Quantitative Easing for Whom?

generally too risky so they invest conservatively in stocks and bonds which are doing very well thanks to QE. Do you understand?
Why have pension funds filed so many lawsuits against Wall Street banks?
"But quantitative easing lowers the interest rate.

Now, lowering the interest rate has made these pension funds pretty desperate. The risk-free rate of return is less than 1 percent on government short-term Treasury bills. If you buy longer-term treasuries, you can make 2 percent, but then if the interest rates ever go up, you're going to take a loss on investments.

"So pension funds have said, we're desperate; what are we going to do? They've turned their money over to Wall Street money managers and to hedge funds.

"The hedge funds take a huge rake off of fees to begin with. But even worse, the hedge funds and the big banks--Goldman Sachs, Citibanks--when they see a pension fund manager coming through the door, they think, how can I take what's in his pocket and put it in my pocket? So they ripped them off. And this is why there are so many big lawsuits against Wall Street for mismanaging pension fund money."

Quantitative Easing for Whom 1 2

Can you tell us why you believe the rich have the right to steal from the poor?
of course thats very very stupid and liberal. unemployment u6 was 17% then its 11 % today.
Of course, most of those new jobs don't pay a living wage, so more Americans now depend on food stamps than ever before while the richest 1% of Americans hog 90% of income gains.

it true that liberal taxes unions deficits schools and families have done grave damage to the middle and lower class. Make liberalism illegal as our founders thought they had and all the problems are solved.
it true that liberal taxes unions deficits schools and families have done grave damage to the middle and lower class. Make liberalism illegal as our founders thought they had and all the problems are solved.
Make stock buybacks illegal as they were before your conservative hero ended the golden age of capitalism.
"Five years after the official end of the Great Recession, corporate profits are high, and the stock market is booming. Yet most Americans are not sharing in the recovery. While the top 0.1% of income recipients—which include most of the highest-ranking corporate executives—reap almost all the income gains, good jobs keep disappearing, and new employment opportunities tend to be insecure and underpaid. Corporate profitability is not translating into widespread economic prosperity."
Profits Without Prosperity - HBR
"Five years after the official end of the Great Recession, corporate profits are high, and the stock market is booming. Yet most Americans are not sharing in the recovery.

it true that liberal taxes, unions, deficits, schools, and families have done grave damage to the middle and lower class. Make liberalism illegal as our founders thought they had and all the problems are solved.
t true that liberal taxes, unions, deficits, schools, and families have done grave damage to the middle and lower class. Make liberalism illegal as our founders thought they had and all the problems are solved.
"From 2013-2015, the richest 14 Americans increased their net wealth by more than $157 billion, yet the Republican budget would not require these Americans to contribute one penny to deficit reduction."
Bernie Sanders on Monday, March 23rd, 2015 in a Tweet

Bernie Sanders GOP budget does not ask ultra-wealthy to contribute one penny to deficit reduction PolitiFact
t true that liberal taxes, unions, deficits, schools, and families have done grave damage to the middle and lower class. Make liberalism illegal as our founders thought they had and all the problems are solved.
"From 2013-2015, the richest 14 Americans increased their net wealth by more than $157 billion, yet the Republican budget would not require these Americans to contribute one penny to deficit reduction."
Bernie Sanders on Monday, March 23rd, 2015 in a Tweet

Bernie Sanders GOP budget does not ask ultra-wealthy to contribute one penny to deficit reduction PolitiFact

the top 1% in American pay 40% of all Federal income tax and 50% of most state budgets. This is goofy and liberal as it represents a massive redistribution of the nations money from those who know how to use it best to make the country grow to those who only know how to waste it.
the top 1% in American pay 40% of all Federal income tax and 50% of most state budgets. This is goofy and liberal as it represents a massive redistribution of the nations money from those who know how to use it best to make the country grow to those who only know how to waste it.
The top 1% of Americans pay 40% of all Federal income tax today because of a massive redistribution of income that began in the 1970s. Only those who confuse productive labor with waste would call that "growth."
The top 1% of Americans pay 40% of all Federal income tax today because of a massive redistribution of income that began in the 1970s. Only those who confuse productive labor with waste would call that "growth."

how is it redistribution to the top 1% when they now pay 40% of all federal income tax while in 1970's they paid around 18%.

Notice how a liberal gets everything backwards.
how is it redistribution to the top 1% when they now pay 40% of all federal income tax while in 1970's they paid around 18%.
Can we figure this out?
What share of US income did the rich 1% "earn" in the 1970s?

why does it matter as long as they earned it peaceful voluntary transactions? If you dont want them to earn so much don't buy so much from them. You want to buy and then create a govt to steal the money back at the point of a gun!!

also, dear, its not a 0 sum game someone told you what the rich earn comes out of the pockets of the poor. We want rich and poor to earn more not divide up what everyone earns. Get it?
According to Michael Hudson, QE doesn't live up to its cover story of relieving unemployment by encouraging banks to lend money to companies to invest and build equipment and hire people.

"But that's not what banks do.

"Banks lend money to real estate.

"They lend money to corporate raiders.

"They lend money to buy assets.

"They don't lend money for companies to invest in equipment and hire.

"Just the opposite.

"They do lend money to corporate raiders, and when they take over companies, they outsource labor, they downsize labor, and they try to squeeze out more from the labor force, and they try to grab the pensions."

Quantitative Easing for Whom 1 2
They lend money to the 1% Obama was picked to serve, not the 47% duped into putting him into office.

Gruber had it dead right.
dear, fed policy prevented another depression which would have been deadly to the poor.
What did QE do for the poor's pension plans?
"One of the problems is that quantitative easing hasn't even helped one class of investors in particular, pension funds.

"And it's done just the opposite.

"Pension funds have made the assumption a few years ago that in order to break even with the rate of contributions that corporations in states and municipalities are paying, they have to make eight and a half percent, eight percent a year rate of return.

"But quantitative easing lowers the interest rate."
Quantitative Easing for Whom 1 2
Why do bankers hate the poor?
Why does the DNC hate the poor?

That should be the question.

And why do the poor continue to fall for it?

Public education is my guess.

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