Question about HIV

So, what started out with 1 HIV+ person in a party, results in 2 or more HIV+ people leaving that party.
I don't want to sound like a hard head.. but if any legal system knows this is occurring and isn't stopping it because of personal freedoms, each legal system which knows about these parties is actually helping promote the spreading of HIV by not stopping the party from starting.
So the only safe way for any human being to not be infected with the virus is to not have sex with more than 1 partner. And even with that, the other partner's personal choices when not at home would have a play in what enters the home and not..
entering the home meaning any viruses he or she may bring home with themselves.
There aren't very many 'chaste' persons around now days..
Has the flower childs and the free sexual revolution people of the hippies era redecided on being flower childs and free sexual people they were in the swinging age?
Has the flower childs and the free sexual revolution people of the hippies era redecided on being flower childs and free sexual people they were in the swinging age?
it's like jumping on the band wagon again..
And fortunately,, STD's can only be transmitted through being unlawful to your wife or husband.
As far as the spreading of STD's by young adults? Well, government sided society and Government aren't helping all that much..
More is getting done by people's personal choices than hoping for any Government entity to help..
These days everyone who butchers any kind of meat is really careful, wears gloves, rain suit, boots, face mask.

Monkey meat is where the HIV virus came from. Like influenza in wild geese, HIV in monkeys is not fatal to them.

But when the viruses cross over into humans they become deadly.

The Africans who butchered the monkey meat obviously did not take any precautions.

After the Africans got the disease they spread it by donation of blood, sharing of needles, and sexual activity mostly along the Hershey Bar Road.

In 1959 and 1960 two Congolese were stricken by the disease.

History of HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Africa it first spread to Europe and to America.

First known case was a black teen named Robert R. in St. Louis MO in 1969.

Robert Rayford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From there is was further observed in NYC and LA among gays males.

At first the CDC called it GRID -- Gay Related Immune Disease.

It's hard to imagine these gays boinking without condoms but apparently they were. Sickening.

And they indeed did get sick and 34 million have died. 37 million are living with the disease now. About 1.2 million of these will die per year.


Google is your friend. You can google this all on your own.
Anybody stupid enough to catch HIV/AIDS deserves it.

All you need is condoms or your own clean needles.

Of course this is also true of pregnancy and abortion.
These days everyone who butchers any kind of meat is really careful, wears gloves, rain suit, boots, face mask.

Monkey meat is where the HIV virus came from. Like influenza in wild geese, HIV in monkeys is not fatal to them.

But when the viruses cross over into humans they become deadly.

The Africans who butchered the monkey meat obviously did not take any precautions.

After the Africans got the disease they spread it by donation of blood, sharing of needles, and sexual activity mostly along the Hershey Bar Road.

In 1959 and 1960 two Congolese were stricken by the disease.

History of HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Africa it first spread to Europe and to America.

First known case was a black teen named Robert R. in St. Louis MO in 1969.

Robert Rayford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From there is was further observed in NYC and LA among gays males.

At first the CDC called it GRID -- Gay Related Immune Disease.

It's hard to imagine these gays boinking without condoms but apparently they were. Sickening.

And they indeed did get sick and 34 million have died. 37 million are living with the disease now. About 1.2 million of these will die per year.


Google is your friend. You can google this all on your own.
so basically there were blood donation set ups in Africa before 1959? And was anal sex the only form of sexual activity that was performed then that transferred the virus? do you know how robert r. contracted the virus? was it through sex or by drugs or by blood? When you say 37 million people are infected, is that only for the U.S?
Anybody stupid enough to catch HIV/AIDS deserves it.

All you need is condoms or your own clean needles.

Of course this is also true of pregnancy and abortion.
yeah.. and also when finished with the condoms and needles, disposing of them properly would be nice too.

Looks like what I found by this apartment's trash bins..
so basically there were blood donation set ups in Africa before 1959? And was anal sex the only form of sexual activity that was performed then that transferred the virus? do you know how robert r. contracted the virus? was it through sex or by drugs or by blood? When you say 37 million people are infected, is that only for the U.S?
Blood transfusion are fairly common in 3rd world countries.
so basically there were blood donation set ups in Africa before 1959? And was anal sex the only form of sexual activity that was performed then that transferred the virus? do you know how robert r. contracted the virus? was it through sex or by drugs or by blood? When you say 37 million people are infected, is that only for the U.S?
Blood transfusion are fairly common in 3rd world countries.
but they are all in the hospital setting right?
so basically there were blood donation set ups in Africa before 1959? And was anal sex the only form of sexual activity that was performed then that transferred the virus? do you know how robert r. contracted the virus? was it through sex or by drugs or by blood? When you say 37 million people are infected, is that only for the U.S?
Blood transfusion are fairly common in 3rd world countries.
but they are all in the hospital setting right?
There are not many hospitals in 3rd world countries.
being part of people not having any respect for anyone outside of themselves gets pretty draining..

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