Qaddafi and sons leave libya

That's funny you asked that. I was just watching the NBC Nightly News tonight with my daughter, and I asked her, "Are the Rebels the 'good guys' or the bad guys?"

Does anyone know?

Are our troops done there now? Can they come home yet?
Can't wait to see how Fox spins this...

I believe they will win four Pinocchios on this one!
That's funny you asked that. I was just watching the NBC Nightly News tonight with my daughter, and I asked her, "Are the Rebels the 'good guys' or the bad guys?"

Does anyone know?

Are our troops done there now? Can they come home yet?

We'll probably have to send in a few thousand "advisers" to help the rebels get up and running.
That's funny you asked that. I was just watching the NBC Nightly News tonight with my daughter, and I asked her, "Are the Rebels the 'good guys' or the bad guys?"

Does anyone know?

Are our troops done there now? Can they come home yet?

We'll probably have to send in a few thousand "advisers" to help the rebels get up and running.

Do you think the special ops forces are/were helping the rebels overthrow the government there?
That's funny you asked that. I was just watching the NBC Nightly News tonight with my daughter, and I asked her, "Are the Rebels the 'good guys' or the bad guys?"

Does anyone know?

Are our troops done there now? Can they come home yet?

We'll probably have to send in a few thousand "advisers" to help the rebels get up and running.

Do you think the special ops forces are/were helping the rebels overthrow the government there?

I know for a fact they are.
It's Great to see Gaddafi going, but I am still a little unclear on just who we just helped take over that Country.

Liberals Pound Bush for Iraq, and Claim we left a Pro Iran, Islamic Country in it's Place.

So what do you have to say on Libya? You can hide Behind NATO all you want but the fact is over 70% of all the strikes, and Power was US power.

So who in the Hell did we just help Take Over Libya?

Really would like to know.
America's enemy Al Qadea
That's funny you asked that. I was just watching the NBC Nightly News tonight with my daughter, and I asked her, "Are the Rebels the 'good guys' or the bad guys?"

Does anyone know?

Are our troops done there now? Can they come home yet?

no troops in Libya. unless of course the President lied about that.
It's Great to see Gaddafi going, but I am still a little unclear on just who we just helped take over that Country.

Liberals Pound Bush for Iraq, and Claim we left a Pro Iran, Islamic Country in it's Place.

So what do you have to say on Libya? You can hide Behind NATO all you want but the fact is over 70% of all the strikes, and Power was US power.

So who in the Hell did we just help Take Over Libya?

Really would like to know.
America's enemy Al Qadea

Want to bet?
Tunisian and Egyptian flag I saw also.
On Benghazi place is also a bigger US flag, behind mounted on a house-wall on that place.

The flag the Libyans are waving is the flag of the Kingdom of Libya which existed before Ghaddafi overthrew that state-system.

Under Ghaddafi this was the flag of Lybia:
Could not give a rat's ass what your "opinion" is. We are not the 'victors', the Libyan people are.

If Gaddafi dies as a result of American actions..we will be the victors.

It will send a very clear message to every would be terrorist would fate awaits them if they kill Americans.

We have no boots on the ground in Libya. If Qaddafi dies, it is because of the rebels. Obama cannot claim credit.

Nice try, but Obama backed the rebels with air power.

You guys kill me.

If Obama walked on water, you would say, "OBAMA CAN'T SWIM!"
If Gaddafi dies as a result of American actions..we will be the victors.

It will send a very clear message to every would be terrorist would fate awaits them if they kill Americans.

We have no boots on the ground in Libya. If Qaddafi dies, it is because of the rebels. Obama cannot claim credit.

Nice try, but Obama backed the rebels with air power.

You guys kill me.

If Obama walked on water, you would say, "OBAMA CAN'T SWIM!"

You already think he walks on water.
BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Impact" segment tonight: Not much new to report out of Libya other than Qaddafi's ground forces continue to be hammered by NATO warplanes. Some Americans fear there will be boots on the ground in Libya. The Obama administration says that's not going to happen, but what is happening on the ground may surprise you.

Joining us now from Washington, Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, a former Army intelligence officer, and from Boston, Col. David Hunt, a Fox News military analyst. So we hear special forces are already on the ground in Libya. True, Col. Hunt?

RET. COL. DAVID HUNT, U.S. ARMY: Yes, absolutely. You've got British service been in there about three weeks ago and actually got captured and released. The French GIGN have been in there and our special forces and our U.S. intelligence operatives and their assets. We do not conduct operations like this, large scale air operations, without people on the ground. They have been very successful, very good, not a lot of contact with the rebels because you don't know who to talk to. But, yes, we have got intel gathering and rescue guys and special operations guys on the ground, have had them for about 12 days.

O'REILLY: Now, do you agree with that, Col. Shaffer?

LT. COL. TONY SHAFFER, FORMER ARMY INTELLIGENCE OFFICER: Yes, I have heard from my sources -- I got a call from one of my key sources on Monday and that's exactly what's going on. Let's be really clear here. You have got to have these individuals doing what Dave just said, especially when you are talking about trying to protect, and the stated goal here, Bill, is humanitarian support. So you don't want to have weapons hitting the wrong targets. So, Dave is very good on the fact that we have special operations guys sitting there with laser designators.

Are U.S. Troops Already on the Ground in Libya? - Interviews - The O'Reilly Factor -

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