Queer Officially Running for President

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Being as how they call their very own victim group LGBQT, this should stand without our resident dims having a minor heart attack.

But since they ARE the Party of Perpetual Outrage, it will get reported 12,381 times.

More or less
They fact that this completely unqualified individual would be considered for the nomination is a joke. He’s gay...that’s his big selling point. Was the South Bend dog catcher too busy to run? Democratic Party has become a joke.

No Twinky, that's what you chose to focus on. And it's revealing that you passed over everything else to indulge that fantasy.
What else is there to focus on? He smokes another guy’s pecker. Disqualified by this voter.

You seem to know way too much about penis in ass and smoking peckers? Closeted by any chance?
How can we not know about since all you libs do is advertise it?
I'm not a nuclear physicist, so I'm having a problem seeing the relationship between anal sex and nuclear weapons.

Could you 'splain that to me?


We rely on our President to exercise Judgement.

What sort of judgement does an aberration have? What kind of person prefers his own sex over the beauty of the opposite sex?

Answer: An aberration.

What kind of aberration brags about it?

An idiot.

Only through Beauty's morning gate, dost thou enter the land of Knowledge.

I am more concerned with his Communist, hate America views than him being Gay, but you have a point. I doubt he, or many other Gays would be able to exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country and not let their sexuality rule their thinking.

He'd have more of a shot if he were a female, Black, Lesbian. He only checks ONE Democrat box, and is a White male, so...…..
He's a communist who hates America? Seriously? You have to stop listening to Fox and Friends and Alex Jones.

Gays cant exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country? I guess Trump must be gay then.

Perhaps you should stop worshipping Buttplug and actually listen to the idiot. Passive aggressive with a radical leftist agenda. A know nothing who nobody could pick out of a lineup. His queerness isn't an issue? Then why did HE bring it front and center? Attacking Mike Pence for his religious beliefs shows HIS bias and that he is unfit for office. The only thing this goof is running on is that he's gay. By the way how would this goof govern when NO Middle Eastern Islam following leader would ever speak to him? Take your hetero haing Tump hating BS and shove it.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here
He is 100% running as a gay man. It’s his shtick.
A very intelligent, very articulate, very thoughtful, very calm and very respectful man.

A delightful contrast, for as long as it lasts.
He puts another guy’s penis in his anus. That’s a disqualification factor for this voter. I don’t want this man in charge of our nuclear arsenal.

Actually, he may be a pitcher instead of a catcher.
He calls his other guy “husband” so I think he’s a bottom boy.

We rely on our President to exercise Judgement.

What sort of judgement does an aberration have? What kind of person prefers his own sex over the beauty of the opposite sex?

Answer: An aberration.

What kind of aberration brags about it?

An idiot.

Only through Beauty's morning gate, dost thou enter the land of Knowledge.

I am more concerned with his Communist, hate America views than him being Gay, but you have a point. I doubt he, or many other Gays would be able to exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country and not let their sexuality rule their thinking.

He'd have more of a shot if he were a female, Black, Lesbian. He only checks ONE Democrat box, and is a White male, so...…..
He's a communist who hates America? Seriously? You have to stop listening to Fox and Friends and Alex Jones.

Gays cant exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country? I guess Trump must be gay then.

Perhaps you should stop worshipping Buttplug and actually listen to the idiot. Passive aggressive with a radical leftist agenda. A know nothing who nobody could pick out of a lineup. His queerness isn't an issue? Then why did HE bring it front and center? Attacking Mike Pence for his religious beliefs shows HIS bias and that he is unfit for office. The only thing this goof is running on is that he's gay. By the way how would this goof govern when NO Middle Eastern Islam following leader would ever speak to him? Take your hetero haing Tump hating BS and shove it.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here
He is 100% running as a gay man. It’s his shtick.

Yep. Just like all the female candidates won't stop reminding us they have a vagina. The candidates who happen to be white and male have no alternative but to constantly apologize for it. The party of equality.
Are people seriously stupid enough to make sexuality an issue going into 2020? You do realize that most people don't give a shit and many people will be offended by that sort of attack. Deal with the fucking issues. Trump is queer in his own special way.
And like clockwork, our resident defender of homosexuals and their evil lifestyles shows up.

I'd like to know why all the conservatives who INSIST that conservatives do NOT hate gays NEVER respond to anti-gay comments by conservatives?


where are you?

tell this guy off......
hate the sin--not the sinner

or....mind your own business.....

The thing about hating the sin is it eventually ends up bad for the sinner....

If you truly believe that homosexuality is a "sin" wouldn't you vote do criminalize it?
it is my business
1. kids get brainwashed into thinking they are the opposite sex!!!!
2. they want to make it legal for MEN to go into the little girl's room!!
3. they want to teach this in the schools
murder is a sin/etc and we shouldn't hate it?

homosexuality is not murder

it is merely 2 people of the same sex having sex.

and it isn't any of your business.

But thanks for admitting YOU are a CONSERVATIVE who WANTS TO CRIMINALIZE GAYS!

but you never did answer my other question; do you believe that MOST blacks are not criminals?
The Democrats' first 100 days in power in the House:

Rampant anti-semitism

Supporting infanticide

Zero meaningful solutions & nothing but non-binding resolutions

Fought tooth & nail against border security

Failed to even propose a budget

And a $93T Socialist Green New Deal
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
Are people seriously stupid enough to make sexuality an issue going into 2020? You do realize that most people don't give a shit and many people will be offended by that sort of attack. Deal with the fucking issues. Trump is queer in his own special way.

Actually, trump is more of a fag than a queer imo.

I'm not a nuclear physicist, so I'm having a problem seeing the relationship between anal sex and nuclear weapons.

Could you 'splain that to me?


We rely on our President to exercise Judgement.

What sort of judgement does an aberration have? What kind of person prefers his own sex over the beauty of the opposite sex?

Answer: An aberration.

What kind of aberration brags about it?

An idiot.

Only through Beauty's morning gate, dost thou enter the land of Knowledge.

I am more concerned with his Communist, hate America views than him being Gay, but you have a point. I doubt he, or many other Gays would be able to exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country and not let their sexuality rule their thinking.

He'd have more of a shot if he were a female, Black, Lesbian. He only checks ONE Democrat box, and is a White male, so...…..
He's a communist who hates America? Seriously? You have to stop listening to Fox and Friends and Alex Jones.

Gays cant exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country? I guess Trump must be gay then.

Perhaps you should stop worshipping Buttplug and actually listen to the idiot. Passive aggressive with a radical leftist agenda. A know nothing who nobody could pick out of a lineup. His queerness isn't an issue? Then why did HE bring it front and center? Attacking Mike Pence for his religious beliefs shows HIS bias and that he is unfit for office. The only thing this goof is running on is that he's gay. By the way how would this goof govern when NO Middle Eastern Islam following leader would ever speak to him? Take your hetero haing Tump hating BS and shove it.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here

Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
And like clockwork, our resident defender of homosexuals and their evil lifestyles shows up.

I'd like to know why all the conservatives who INSIST that conservatives do NOT hate gays NEVER respond to anti-gay comments by conservatives?


where are you?

tell this guy off......
hate the sin--not the sinner

or....mind your own business.....

The thing about hating the sin is it eventually ends up bad for the sinner....

If you truly believe that homosexuality is a "sin" wouldn't you vote do criminalize it?
it is my business
1. kids get brainwashed into thinking they are the opposite sex!!!!
2. they want to make it legal for MEN to go into the little girl's room!!
3. they want to teach this in the schools
murder is a sin/etc and we shouldn't hate it?

homosexuality is not murder

it is merely 2 people of the same sex having sex.

and it isn't any of your business.

But thanks for admitting YOU are a CONSERVATIVE who WANTS TO CRIMINALIZE GAYS!

but you never did answer my other question; do you believe that MOST blacks are not criminals?
He is the one promoting his queerness and it is my business as a voter. I would like to know if a candidate engages in beastiality or other deviant sexual practices like homosexuality.
Buttplug has made his candidacy all about his gayness to the point of attacking Christians. I'm not voting for a gay pastor from the church of queer Jesus.
South bend has a higher murder rate then Chicago.. you democrats love failure lol
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
What a bigoted POS you are.

Republicans support adulterers, child molesters, prostitute customers, business cheats, liars, bigots, white supremacists but draw the line at homosexuals.

I get it,. you fuckers are so moral & Christian.
I'm not a nuclear physicist, so I'm having a problem seeing the relationship between anal sex and nuclear weapons.

Could you 'splain that to me?


We rely on our President to exercise Judgement.

What sort of judgement does an aberration have? What kind of person prefers his own sex over the beauty of the opposite sex?

Answer: An aberration.

What kind of aberration brags about it?

An idiot.

Only through Beauty's morning gate, dost thou enter the land of Knowledge.

I am more concerned with his Communist, hate America views than him being Gay, but you have a point. I doubt he, or many other Gays would be able to exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country and not let their sexuality rule their thinking.

He'd have more of a shot if he were a female, Black, Lesbian. He only checks ONE Democrat box, and is a White male, so...…..
He's a communist who hates America? Seriously? You have to stop listening to Fox and Friends and Alex Jones.

Gays cant exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country? I guess Trump must be gay then.

Perhaps you should stop worshipping Buttplug and actually listen to the idiot. Passive aggressive with a radical leftist agenda. A know nothing who nobody could pick out of a lineup. His queerness isn't an issue? Then why did HE bring it front and center? Attacking Mike Pence for his religious beliefs shows HIS bias and that he is unfit for office. The only thing this goof is running on is that he's gay. By the way how would this goof govern when NO Middle Eastern Islam following leader would ever speak to him? Take your hetero haing Tump hating BS and shove it.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here
Pence is not a bigot. You're trying to conflate JFK and this Sodomite as equals.
And like clockwork, our resident defender of homosexuals and their evil lifestyles shows up.

I'd like to know why all the conservatives who INSIST that conservatives do NOT hate gays NEVER respond to anti-gay comments by conservatives?


where are you?

tell this guy off......
hate the sin--not the sinner

or....mind your own business.....

The thing about hating the sin is it eventually ends up bad for the sinner....

If you truly believe that homosexuality is a "sin" wouldn't you vote do criminalize it?
it is my business
1. kids get brainwashed into thinking they are the opposite sex!!!!
2. they want to make it legal for MEN to go into the little girl's room!!
3. they want to teach this in the schools
murder is a sin/etc and we shouldn't hate it?

homosexuality is not murder

it is merely 2 people of the same sex having sex.

and it isn't any of your business.

But thanks for admitting YOU are a CONSERVATIVE who WANTS TO CRIMINALIZE GAYS!

but you never did answer my other question; do you believe that MOST blacks are not criminals?
...most blacks are not criminals--but they have a very high rate of criminality/etc
it's still a sin--as is murder--that's how they are the same
yes--it is my business
they want MEN to be able to go into the little girl's room--with girls in there!!!
this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard

We rely on our President to exercise Judgement.

What sort of judgement does an aberration have? What kind of person prefers his own sex over the beauty of the opposite sex?

Answer: An aberration.

What kind of aberration brags about it?

An idiot.

Only through Beauty's morning gate, dost thou enter the land of Knowledge.

I am more concerned with his Communist, hate America views than him being Gay, but you have a point. I doubt he, or many other Gays would be able to exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country and not let their sexuality rule their thinking.

He'd have more of a shot if he were a female, Black, Lesbian. He only checks ONE Democrat box, and is a White male, so...…..
He's a communist who hates America? Seriously? You have to stop listening to Fox and Friends and Alex Jones.

Gays cant exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country? I guess Trump must be gay then.

Perhaps you should stop worshipping Buttplug and actually listen to the idiot. Passive aggressive with a radical leftist agenda. A know nothing who nobody could pick out of a lineup. His queerness isn't an issue? Then why did HE bring it front and center? Attacking Mike Pence for his religious beliefs shows HIS bias and that he is unfit for office. The only thing this goof is running on is that he's gay. By the way how would this goof govern when NO Middle Eastern Islam following leader would ever speak to him? Take your hetero haing Tump hating BS and shove it.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here
Pence is not a bigot. You're trying to conflate JFK and this Sodomite as equals.

Plus, all accounts are that JFK liked girls. Lots of them.
And like clockwork, our resident defender of homosexuals and their evil lifestyles shows up.

I'd like to know why all the conservatives who INSIST that conservatives do NOT hate gays NEVER respond to anti-gay comments by conservatives?


where are you?

tell this guy off......
hate the sin--not the sinner

or....mind your own business.....

The thing about hating the sin is it eventually ends up bad for the sinner....

If you truly believe that homosexuality is a "sin" wouldn't you vote do criminalize it?
it is my business
1. kids get brainwashed into thinking they are the opposite sex!!!!
2. they want to make it legal for MEN to go into the little girl's room!!
3. they want to teach this in the schools
murder is a sin/etc and we shouldn't hate it?

homosexuality is not murder

it is merely 2 people of the same sex having sex.

and it isn't any of your business.

But thanks for admitting YOU are a CONSERVATIVE who WANTS TO CRIMINALIZE GAYS!

but you never did answer my other question; do you believe that MOST blacks are not criminals?
...o yes---this is MORE proof they are mentally screwed up = since I dress like a woman, I should be allowed into the little girl's room =STUPID shit
...only someone else who is mentally fked would agree with that stupid shit
Democrats love a human that can put a friendly mask of the destruction of socialism and communism
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
What a bigoted POS you are.

Republicans support adulterers, child molesters, prostitute customers, business cheats, liars, bigots, white supremacists but draw the line at homosexuals.

I get it,. you fuckers are so moral & Christian.
You have a point. My proposal is that we outlaw any taxation and bills of any kind for sexual diseases. From federal, local, city, regional and state coffers. You purchase insurance or pay for it with your own resources. Straight or Gay. Herpes, VD, HIV/AIDS, and everything else. Winner winner, Chicken dinner! That will pinpoint many of the issues you typed and then we go from there.
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