Q: Will the SCOTUS weigh in before Biden’s redistribution from the working class to college-educated professionals is slated to happen?

Didn’t you just whine that COVID loans should be forgiven first?

They were dumbass
I said any covid disaster loans should be forgiven before stupid student loans are... forgiving any government loans when we are so deep in national debt is dumb but if you are going to do it covid related loans should be forgiven first....
Did you know Joe has spent 4 trillion dollars in just two years?... do you know how much a trillion is?....
Our military are running out of ammunition for crying out loud....
I said any covid disaster loans should be forgiven before stupid student loans are... forgiving any government loans when we are so deep in national debt is dumb but if you are going to do it covid related loans should be forgiven first....
Did you know Joe has spent 4 trillion dollars in just two years?... do you know how much a trillion is?....
Our military are running out of ammunition for crying out loud....
What the fuck do you think PPE loans are dumbfuck

Government covid loans.
When is Biden, likely illegally, going to wipe out $10,000 of debt to college-educated accountants, architects, engineers, etc., driving inflation and putting the cost on the working class?

Will the Supreme Court have an opportunity to weigh in before he waves his magic wand? Based on previous rulings, the SCOTUS is generally opposed to a power grab by the president when the issue is something that is normally determined by Congress.

And who could bring a challenge to a lower court, thereby starting the path up to the Supreme Court? i would think that any taxpaying American who is harmed by this, which are the majority.

You didn't get one thing right. It is not illegal, it does not drive inflation, the working class are helped, and it is aimed at the lower and middle class.

The SCOTUS has actually supported the expansion of Presidential power. They allowed Trump to take money from other programs to spend on a wall despite Congress' opposition. To bring suit, you have to be injured by the act. Even Ted Cruz admits that they may not be able to sue.
The Supreme Court took away nothing - they gave the abortion issue back to the states where it belongs.
But you knew that.
Now they can take back the unfair and selective (and possibly illegal) debt relief.

Yes they did take away rights. They allowed politicians to interfere in the relationship between a woman and her doctor.
Did you read the article I posted? The jury is out on whether a president can give a big break to college-educated professionals while making the majority - those with high school degrees - pay the consequences.

Try telling the truth to start out with.
As a greedy wealth hoarding conservative I don't need Biden's government handout and my wealth is protected from greedy government paws. You fools go ahead and cheer Dem tax increases on yourselves.
well what do you call it when construction workers and store cashiers are bailing out rich kids that screwed up and selected an education of nonsense and can't make a living....
Rich kids? Who do you think took out college loans.

Yea middle class kids
What the fuck do you think PPE loans are dumbfuck

Government covid loans.
PPE loans are for keeping employees paid while the store is closed... covid disaster loans are from the SBA and are different... they must be repaid... you sound really stupid calling me a dumbfuck when you obviously don't even know that there are two kinds of covid relief loans...
Please file before November! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

Republican ass meets voters hand. Whack
PPE loans are for keeping employees paid while the store is closed... covid disaster loans are from the SBA and are different... they must be repaid... you sound really stupid calling me a dumbfuck when you obviously don't even know that there are two kinds of covid relief loans...
They are government COVID loans

How stupid are you?

Q: Will the SCOTUS weigh in before Biden’s redistribution from the working class to college-educated professionals is slated to happen?​

I hope so. Biden has no authority to pay off school loans superseding congressional authority, not that any democrat ever cared about the Law!
They are government COVID loans

How stupid are you?
How stupid are you... one is forgiven the other had two deferments and payments begin in November.... look it up dumbass before you show everyone here what a fucking dumbass you are....
If they do block it, the ruling had best including the members of Congress who oppose student debt forgiveness but had their own student debt forgiven having their own debt forgiveness revoked, and are forced to pay it back.

4 out of 5 members of Congress who oppose student debt forgiveness had their own student debt forgiven. They are hypocrites. If the oppse it, they shouldnt get it either.
How stupid are you... one is forgiven the other had two deferments and payments begin in November.... look it up dumbass before you show everyone here what a fucking dumbass you are....
First you tell us that government covid loans aren't government loans...and that covid loans aren't covid loans...and then you try to find a way to claim that forgiving government covid loans of hundreds of thousands of dollars is different than forgiven 10-20 grand in college loans.

You are talking in circles as always

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