Qaddafi and sons leave libya

And now everyone will forget about the place, although it will be hell for those who stay.

The media will give Obama credit, even though everyone has said he wasnt doing anything

The war was France's fault,the victory Obama's.

Now on to the next crises so what Obama is really doing continues to go unreported.
Did Obama get him from a golf cart, via cell phone, on some fucking golf course in Martha's Vineyard? Or was he cowering behind a TV monitor in a bunker with Hillary and Biden, like when OBL was taken out by the U.S. Navy ?
If Bush was bombing Libya so the Europeans could get cheaper oil from Libya, then the left-wing trash would be screaming No Blood for Oil.

The Europeans only care about Libya because of BP's oil interests there, Syria has had more people killed by their leaders the past 30 years but not a peep about bombing them.

I'm still wondering where all my $1.00 gas is. You know, the gas I was supposed to get from our 'blood for oil' thingy in Iraq? Last time I checked, I was paying $1.70 a gallon before the Iraq war.

What up with dat?
Oh...Bush from Texas and Cheney from Wyoming are controlling the price of gas from their top secret bunkers that even Obama doesn't know about. :razz:

If Bush was bombing Libya so the Europeans could get cheaper oil from Libya, then the left-wing trash would be screaming No Blood for Oil.

The Europeans only care about Libya because of BP's oil interests there, Syria has had more people killed by their leaders the past 30 years but not a peep about bombing them.

I'm still wondering where all my $1.00 gas is. You know, the gas I was supposed to get from our 'blood for oil' thingy in Iraq? Last time I checked, I was paying $1.70 a gallon before the Iraq war.

What up with dat?
I'm really pretty shocked that nobody really remembers this asshole, Gaddafi, was the author of Lockerbie.

No terrorist that kills Americans, especially in mass numbers, should have safe harbor anywhere in the world.

There should only be one answer to murderous terrorists that kill Americans.

Either they get brought to American justice or die.
In about a year when the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qai'da are turning Libya into Sudan/Somalia/Yemen, etc....this will look like a "great" idea.

Liberals will try to claim it was Bush's fault...
So you support our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....

I'm really pretty shocked that nobody really remembers this asshole, Gaddafi, was the author of Lockerbie.

No terrorist that kills Americans, especially in mass numbers, should have safe harbor anywhere in the world.

There should only be one answer to murderous terrorists that kill Americans.

Either they get brought to American justice or die.
So you support our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....

I'm really pretty shocked that nobody really remembers this asshole, Gaddafi, was the author of Lockerbie.

No terrorist that kills Americans, especially in mass numbers, should have safe harbor anywhere in the world.

There should only be one answer to murderous terrorists that kill Americans.

Either they get brought to American justice or die.

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan.

That should have been the beginning and end to the "war on terrorism" and it should have ended with the death of Bin Laden.

There was no reason to attack Iraq. Al Qaeda had little or nothing to do with Saddam Hussien. I am pretty sure they made contact but like most dictators, they have little use for terrorists. Eventually what winds up happening is they turn against you.
Dumbfuck, terrorists went to Iraq from Afghanistan to get medical care.

Saddam started a war with our friend, Kuwait, by invading them and killing/raping the people there. We just finished off the war that was on hold ever since the mid-90s.

People like you should just kill yourselves for being wasting O2.

So you support our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....

I'm really pretty shocked that nobody really remembers this asshole, Gaddafi, was the author of Lockerbie.

No terrorist that kills Americans, especially in mass numbers, should have safe harbor anywhere in the world.

There should only be one answer to murderous terrorists that kill Americans.

Either they get brought to American justice or die.

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan.

That should have been the beginning and end to the "war on terrorism" and it should have ended with the death of Bin Laden.

There was no reason to attack Iraq. Al Qaeda had little or nothing to do with Saddam Hussien. I am pretty sure they made contact but like most dictators, they have little use for terrorists. Eventually what winds up happening is they turn against you.
When Egypt and Libya are the new Irans, Obama will be like Jimmy Carter....whitewashed by the historians and media trying to cover his tracks.

Afterall, they need to elect another one in 15 or so years like clockwork.
Dumbfuck, terrorists went to Iraq from Afghanistan to get medical care.

Saddam started a war with our friend, Kuwait, by invading them and killing/raping the people there. We just finished off the war that was on hold ever since the mid-90s.

People like you should just kill yourselves for being wasting O2.

So you support our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan.

That should have been the beginning and end to the "war on terrorism" and it should have ended with the death of Bin Laden.

There was no reason to attack Iraq. Al Qaeda had little or nothing to do with Saddam Hussien. I am pretty sure they made contact but like most dictators, they have little use for terrorists. Eventually what winds up happening is they turn against you.

You're a very stupid person.

And know nothing about history.

Repeating incorrect data on the internet doesn't make it correct.

No matter how much you do it.
It's Great to see Gaddafi going, but I am still a little unclear on just who we just helped take over that Country.

Liberals Pound Bush for Iraq, and Claim we left a Pro Iran, Islamic Country in it's Place.

So what do you have to say on Libya? You can hide Behind NATO all you want but the fact is over 70% of all the strikes, and Power was US power.

So who in the Hell did we just help Take Over Libya?

Really would like to know.
So you claim Saddam wasn't supporting terrorists fleeing Afghanistan.

You claim Saddam didn't start a war with Kuwait and that was still on hold with a UN mandate that he allow open inspections of his country.

You claim Saddam wasn't paying for terrorists to attack our friend, Israel.

Saddam killed more people than Qadaffi, dumbass. He killed more Americans than Qadaffi.

Liberal trash like you just invent history to fit your fucked up mind and agenda.

Dumbfuck, terrorists went to Iraq from Afghanistan to get medical care.

Saddam started a war with our friend, Kuwait, by invading them and killing/raping the people there. We just finished off the war that was on hold ever since the mid-90s.

People like you should just kill yourselves for being wasting O2.

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan.

That should have been the beginning and end to the "war on terrorism" and it should have ended with the death of Bin Laden.

There was no reason to attack Iraq. Al Qaeda had little or nothing to do with Saddam Hussien. I am pretty sure they made contact but like most dictators, they have little use for terrorists. Eventually what winds up happening is they turn against you.

You're a very stupid person.

And know nothing about history.

Repeating incorrect data on the internet doesn't make it correct.

No matter how much you do it.
So you support our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....

I'm really pretty shocked that nobody really remembers this asshole, Gaddafi, was the author of Lockerbie.

No terrorist that kills Americans, especially in mass numbers, should have safe harbor anywhere in the world.

There should only be one answer to murderous terrorists that kill Americans.

Either they get brought to American justice or die.

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan.

That should have been the beginning and end to the "war on terrorism" and it should have ended with the death of Bin Laden.

There was no reason to attack Iraq. Al Qaeda had little or nothing to do with Saddam Hussien. I am pretty sure they made contact but like most dictators, they have little use for terrorists. Eventually what winds up happening is they turn against you.

Killing bin Laden happened because it was expedient now. It didn't happen before because it wasn't expedient. We needed to destroy AQ, not bin Laden. Once the Allies had bitchslapped AQ back to the stone age, killing bin Laden became a good thing. People really should learn to think beyond what the media and the politicians say.

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