Q: How important is politics?

So you don't remember Reaganonmics , the Bushs tax cuts, and the tramp tax cuts,
I do- I also remember many things- like New World Order (ala bush the sr) and trickle down by Reagan and "we're all keynesean now" (ala Nixon) before either of them- keynesean, btw, is TOP down = trickle down- ALL economic systems operate that way- there is NO mutual level starting place- congress (Uncle Sham employees) job is to ENSURE not insure one doesn't have a legal advantage over another- nothing more, nothing less in the economy- of course the Duopoly Party Education System doesn't point that out- ever wonder why?
Politics, in our "Republic", (the US is NOT a fucking democracy)

Politics is life- ignoring them has what has brought us this far this direction- a lack of involvement perpetuates the trend- just keeping up with, even vaguely, should piss people off at the absolute ignorant arrogance and encourage them to be more cognizant- but, it doesn't- they turn off an tune out- as long as they can make their monthly installments with a little left over for discretionary spending they're good to go-

More one that I fervently hoped for democratic Biden.

That I want a new order of power from before the last four years with Trump.

Biden also win maybe 2024 might be when death came the Democratic leader.

Is not the Democratic closer to the even number 80 years ...

007 actor be 90 years before he died last night ...
A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:
How important is politics?
It hasn’t been at all important to conservatives for atleast two decades....they’ve sat on their hands, refused to mobilize become activists and take a stand.
They have been OWNED by Leftist imposed political correctness.
A: A little, but not much.

I'm 65, and have lived through 9 Presidential administrations. 6 Republican and 5 Democrat. My life and work have seen minor changes depending who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but no major ones. With this in mind, I suggest everyone to stay tuned to the events of the day and vote of course, but...don't let politics waste your time, and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:

In 2006, I had private health insurance that was $67 a month. After Obama Care, the cheapest insurance was over $300.

This month, I had to go to Urgent Care, and I didn't have insurance, because I couldn't afford insurance.

In the 1990s, with all of it's problems, Venezuela was the most wealthy Latin American country, with the most oil wealth of any country in the world.

Today, people are digging through trash cans, and burying children who starved to death.

I don't think you need to make politics the only thing, or most important thing in your life. I don't think you should end friendship, or break of relations with family, like idiots such as Don Lemon have suggested.

But, I do think that politics matters.

private health insurance that was $67 a month.

What did it cover??

It covered doctor office visits $50, the deductible was under $4,000, it covered 50% of prescriptions, and then after the deductible it covered you 100%, up to one million dollars.

Basically it was a catastrophic insurance police, that let you go to the doctors office for $50, and cut your prescriptions in half.

It was a perfect policy for me. And I did use it about 3 times in the couple of years I had it.

But today, you can't even attempt to find those kinds of plans for low income people like me. We are in open enrollment right now, and this is what it gave me.

Screen Shot 2020-11-01 at 4.33.46 PM.png

So significantly higher deductible, for almost 5 times the price. Even back in 2010 when I was looking, the cheapest insurance was over $250.

So Obama Care in 10 years, doubled the deductible, and quintupled the premiums.

And you thought health insurance costs were rising fast before ObamaCare? Obama "Here. Hold my beer."

And of course this is to be expected. When you eliminate pre-existing conditions clauses, what did you think was going to happen to premiums, when responsible people have to pay for irresponsible?

But the bottom line is, now I have no insurance, because I can't afford $327 a month.

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