Q. Why are highly processed foods not illegal?

People ARE responsible for what they choose to eat.

You can’t blame a merchant for supplying a legal demand.

Do you feel you have the right to dictate other people’s food preferences?
Of course not.
As someone who has now been forced into eating a healthier diet due to mild high BP, cholesterol and type II Diabetes I’ll tell you why Americans eat bad food rather than good food….

1. It’s less expensive.
2. It tastes better
3. Its easier to prepare.
So, you want to ban booze along with highly processed foods?
Not at all. But I think people should bear the responsibility for their decisions. Drunks and gluttons shouldn't pass the cost of their actions off onto others.
Ok. Well, I guess you're playing some kind of game then. Whatever.
I do have a 'game' in mind, in that I'm always looking for a deeper dive into topics. Review the above responses, do you see any indication of a deeper dive? All I see are knee-jerk reactions, like the old bootlegger whose craft was named among other sins by the pastor one Sunday

"He's quit preachin' and gone to meddlin'!"
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