Qanon shaman...likely to get a new trial considering the government withheld video evidence from the defense....

You a mind reader are you?
If you don’t know that Chansley had no chance, then you don’t know much.

We saw him pour through the broken down doors. We saw him standing in the Senate chamber.

He’s guilty.

He took a plea deal. He won’t try to rescind that.
If you don’t know that Chansley had no chance, then you don’t know much.

We saw him pour through the broken down doors. We saw him standing in the Senate chamber.

He’s guilty.

He took a plea deal. He won’t try to rescind that.
You obviously havent seen all of the videos. Including the one where he is on the steps of the capital telling other protesters to go home. That they are not like ANTIFA ( ie violent) and President Trump wanted people to go home per a social media message he posted and he just read.

Bet that video didn’t make its meat to his defense attorney either.
You obviously havent seen all of the videos. Including the one where he is on the steps of the capital telling other protesters to go home. That they are not like ANTIFA ( ie violent) and President Trump wanted people to go home per a social media message he posted and he just read.

Bet that video didn’t make its meat to his defense attorney either.
I’ve seen it. Changes nothing about his crimes.
You obviously havent seen all of the videos. Including the one where he is on the steps of the capital telling other protesters to go home. That they are not like ANTIFA ( ie violent) and President Trump wanted people to go home per a social media message he posted and he just read.

Bet that video didn’t make its meat to his defense attorney either.

A defense attorney can request any sort of exculpatory evidence he wants, and usually gets it as long as it's not classified and he's willing to pay whatever it takes to get it.
Brady offenses...

He was yodeling on the floor of the Senate for fucks sake, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't authorized to be there. It doesn't matter what other footage exists unless there's footage showing that the Capitol Police marched him there at gun point and told him to yodel.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're brainwashed. You believe what Tucker Carlson says even when he tells you he's straight up lying.
A defense attorney can request any sort of exculpatory evidence he wants, and usually gets it as long as it's not classified and he's willing to pay whatever it takes to get it.
He requested them…never received them.
He was yodeling on the floor of the Senate for fucks sake, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't authorized to be there. It doesn't matter what other footage exists unless there's footage showing that the Capitol Police marched him there at gun point and told him to yodel.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're brainwashed. You believe what Tucker Carlson says even when he tells you he's straight up lying.
The police took him to the senate floor and even let him say a prayer for them there it’s on video.
Sure it does. It goes against the whole narrative about him the left was putting forth. Which is why his lawyer never received the videos.
The narrative that he’s a Trump worshiping loser? The video confirms it.

He’s not being prosecuted by a narrative. He’s being prosecuted because he violated the law. The video on the steps doesn’t erase his breaking the law earlier in the day.
So now just where is our DOJ on the gub'mit with holding evidence here?


Did they catch Mr. horn hat goring a capitol policeman?



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