Qaddafi and sons leave libya

I see French, Qatari and Turkish flags on that square on Al-Jazeera.
And 99.9% only men on screen since I watch this.
Important is to manage the transition carefully, should this indeed mean, that the phase of violence ends.
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It's Great to see Gaddafi going, but I am still a little unclear on just who we just helped take over that Country.

Liberals Pound Bush for Iraq, and Claim we left a Pro Iran, Islamic Country in it's Place.

So what do you have to say on Libya? You can hide Behind NATO all you want but the fact is over 70% of all the strikes, and Power was US power.

So who in the Hell did we just help Take Over Libya?

Really would like to know.

Here's the problem. I don't think they know.

About half these rebels are Qadaffi defectors... Guys who had no problem with what Qadaffi was doing before this all started.
Reagan couldn't get rid of Qaddafi, but Obama did.

Bush couldn't get rid of Bin Laden, but Obama did.

Bad news for Republicans....
Reagan couldn't get rid of Qaddafi, but Obama did.

Bush couldn't get rid of Bin Laden, but Obama did.

Bad news for Republicans....
Clinton couldn't get rid of Qaddafi, but Obama did.

Clinton couldn't get rid of Bin Laden, but Obama did.

Bad news for Clinton.
Republicans desperately looking for a negative spin on the fall of Qaddafi...

Chris desperately looking for a reason to gargle on Obama's semen.

Reagan couldn't get rid of Qaddafi, but Obama did.

Bush couldn't get rid of Bin Laden, but Obama did.

Bad news for Republicans....

Really? Obama got rid of Qaddafi? I thought that was the Libyan rebels doing that.

And I thought it was Seal Team 6 that 'got' Bin Laden. Obama pulled the trigger? Planned the mission specifics? Did the recon? Gathered the intelligence? And all this time, I though he just gave a green light. Silly me.
Reagan couldn't get rid of Qaddafi, but Obama did.

Bush couldn't get rid of Bin Laden, but Obama did.

Bad news for Republicans....

Really? Obama got rid of Qaddafi? I thought that was the Libyan rebels doing that.

And I thought it was Seal Team 6 that 'got' Bin Laden. Obama pulled the trigger? Planned the mission specifics? Did the recon? Gathered the intelligence? And all this time, I though he just gave a green light. Silly me.

Chrissy Lewinsky hates the military, so all this has to be a result of Obama's heroics.
Republicans desperately looking for a negative spin on the fall of Qaddafi...


Now, now, dry those tears little boy. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings by pointing out how much better Obama is than Clinton was.

Here, have a tissue.
Looks like Bachmann already workin' on gettin' dem gas prices down to $2/gal.

With Gadhafi out of power, oil prices should fall
21 Aug.`11 - Full effect of his ouster on the market may not be felt for months
Oil prices around the world should start falling if Libyan rebels succeed in toppling Moammar Gadhafi's regime, though the full effect won't be felt for months.

On Sunday night, rebel forces pushed into Tripoli without meeting much resistance, hours after they overran a major military base that defended the capital. The opposition's leaders said Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, has been arrested.

Independent analyst Andrew Lipow says oil markets will likely respond Monday by sending prices lower in a sign of relief. But it will take time for the market to erase the hefty price increase that resulted from the suspension of Libyan oil exports since the rebellion began in February.

Analysts estimate the situation in Libya has increased oil prices by $10 to $20 a barrel.

Oil prices should fall with Gadhafi out of power - Business - Oil & energy -
Could not give a rat's ass what your "opinion" is. We are not the 'victors', the Libyan people are.

If Gaddafi dies as a result of American actions..we will be the victors.

It will send a very clear message to every would be terrorist would fate awaits them if they kill Americans.

We have no boots on the ground in Libya. If Qaddafi dies, it is because of the rebels. Obama cannot claim credit.

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