Question for all the righties.

To me, the political Left in this country actually believes that Utopia is possible. They suggest that Equity is not only possible, but something that should be sought after. That each and every person can and should somehow “live happily ever after” regardless of how little effort that person is willing to put in to achieve that goal.
What do mean by equity? If you mean equal treatment under the law and equal opportunity, I would think right and left would agree here.
What do mean by equity? If you mean equal treatment under the law and equal opportunity, I would think right and left would agree here
That would be called EQUALITY. Equity, on the other hand is the idea that everyone needs to get the same OUTCOME, regardless of their abilities or skills.

For example:
Three people are running in a 400 meter race. Person 1 (P1) is twice as fast as Person 2 (P2), who s twice as fast as Person 3 (P3).

Under Equality they all start at the same point and the fastest person wins the race.

Under Equity P1 starts at the 400m mark, P2 starts at the 200 m Mel and P3 starts at the 100m mark so they all reach the finish line at the exact same time.
They want to deed the land to illegals? That sounds really bad. I haven't heard that. Do have some more information?

Come on, you can't possibly be that obtuse. Apparently you're not aware of how illegals are getting driver's licenses and voting privileges in some states? Or how they're emptying out local, state, and federal coffers from the money we're having to spend to support them? Or the jobs they're taking?
That would be called EQUALITY. Equity, on the other hand is the idea that everyone needs to get the same OUTCOME, regardless of their abilities or skills.

For example:
Three people are running in a 400 meter race. Person 1 (P1) is twice as fast as Person 2 (P2), who s twice as fast as Person 3 (P3).

Under Equality they all start at the same point and the fastest person wins the race.

Under Equity P1 starts at the 400m mark, P2 starts at the 200 m Mel and P3 starts at the 100m mark so they all reach the finish line at the exact same time.
Why not state a real policy that attempts this and we can discuss it?
Come on, you can't possibly be that obtuse. Apparently you're not aware of how illegals are getting driver's licenses and voting privileges in some states? Or how they're emptying out local, state, and federal coffers from the money we're having to spend to support them? Or the jobs they're taking?
This isn't giving them land.

I don't want them to vote or drive either.
Why not state a real policy that attempts this and we can discuss it?
the fact that you can obviously envision a situation where Equity rather than Equality might be an acceptable concept tells me it’s not worth the discussion. It would quickly change into a debate, and I don’t engage in debate, ever.
the fact that you can obviously envision a situation where Equity rather than Equality might be an acceptable concept tells me it’s not worth the discussion. It would quickly change into a debate, and I don’t engage in debate, ever.

I'm not sure I would. I just can't think of any current policy that truly does that.

Just curios, if you don't debate or discuss, why do you come here?
'm not sure I would. I just can't think of any current policy that truly does that.
Most are couched as “equality” policies. The whole idea of equity should make any reasonable and sensible person sick to their stomach.

If you want a specific one… how about the different physical fitness requirements that exist in many emergency services and military organizations. If a guy has to meet certain criteria, why shouldn’t a woman have to meet the same criteria.
Just curios, if you don't debate or discuss, why do you come here?
It’s a place to keep an eye/ear to the opinions of the unwashed masses. Always better to know what your enemies are thinking.
Zero immigration, including legal?

That seems pretty radical for a citizen of a country of immigrants.

That's bullshit. My ancestors were not the same as today's migrant hordes. Settling an undeveloped land and building a civilization out of it is not comparable sneaking into an aging, post-industrial nation and signing up for handouts. It's an intellectually-dishonest equivalence of a burglar saying "You have guests over all the time", to justify breaking into a home.

We are not a "nation of immigrants", we are nation of citizens.
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Most are couched as “equality” policies. The whole idea of equity should make any reasonable and sensible person sick to their stomach.

If you want a specific one… how about the different physical fitness requirements that exist in many emergency services and military organizations. If a guy has to meet certain criteria, why shouldn’t a woman have to meet the same criteria.

It’s a place to keep an eye/ear to the opinions of the unwashed masses. Always better to know what your enemies are thinking.
You may have a point on this one, and I tend to agree. Maybe the answer is to have different requirements for different jobs. For example, I think women can fly a plane as well as man, but a combat infantryman might be a different story.

I think a lot fire dept's have the same requirements fro women as men, but I won't swear to it.

As an aside, why do you consider somebody with different politics your enemy? Could it be that different politics are able to live in the same country?

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