Question for all the righties.

You may have a point on this one, and I tend to agree. Maybe the answer is to have different requirements for different jobs. For example, I think women can fly a plane as well as man, but a combat infantryman might be a different story.

I think a lot fire dept's have the same requirements fro women as men, but I won't swear to it.
Some of the physical jobs have come to more equal requirements, but many still don’t. Obviously, non-physical jobs are a very different story.
As an aside, why do you consider somebody with different politics your enemy? Could it be that different politics are able to live in the same country?
I only believe in two things… Right and Wrong. There’s no grey area in my view of the world. I’m willing to exist with other people so long as they’re keeping their Wrongs in their private spaces and not imposing them on me in public. Unfortunately, far too often I find people trying to force acceptance of their Wrongs into the public space and even my private spaces.
You don't think they want democracy at all?

Wouldn't outlawing homosexuality be a form of rounding up people the righties don't agree with?
No one is outlawing homosexuality outside of strict Muslim countries. The mere fact that you're even saying that says a lot about where you're coming from.
Some of the physical jobs have come to more equal requirements, but many still don’t. Obviously, non-physical jobs are a very different story.

I only believe in two things… Right and Wrong. There’s no grey area in my view of the world. I’m willing to exist with other people so long as they’re keeping their Wrongs in their private spaces and not imposing them on me in public. Unfortunately, far too often I find people trying to force acceptance of their Wrongs into the public space and even my private spaces.
An easy way to look at it for sure.
Because they're not part of my country. They want to take my part of the country and give it away to people who enter my country illegally, for one thing.
The bed wetter's are global citizens. That's the reason they not only appear to be traitors, but are actively endeavoring to destroy the country, in order to make us subservient to a global federal government.

They HATE the US. Make no mistake about it, and you've pretty much got to be a jabbering idiot to be able to ignore the fact that the results of democrap policy over the last 150 years has been deliberately destructive to the individual freedom we enjoy, as well as our national prosperity.
You think all who are on your left want total destruction? Why would they want that?
It's the results of all of their ideas and policies... If you want to stop destroying shit, you stop doing things that consistently result in destruction. As it is, the left has destroyed numerous countries, most of our cities, and nearly all of our institutions that were once an example the rest of the world tried to follow.
We are not a "nation of immigrants", we are nation of citizens.
^^ Bingo!

The biggest lie the left pushes is that we are a “nation of immigrants”. Uh no we aren’t, and we never have been. We started as a colony, a nation of colonists who all shared the same background and culture. Even after independence, our immigrants were all from Europe and had to assimilate to being English speakers.
Sure there were a few times when we needed lots of immigrants but it was a short period and for the needs of growing industries. Do we even build anything anymore? Not nearly enough to warrant any mass migration for sure.

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