Question for all the righties.

It does not matter. The leftists are mere tools of the neo-Marxist revolutionaries. They are blind zombie sheep being used as pawns. After the authoritarian regime is installed following a successful communist revolution, these tools will be liquidated. They will have outlived their usefulness. Moreover, the leftist authoritarians will have no motivation to implement their promises to these pawns.
What do you think people in this country on your political left want the USA to be like?
The Lefties want us all to undergo a sex change operation; molest as many minors as we can; ban guns, knives, and pointy sticks; put anyone who buys their groceries with cash into FEMA camps; allow the darkies to swarm over America and burn it to the ground; let the Jews run things and burn our forests with space lasers; make Satanism the national religion; kill all the unborn; drink the blood of infants and wear their faces as masks; ban Christmas; and so forth and so on.
I see more of that mindset in the other group, especially today, when they yearn for authoritarianism and fantasize about the government rounding up those who disagree with them.
You don't think they want democracy at all?

Wouldn't outlawing homosexuality be a form of rounding up people the righties don't agree with?
It does not matter. The leftists are mere tools of the neo-Marxist revolutionaries. They are blind zombie sheep being used as pawns. After the authoritarian regime is installed following a successful communist revolution, these tools will be liquidated. They will have outlived their usefulness. Moreover, the leftist authoritarians will have no motivation to implement their promises to these pawns.
Then it's agree with your politics or the above? No in between?
Wouldn't righties want to mitigate the consequences as well?

We do, but not completely and utterly, by government fiat, law, edict, and excessive
taxation and control. You are obviously a Lefty. Conservatives give more to charity, friends,
and relatives than Liberals do. This was documented by Professor Arthur C. Brook's book, Who Really Cares. Leftists want government to do all the giving while they take all the credit, for "caring."
We do, but not completely and utterly, by government fiat, law, edict, and excessive
taxation and control. You are obviously a Lefty. Conservatives give more to charity, friends,
and relatives than Liberals do. This was documented by Professor Arthur C. Brook's book, Who Really Cares. Leftists want government to do all the giving while they take all the credit, for "caring."
How am I obviously a lefty?
What do you think people in this country on your political left want the USA to be like?
Do you really think that everybody to the left of your politics want corrupt elections?

Seriously? How long have Democrats been corrupting elections? Labor unions, political activists, and Black Panther intimidating voters at the polls, and then contesting the results. Every single Democrat since 1977 has cast doubt on the legitimacy of US elections. For years, they refused to accept the results of the 2000 presidential election. Gore, Clinton, Carter, McAuliffe, and a long list of others all claimed that Al Gore won. Then they repeatedly cast doubt on the 2004, 2008, 2012 elections, as well as the midterms.

Let's not even get into the 2016 election. The hell they put that poor man Donald Trump was nothing like I had ever been seen, and I've lived through Presidents all the way back to Truman. They tried from day one to overturn the 2016 election, and are continuing to this day to try to keep Trump from running in 2024. Maybe you didn't keep up with the daily barrage of lies, fabrications, innuendo, and threat Trump had to endure for the last six years, but we on the right have been paying attention. I had to wake up every morning to the alarm clock radio going off, and starting my day with the stead drumbeat of "Trump...Trump...Trump...Trump..."

Seriously, is this some kind of a troll thread or something? Anyone who had the slightest bit of sympathy for what we've had to put up with, wouldn't even use the term "rightie" in a threat title. You might as well used "MAGAtard" or "Trumpkin."
You think all who are on your left want total destruction? Why would they want that?

Ask them yourself. Why do they want to start WW3 by engaging us in Ukraine?

Why for that matter, was it that every major US war happened with a Democrat in office?
Seriously? How long have Democrats been corrupting elections? Labor unions, political activists, and Black Panther intimidating voters at the polls, and then contesting the results. Every single Democrat since 1977 has cast doubt on the legitimacy of US elections. For years, they refused to accept the results of the 2000 presidential election. Gore, Clinton, Carter, McAuliffe, and a long list of others all claimed that Al Gore won. Then they repeatedly cast doubt on the 2004, 2008, 2012 elections, as well as the midterms.

Let's not even get into the 2016 election. The hell they put that poor man Donald Trump was nothing like I had ever been seen, and I've lived through Presidents all the way back to Truman. They tried from day one to overturn the 2016 election, and are continuing to this day to try to keep Trump from running in 2024. Maybe you didn't keep up with the daily barrage of lies, fabrications, innuendo, and threat Trump had to endure for the last six years, but we on the right have been paying attention. I had to wake up every morning to the alarm clock radio going off, and starting my day with the stead drumbeat of "Trump...Trump...Trump...Trump..."

Seriously, is this some kind of a troll thread or something? Anyone who had the slightest bit of sympathy for what we've had to put up with, wouldn't even use the term "rightie" in a threat title. You might as well used "MAGAtard" or "Trumpkin."
No, I see statements like this broad brushing all who don't agree with their politics on both sides. I was curious to find out if people really believe the rhetoric about 50% of their fellow citizens. I would argue that reality is, putting this sort of inflammatory broad brushing aside, there is more in common between the two sides in this country than not.

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