Qaddafi and sons leave libya

When the Libyan Rebels throw out their leader what will Obama do?

Probably play a round at the Mink Meadows Golf Club.
So you claim Saddam wasn't supporting terrorists fleeing Afghanistan.

You claim Saddam didn't start a war with Kuwait and that was still on hold with a UN mandate that he allow open inspections of his country.

You claim Saddam wasn't paying for terrorists to attack our friend, Israel.

Saddam killed more people than Qadaffi, dumbass. He killed more Americans than Qadaffi.

Liberal trash like you just invent history to fit your fucked up mind and agenda.

You've got a terrible recollection of anything. That's probably because you only visit right wing propaganda sites.

Saddam, who was encouraged by the United States to enter into a war with Iran, did attack Kuwait. He did so because Iraq had some heavy debts to Kuwait who were making some very big threats. That and they wanted a port city. Hussien appraised April Glaspie of the situation and she essentially green lighted the whole thing. However, Iraq went further into Kuwait then Glaspie "thought" he would. That's why Iraq got into trouble for that.

The rest of what you have here is conflation and at best ridiculous.

There was no reason to commit the war crime known as the invasion and conquering of Iraq.

So you support our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan.

That should have been the beginning and end to the "war on terrorism" and it should have ended with the death of Bin Laden.

There was no reason to attack Iraq. Al Qaeda had little or nothing to do with Saddam Hussien. I am pretty sure they made contact but like most dictators, they have little use for terrorists. Eventually what winds up happening is they turn against you.

Killing bin Laden happened because it was expedient now. It didn't happen before because it wasn't expedient. We needed to destroy AQ, not bin Laden. Once the Allies had bitchslapped AQ back to the stone age, killing bin Laden became a good thing. People really should learn to think beyond what the media and the politicians say.

It wasn't "expedient" because it would have made the invasion of Iraq impossible.
victor go the spoils....Now the GOP is playing defense and cry babies over it.
Just like the left did when Bush caught Saddam....

Thats IF this story is true.

The 'victors' in this instance are the Libyan people.... not your fucking Messiah, you moron. Honestly, "you people" (the morons of the left) never tire of trying to steal what belongs to other people.

Actually my opinion is we never should have been there, but in the game of politics victory goes the spoils.

But im sure you whined your little twat off when bush caught saddam.

Could not give a rat's ass what your "opinion" is. We are not the 'victors', the Libyan people are.

And.... Bush didn't 'catch' Saddam. That was the Military. idiot.
Could not give a rat's ass what your "opinion" is. We are not the 'victors', the Libyan people are.

If Gaddafi dies as a result of American actions..we will be the victors.

It will send a very clear message to every would be terrorist would fate awaits them if they kill Americans.
Oh, it was ok for Saddam to invade Kuwait over the debt he couldn't pay back. :cuckoo:

Tell that to the people he killed and raped.

You are an idiot posting on this website because you are not allowed to go outside and play in the road anymore.

Iraq will be a better place to visit in 10 years than Libya, mark my words dumbfuck. Libya will be a terrorist launching pad into southern Europe and into western Africa.

Go away tool.

So you claim Saddam wasn't supporting terrorists fleeing Afghanistan.

You claim Saddam didn't start a war with Kuwait and that was still on hold with a UN mandate that he allow open inspections of his country.

You claim Saddam wasn't paying for terrorists to attack our friend, Israel.

Saddam killed more people than Qadaffi, dumbass. He killed more Americans than Qadaffi.

Liberal trash like you just invent history to fit your fucked up mind and agenda.

You've got a terrible recollection of anything. That's probably because you only visit right wing propaganda sites.

Saddam, who was encouraged by the United States to enter into a war with Iran, did attack Kuwait. He did so because Iraq had some heavy debts to Kuwait who were making some very big threats. That and they wanted a port city. Hussien appraised April Glaspie of the situation and she essentially green lighted the whole thing. However, Iraq went further into Kuwait then Glaspie "thought" he would. That's why Iraq got into trouble for that.

The rest of what you have here is conflation and at best ridiculous.

There was no reason to commit the war crime known as the invasion and conquering of Iraq.

Could not give a rat's ass what your "opinion" is. We are not the 'victors', the Libyan people are.

If Gaddafi dies as a result of American actions..we will be the victors.

It will send a very clear message to every would be terrorist would fate awaits them if they kill Americans.

What if he dies as a result of French actions? We are part of NATO, they are part of NATO, so would that count?

Personally, I think y'all are getting a tad overly emotional about this whole thing. Sure, Gaddafi deserves to die because of Lockerbie. But the victors will still be the Libyans - it's their country.
Oh, it was ok for Saddam to invade Kuwait over the debt he couldn't pay back. :cuckoo:

Tell that to the people he killed and raped.

You are an idiot posting on this website because you are not allowed to go outside and play in the road anymore.

Iraq will be a better place to visit in 10 years than Libya, mark my words dumbfuck. Libya will be a terrorist launching pad into southern Europe and into western Africa.

Go away tool.

The thing about asking people to go that you should be able to make them go away.

And it's obvious you ain't up to the task.

And you haven't a clue about what you are talking about.
Could not give a rat's ass what your "opinion" is. We are not the 'victors', the Libyan people are.

If Gaddafi dies as a result of American actions..we will be the victors.

It will send a very clear message to every would be terrorist would fate awaits them if they kill Americans.

What if he dies as a result of French actions? We are part of NATO, they are part of NATO, so would that count?

Personally, I think y'all are getting a tad overly emotional about this whole thing. Sure, Gaddafi deserves to die because of Lockerbie. But the victors will still be the Libyans - it's their country.

I get a little pissed about terrorists. I have seen up close and personal what they can do.

And it should be Americans that off this scumbag.
To sum up the stupidity of the left...

Attacking Saddam and removing him from power for starting a war with Kuwait, supporting terrorists and not allowing open IAEA inspections on his CBRNE program.....BAD.

Attacking Qaddaffi and allowing renegade muslim groups aligned with terrorists to remove him from power, so that Europe can keep their oil assets intact (maybe)......GOOD.
Actually my opinion is we never should have been there, but in the game of politics victory goes the spoils.

But im sure you whined your little twat off when bush caught saddam.

Could not give a rat's ass what your "opinion" is. We are not the 'victors', the Libyan people are.

And.... Bush didn't 'catch' Saddam. That was the Military. idiot.

Of course you dont, because it males you look like a moron for assuming tuna twat.
Ah the military..didnt stop bush did it.

Your opinion doesn't have jack shit to do with me, idiot. Your opinion can't make me look like a moron, your opinion can only reflect on you. I am, however, not at all surprised that you're too fucking stupid to know that.
Everything Saddam did to us was a result of Ronnie Raygun's STUPID adventurism, covert BS, and basic idiocy. His legacy is Bush's stupidest wars ever, and the collapse of our economy due to VOODOO deregulation and pandering to the rich. Oh, and all these brainwashed Rush/Fox/Pub Dupes. Pffft!!
Could not give a rat's ass what your "opinion" is. We are not the 'victors', the Libyan people are.

If Gaddafi dies as a result of American actions..we will be the victors.

It will send a very clear message to every would be terrorist would fate awaits them if they kill Americans.

:lol::lol:talk about history challenged....:lol:
Just shoot yourself, but you're probably too stupid to do that....

Everything Saddam did to us was a result of Ronnie Raygun's STUPID adventurism, covert BS, and basic idiocy. His legacy is Bush's stupidest wars ever, and the collapse of our economy due to VOODOO deregulation and pandering to the rich. Oh, and all these brainwashed Rush/Fox/Pub Dupes. Pffft!!

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