Qaddafi and sons leave libya

That's funny you asked that. I was just watching the NBC Nightly News tonight with my daughter, and I asked her, "Are the Rebels the 'good guys' or the bad guys?"

Does anyone know?

Are our troops done there now? Can they come home yet?

We'll probably have to send in a few thousand "advisers" to help the rebels get up and running.

Do you think the special ops forces are/were helping the rebels overthrow the government there?

I'm sure they were passing intelligence on Qadaffi's troop positions to the rebels. But now we will have to send troops in to help them set up police forces, security, and government.

We'll be there for years.
Can't wait to see how Fox spins this...

I believe they will win four Pinocchios on this one!

Here is how FOX News is 'spinning' it...

Libyan Rebels Reportedly Within 2 Miles Of Tripoli's Center |

An Associated Press reporter with the rebels saw them take over the base of the Khamis Brigade, 16 miles west of the capital, on Sunday. The base has been defending Qaddafi's stronghold of Tripoli. After a brief gunbattle, Qaddafi's forces fled.

Inside the base, hundreds of rebels cheered wildly and danced, raising the rebel flag on the front gate of a large, gray wall enclosing the compound. They seized large stores of weapons from the base, driving away with truckloads of whatever arms they could get their hands on. One of the rebels carried off a tube of grenades, while another carted off two mortars.

"Anti-Qaddafi forces have had momentum on their side for some time," a U.S. senior administration official told Fox News on Sunday. "If Tripoli eventually falls to the rebels, Qaddafi's already limited options would become even more limited. Pressure on him and his shrinking circle of loyalists has to be taking a seriously toll."

NATO has reportedly been bombing Qaddafi's Tripoli compound continuously, though no casualties have been reported yet.

Mukhtar Lahab, a rebel commander closing in on Tripoli and a former captain in Qaddafi's army, said relatives inside the capital reported mass protests in four neighborhoods known to be sympathetic to the opposition: Fashlum, Souk al-Jouma, Tajoura and Janzour. He said mosques there were rallying residents with chants of "Allahu Akbar" or "God is great," broadcast on loudspeakers.

The capture of Tripoli would almost certainly herald the end of Qaddafi's regime, more than 40 years after the maverick leader seized power in a military coup that toppled the monarchy of the vast North African nation.

Looks like they have the nerve to credit the rebels with all this, and not Obama. How DARE they!
If Truth Matters, tell me some facts,not suppositions and rumors. Please repost after the fact. This is just supposition and any comments would be words in the wind without facts to refer to.
THE HAGUE (AFP)--Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's son Seif al-Islam, for whom the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for crimes against humanity, is in detention, the ICC prosecutor said Monday.

"I have received confidential information stating he has been arrested," Luis Moreno-Ocampo said.

Moreno-Ocampo told CNN Seif al-Islam's transfer to The Hague to likely face war crimes charges would be discussed Tuesday with rebel leadership.

Earlier, the chairman of Libya's rebel National Transitional Council told Al-Jazeera television from Benghazi he had "information that Seif al-Islam has been captured".

"He is being kept in a secure place under close guard until he is handed over to the judiciary," Abdel Jalil said, without giving a date or place for the reported capture of Gadhafi's son.

Before the revolt which erupted in February, Seif al-Islam was increasingly seen as the successor to his father, despite publicly ruling out any dynastic ambitions in the North African country.

Seif Al-Islam Gadhafi's Arrest, Transfer To Be Discussed Tuesday - ICC -
It's Great to see Gaddafi going, but I am still a little unclear on just who we just helped take over that Country.
How "odd" that question was never asked (by Teabaggers), before Saddam Hussein was ousted.

It surely does take you folks exceptionally-long to kick your (excuse for) brains "into-gear".

All the Foxbots have the inside info on our secret forces. We WON"T BE THERE, and our spotters if any left back in May when WE stopped bombing. Any advisors, if any, are already on the payroll. Never seen so much histrionics as from our poor idiot RWers, who are ALWAYS WRONG, it appears...
It's Great to see Gaddafi going, but I am still a little unclear on just who we just helped take over that Country.
How "odd" that question was never asked (by Teabaggers), before Saddam Hussein was ousted.

It surely does take you folks exceptionally-long to kick your (excuse for) brains "into-gear".


I had a clear Idea of who would be in Charge of Iraq when we toppled Saddam. THE US MILITARY. In Libya we have no control at all, we have no idea who is going to take the place over. We have no plan.

Are you really going to sit here and say it is ok we don't know in Libya, Because we did it in Iraq? We made a mistake in Iraq thinking we would end up with a friendly, Democratic Country. How does it make any sense to now make a similar Mistake in Libya? Only this time we don't have any Boots on the Ground, and therefore no way to control who takes over.

Did we just create another Muslim Theocracy?

It's Great to see Gaddafi going, but I am still a little unclear on just who we just helped take over that Country.
How "odd" that question was never asked (by Teabaggers), before Saddam Hussein was ousted.

It surely does take you folks exceptionally-long to kick your (excuse for) brains "into-gear".


I had a clear Idea of who would be in Charge of Iraq when we toppled Saddam. THE US MILITARY. In Libya we have no control at all, we have no idea who is going to take the place over. We have no plan.

Are you really going to sit here and say it is ok we don't know in Libya, Because we did it in Iraq? We made a mistake in Iraq thinking we would end up with a friendly, Democratic Country. How does it make any sense to now make a similar Mistake in Libya? Only this time we don't have any Boots on the Ground, and therefore no way to control who takes over.

Did we just create another Muslim Theocracy?


Damn democracy!

So messy without us in charge.
It's Great to see Gaddafi going, but I am still a little unclear on just who we just helped take over that Country.
How "odd" that question was never asked (by Teabaggers), before Saddam Hussein was ousted.

It surely does take you folks exceptionally-long to kick your (excuse for) brains "into-gear".


I had a clear Idea of who would be in Charge of Iraq when we toppled Saddam. THE US MILITARY. In Libya we have no control at all, we have no idea who is going to take the place over. We have no plan.

Are you really going to sit here and say it is ok we don't know in Libya, Because we did it in Iraq? We made a mistake in Iraq thinking we would end up with a friendly, Democratic Country. How does it make any sense to now make a similar Mistake in Libya? Only this time we don't have any Boots on the Ground, and therefore no way to control who takes over.

Did we just create another Muslim Theocracy?


Since al-Qaeda were the rebels you can be asured it will be another al-Qaeda training ground.

Maybe that was obama's plan for more aggression, 2012 two months before the next election Libya mysteriously has al-Qaeda training within it's borders planning a major atrtack on American soil, and we must go in and destroy it with boots on the ground. What better way to motivate the non obama base to vote for him.

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