Putting Black Kids In White Schools Solves Nothing

Lol! Because apparently some folks like yourself have a hard time grasping the heading of the chapter in your textbooks titled "Columbus Discovers The New World" means he was the first to discover it from the Old World? I don't know... I have a hard time believing that your textbooks made no mention of Columbus encountering the NAs.
What a load of BS! So they never told you Columbus encountered Native Americans after discovering the New World? They just told you Columbus discovered the Americas and that's it?
When you are a 6 year old you tend to be simple minded. Why would you say Columbus discovered america without qualifying it? I was never told Columbus discovered america for the old world. I was told and read that he flat out discovered it as if no one was there already. There is no reason to present it like that to young minds. Why not tell the truth? Lying by omission is still a lie.

Whats BS about it? Why are there efforts to even get the word "discovered" removed from the history books? You didnt answer my question. Why would you tell children that without specifying that he only discovered it for Europeans which is also a lie. Leif Ericson beat him over here as well. Like I said the white historians attempt to brainwash you has been a resounding success.
The latest DNA has revealed Western Asian Aja Middle Eastern origins. Africa has never been an entirely black continent. Nothing you cough up will change that reality.
The Coptics of Egypt are the closest descendant of the ancient Egyptians, that is the facts. Stop trying to steal someone else's culture & learn about your own. There was a Nubian pharoah, yes, but that didn't last long. No serious scientists claim that the Egyptians were black, brother. Also, Im not and never have been socially akward, I got teased just as you did, quit your false bravado about how everyone thought you were cool. Like black folks don't laugh at Afro-centrics too, smh..

Do you know anything about the DNA results on the Egyptian mummies? Sounds like you dont. Like I said someone did a number on you and you have followed the script. Do you want to go up against the evidence you have missed? I can show you the proof. You say no serious scientist claim the Egyptians were Black. Care to tell me the race of the scientists and what they stand to lose by admitting to the facts?

You had to be socially awkward in order to be made fun of. I was never teased. You are just like every awkward kid that got teased. You were weird. You should come to grips with that.

Do you care to post a link or are you feeling anxious?
Lol! Because apparently some folks like yourself have a hard time grasping the heading of the chapter in your textbooks titled "Columbus Discovers The New World" means he was the first to discover it from the Old World? I don't know... I have a hard time believing that your textbooks made no mention of Columbus encountering the NAs.
What a load of BS! So they never told you Columbus encountered Native Americans after discovering the New World? They just told you Columbus discovered the Americas and that's it?

Whats BS about it? Why are there efforts to even get the word "discovered" removed from the history books? You didnt answer my question. Why would you tell children that without specifying that he only discovered it for Europeans which is also a lie. Leif Ericson beat him over here as well. Like I said the white historians attempt to brainwash you has been a resounding success.

Columbus was not even the first to discover it for the old world. Is this penetrating your comfortable dream world?
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I forgot to address your question of what race are these scientists that do not take black Egypt conspiracies seriously? All races. What do they stand to lose if proven wrong? Nothing whatsoever. Ancient Egypt matters none today. Ahhh, the Egyptians came up with all science the Greeks just stole it & claimed it their own? Why is it no black Africans still possessed this knowledge? Did the Greeks use some magic and erase all of subsahran africa's memories & that is why they haven't progressed technology-wise without other cultures coming in and introducing it to them? You have a serious case of confirmation bias, that is the only way anyone could fall for that Afro-centric pack of lies.
I forgot to address your question of what race are these scientists that do not take black Egypt conspiracies seriously? All races. What do they stand to lose if proven wrong? Nothing whatsoever. Ancient Egypt matters none today. Ahhh, the Egyptians came up with all science the Greeks just stole it & claimed it their own? Why is it no black Africans still possessed this knowledge? Did the Greeks use some magic and erase all of subsahran africa's memories & that is why they haven't progressed technology-wise without other cultures coming in and introducing it to them? You have a serious case of confirmation bias, that is the only way anyone could fall for that Afro-centric pack of lies.

There are some white scientist that believe the Egyptians were Black. The ones that claim they were not have their reputations to lose so dont try and claim that they have nothing to lose. Ancient Egypt is the basis for all knowledge we have today and that is why it matters. I know it feels better to just accept what you have been told all your life but use your mind. Do you have any knowledge of the papyrus documents or is that a conspiracy as well? BTW did you know that people that share you ancestry (if you are really black) also discovered how to make carbonized steel before Europeans? I can school you if you are open. Your choice. You want the red pill or the blue one?
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It's in one of the first two entries in the article,brother. I really don't want to go through all this when the fact is, even if you're right and the Egyptians were black, you are not likely to be a descendant of black Egyptians yourself, neither am I...so what do you gain from claiming that the Egyptians were black? I know the answer to that question...but I'll let you give it a try.

It's in one of the first two entries in the article,brother. I really don't want to go through all this when the fact is, even if you're right and the Egyptians were black, you are not likely to be a descendant of black Egyptians yourself, neither am I...so what do you gain from claiming that the Egyptians were black? I know the answer to that question...but I'll let you give it a try.

I figured you wouldn't want to go through this as it is disturbing when your reality and reality clash. I went through it myself when I first found out about this information. I just so happen to carry the Thuya gene brother as 1 in 3 of African Americans do. What I gain from knowing that the ancient Egyptians were Black gave me an awareness I came from greatness. The same greatness that provided the world its foundation of knowledge. Now I have a question for you. Why was it so easy for you to discredit that the Egyptians were Black Africans even though Egypt is in Africa? I know the answer but I want to see if you know it.
Tank sure spends a lot of time thinking about black people... :eusa_think:

These racist threads just make my skin crawl.

How do these people get to be so completely and utterly ignorant and stupid?

I agree these race threads are creepy but once in a while one learns something. For instance, in justifying his belief that separate black schools would raise "impoverished black kids from the hood" - a idea that may have merit but seems awfully segregationist in this age of diversity - Asclepias claims: "I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves." Imagine if a white guy would say the same about blacks in America. My conclusion? That despite his obvious intelligence and education, Asclepias, while perhaps well-intentioned (as so many libs are) is a dime-a-dozen racist.

I figured that out a long time ago. That's why I have him on ignore.
Half of European men share King Tut's DNA
explain to me how 70% of western Europeans are genetically related to King Tut if King Tut was black?

Be careful of the links you provide. Look at what that company did that provided the information. To put it frankly it was a scam. Dont fight to protect the white myth. You should ask yourself why its so difficult for you to believe that Black Africans in Africa populate Egypt. Which is in Africa.

King Tut Related to Half of European Men? Maybe Not | Personal Genomics | Tutankhamen's Relatives | LiveScience

Swiss genomics company iGENEA has launched a Tutankhamen DNA project based on what they say are genetic markers that appeared on a computer screen during a Discovery Channel special on the famous pharaoh's genetic lineage.
You'd be better off claiming Ancient Egypt was multicultural, because it kind of was..then claiming it to be exclusively black civilization. But if you've ever been to Egypt or been to a museum exhibit of ancient Egyptian art, you'd clearly stop with this foolishness and see that blacks were mainly rivals of the Egyptians according to their own depictions of Nubians and themselves. Go to Egypt, see for yourself. I was a merchant marine for a time and have been to Egypt a few times and seen with my own eyes. I hope you get the chance so that you can get that Afrocentric crap out of your mind because other than that crap, you're obviously an intelligent guy.
No comment on the DNA results proving sub-saharan genes? I got more. Please address this.


The King Tut Gene

It's in one of the first two entries in the article,brother. I really don't want to go through all this when the fact is, even if you're right and the Egyptians were black, you are not likely to be a descendant of black Egyptians yourself, neither am I...so what do you gain from claiming that the Egyptians were black? I know the answer to that question...but I'll let you give it a try.

I figured you wouldn't want to go through this as it is disturbing when your reality and reality clash. I went through it myself when I first found out about this information. I just so happen to carry the Thuya gene brother as 1 in 3 of African Americans do. What I gain from knowing that the ancient Egyptians were Black gave me an awareness I came from greatness. The same greatness that provided the world its foundation of knowledge. Now I have a question for you. Why was it so easy for you to discredit that the Egyptians were Black Africans even though Egypt is in Africa? I know the answer but I want to see if you know it.

Ancient Egyptians were a great society, we all know they were dark skinned. There were also other great societies that were mostly white. It shouldn't matter what skin color they were, should it? Focusing on skin color gives power to folks who focus on skin color.
You'd be better off claiming Ancient Egypt was multicultural, because it kind of was..then claiming it to be exclusively black civilization. But if you've ever been to Egypt or been to a museum exhibit of ancient Egyptian art, you'd clearly stop with this foolishness and see that blacks were mainly rivals of the Egyptians according to their own depictions of Nubians and themselves. Go to Egypt, see for yourself. I was a merchant marine for a time and have been to Egypt a few times and seen with my own eyes. I hope you get the chance so that you can get that Afrocentric crap out of your mind because other than that crap, you're obviously an intelligent guy.

Ancient Egypt was exclusively Black. Thats who started it. I have actually been to Luxor so you can squash that attempt. I also been to other areas of Africa. Black Nubians were the rivals of Egyptians. They actually ruled Egypt off and on. However they were 2 competing Black cultures. Maybe you would feel better if a white guy told you this. Ever heard of Herodotus the greek historian?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said "The People Of Colchis Must Be Egyptians Because Like Them They Are Black-skinned And Wooly-haired." - Philly.com
I agree these race threads are creepy but once in a while one learns something. For instance, in justifying his belief that separate black schools would raise "impoverished black kids from the hood" - a idea that may have merit but seems awfully segregationist in this age of diversity - Asclepias claims: "I'm not talking about poor whites. There should be no poor whites. The ones that are have no excuse whatsoever. They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves." Imagine if a white guy would say the same about blacks in America. My conclusion? That despite his obvious intelligence and education, Asclepias, while perhaps well-intentioned (as so many libs are) is a dime-a-dozen racist.

Thats the chant of whites in denial since the beginning of time. You must be blind if you think a white child and a black child in the exact same impoverished condition here in the US are on equal footing. Poverty is a factor but social conditioning is also a major factor. That white child is beset by examples of whites succeeding. Black children rarely get to see that.

You are cherry-picking to justify your obvious racism. It wasn't me who claimed "I'm not talking about poor whites... They are just lazy and wont get off their buts and better themselves." nor did I suggest black-only schools or home-schooling which has long been a viable option. How many have taken advantage?
Why is that and what can be done about it? Segregation? Really? Isn't that where we were 50 years ago?

You know, my neighbor's oldest son and his wife adopted a black child and a white child. They have the same opportunities. My nieces are half black and have had wonderful opportunities. That's because my brother in law, racist though he is, didn't let anything hold them back. One of his daughters even went to school on a 5 year scholarship to Tuskegee University, where she was told that she was a "mistake" because her mother is white. She ended up transferring to a more traditional university in California.

A black child and a white child, born in the same circumstances have the same opportunities. To claim the black failed because he was black and the white failed because he was lazy is just ludicrous.
It's in one of the first two entries in the article,brother. I really don't want to go through all this when the fact is, even if you're right and the Egyptians were black, you are not likely to be a descendant of black Egyptians yourself, neither am I...so what do you gain from claiming that the Egyptians were black? I know the answer to that question...but I'll let you give it a try.

I figured you wouldn't want to go through this as it is disturbing when your reality and reality clash. I went through it myself when I first found out about this information. I just so happen to carry the Thuya gene brother as 1 in 3 of African Americans do. What I gain from knowing that the ancient Egyptians were Black gave me an awareness I came from greatness. The same greatness that provided the world its foundation of knowledge. Now I have a question for you. Why was it so easy for you to discredit that the Egyptians were Black Africans even though Egypt is in Africa? I know the answer but I want to see if you know it.

Ancient Egyptians were a great society, we all know they were dark skinned. There were also other great societies that were mostly white. It shouldn't matter what skin color they were, should it? Focusing on skin color gives power to folks who focus on skin color.

Frankly I think thats a cop out. If it didnt matter why were historians intent on pretending they were white? For centuries the Egyptians were declared to be white. Why? Now that the DNA proof is there why should it not matter? This is important information that should be taught. Why was it ok to teach and socialize people into believing they were white but now its a no no to show the facts that they were Black?
Kids who come to school with the attitude that they're there to learn generally do and the color of their skin is immaterial.

100% correct. One of the main reasons why so many black students don't do well, is because most blacks are raised to think they're getting a "white" education & this mentality has been passed down over generations and severly hurt our children's chances of doing well in school. If we speak clearly, that is acting white. Enjoy reading? Acting white, unless you're reading Afro-Centric malarky about "black" Egypt & other conspiritorial nonsense.

My nickname as a kid growing up was "White Boy"...and I am not even close to light skinned...

A couple of years ago a black teenager was beaten up in the bus tunnel in Seattle under full view of security by her friends who said she was "acting white". IMO her friends should have done serious jail time, but of course they got off.

It's criminal that a black who is doing the best she can is looked down on by her peers simply because they want to use their race as an excuse not to do well.

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