves." Imagine if a white guy would say the same about blacks in America. My conclusion? That despite his obvious intelligence and education, Asclepias, while perhaps well-intentioned (as so many libs are) is a dime-a-dozen racist.
Tank sure spends a lot of time thinking about black people... :eusa_think:

These racist threads just make my skin crawl.

How do these people get to be so completely and utterly ignorant and stupid?

I agree these race threads are creepy but once in a while one learns something. For instance, in justifying his belief that separate black schools would raise "impoverished black kids from the hood" - a idea that may have merit but seems awfully segregationist in this age of diversity - Asclepias claims: "I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves." Imagine if a white guy would say the same about blacks in America. My conclusion? That despite his obvious intelligence and education, Asclepias, while perhaps well-intentioned (as so many libs are) is a dime-a-dozen racist.

He can say ALL impoverished whites are that way cause they are ALL lazy, cause to a racist like him, he can judge people by the color of skin and not content of character. Since it is the whites he is stereotyping. In his pathetic mind, everything he said is just simply true. Such is the way of the hopelessly brainwashed liberal.

He actually thinks there is NO excuse for ANY white person being impoverished. He said it so effortlessly too. He has no ability to switch out the colors and see his pathetic disposition.

Instead all he and people like him do is make excuse after excuse for every minority. Blame all white right wingers for the reasons any of them are impoverished. Yes, it is that simple to them.

Here is the frightening thing about the way he thinks. Is more than 47% of this country think like that. They cannot see themselves for the pawns they are in the propaganda pushing democrats that need to separate the races and classes in order to gain power.

They are pathetic.
Ya know, we have very real probs in this country and it's easy to see why. Liberals (Luddly, Asclepias etc.) consistently consider a subject only until it tickles something inside them, never to its logical conclusion. Asclepias claims that black-only schools is the answer to the dim prospects faced by so many "impoverished black kids in the hood" but that white poverty only exists because those peeps are "too lazy to get off their butts." Luddly of course, in typical half-assed lib fashion, gives the racist lib a pass.
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Ya know, we have very real probs in this country and it's easy to see why. Liberals (Luddly, Asclepias etc.) consistently consider a subject only until it tickles something inside them, never to its logical conclusion. Asclepias claims that black-only schools is the answer to dim prospects faed by so many "impoverished black kids in the hood" but that white poverty only exists because those peeps are "too lazy to get off their butts." Luddly of course, in typical half-assed lib fashion, gives the racist lib a pass.

I am telling you, the scary thing is they really believe what they are claiming. That is the depth of the brainwashing that has been going on over the last 40 years.

To them, everything is the fault of the right wing conservatives. Every person of color simply gets a pass.

It is really that simple with them.
1968: fayetteville nc....they combined pine forest....white redneck school with ee smith black school....
for two years the campus had a daily police force making sure the school was calm.....i was lucky...i am a military brat....we just grouped together and stayed together....we did not know this type of racial prejudice as we had always gone to school and lived in the same housing areas....for two years.....two long fucking years...now that was 68.....how many years ago? 42 years ago? and we are still on that page? it didnt work then it wont work now...neighborhood schools are the best options
Tank sure spends a lot of time thinking about black people... :eusa_think:

These racist threads just make my skin crawl.

How do these people get to be so completely and utterly ignorant and stupid?

I agree these race threads are creepy but once in a while one learns something. For instance, in justifying his belief that separate black schools would raise "impoverished black kids from the hood" - a idea that may have merit but seems awfully segregationist in this age of diversity - Asclepias claims: "I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves." Imagine if a white guy would say the same about blacks in America. My conclusion? That despite his obvious intelligence and education, Asclepias, while perhaps well-intentioned (as so many libs are) is a dime-a-dozen racist.

Thats the chant of whites in denial since the beginning of time. You must be blind if you think a white child and a black child in the exact same impoverished condition here in the US are on equal footing. Poverty is a factor but social conditioning is also a major factor. That white child is beset by examples of whites succeeding. Black children rarely get to see that.

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