Qaddafi and sons leave libya

First Republicans screamed at him to do something. Then they screamed at him to stop. They screamed he was soft on terror. Then they screamed that it was Republicans that got Bin Laden.

The only time Republicans have told the truth is when they screamed, even before the black guy was sworn in, that they wanted him to fail. They still do.

Why do dip shits like you always play the race card?

I don't recall Republicans screaming 'they' got Bin Laden. I seem to remember us screaming 'SEAL TEAM 6 got Bin Laden', while the Liberal mouth breathing crowd screamed 'Obama got Bin Laden!'

The adults are talking. Go back to your Barbie dolls.

rdean is a special kind of dipshit.
First Republicans screamed at him to do something. Then they screamed at him to stop. They screamed he was soft on terror. Then they screamed that it was Republicans that got Bin Laden.

The only time Republicans have told the truth is when they screamed, even before the black guy was sworn in, that they wanted him to fail. They still do.

Why do dip shits like you always play the race card?

I don't recall Republicans screaming 'they' got Bin Laden. I seem to remember us screaming 'SEAL TEAM 6 got Bin Laden', while the Liberal mouth breathing crowd screamed 'Obama got Bin Laden!'

The adults are talking. Go back to your Barbie dolls.

rdean is a special kind of dipshit.

kinda like 'special' Ed...
[ame=]Stephen Lynch - special Ed - YouTube[/ame]
First Republicans screamed at him to do something. Then they screamed at him to stop. They screamed he was soft on terror. Then they screamed that it was Republicans that got Bin Laden.

The only time Republicans have told the truth is when they screamed, even before the black guy was sworn in, that they wanted him to fail. They still do.

Go sit in the corner and color.
"Mission Accomplished"! I've heard from a very credible source that President Obama has ordered the Navy to make him a flight suit so he can stand on the Flight Deck of CVN 65 and claim credit for Mission Accomplished in Lybia.
Obama deserves no credit. If anyone in power deserves it , it is Hillary. Plus the guys who fly the jets to get the no fly zone in place. since it was America that did most of the work. I give all the benefits to Hillary and our brave military personal!
How about the rebels in Libya who did the fighting and dying?

Okay, if Obama deserves NO credit, why was he criticized by the right for getting involved in the first place?

I can't see how you think Obama had anything to do with the success of the rebellion. NATO moved to help the rebels. France and Italy used their jets for the initial missions. The US refueled the jets and offered some drones for surveillance as a member of NATO forces. Now you want Obama to claim credit for the victory. Geeesss
I don't believe we have any idea who is going to end up running the show in Libya. I'm not even sure if we know what's going to happen in Egypt even.............
Let's see.....a terroristic regime falls
no American lives were lost
We utilized a NATO coalition to bring about change are right
Another Obama foreign policy blunder
How about the rebels in Libya who did the fighting and dying?

Okay, if Obama deserves NO credit, why was he criticized by the right for getting involved in the first place?

At first he was criticized by Republicans for NOT getting involved. Republicans think they can rewrite history just by telling a lie. It's not that "simple".
Obama deserves no credit. If anyone in power deserves it , it is Hillary. Plus the guys who fly the jets to get the no fly zone in place. since it was America that did most of the work. I give all the benefits to Hillary and our brave military personal!


And if it was a diplomatic blunder, we know who would get the blame

First paragraph...
More than 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles struck over 20 targets inside Libya today in the opening phase of an international military operation the Pentagon said was aimed at stopping attacks led by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and enforcing a U.N.-backed no-fly zone.

The first air strikes, in what is being called Operation Odyssey Dawn, were launched from a mix of U.S. surface ships and one British submarine in the Mediterranean Sea

Gortney said no U.S. troops were on the ground in Libya and that no U.S. aircraft participated in the initial attacks.

Your own article contradicts you. Learn to read the article before you post it, not just the headline.
I can't see how you think Obama had anything to do with the success of the rebellion. NATO moved to help the rebels. France and Italy used their jets for the initial missions. The US refueled the jets and offered some drones for surveillance as a member of NATO forces. Now you want Obama to claim credit for the victory. Geeesss

Who authorized the U.S. airwar against Gadhafi (airplanes and cruise missiles)? What about CIA boots on the ground coordinating with Libyan rebels? Who authorized that?

Obama again expands role In Libyan war | Sun Journal

The American Conservative » Obama’s Libyan War

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