Question for Americans. Do you guys have to buy house and/or vehicle insurance, or is it optional?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I ask because we require both in Canada, along with other additional insurance types if we choose.
Yes here as well. Home owners insurance is required up to the value of your home & while you carry a mortgage. You do have the option to have more insurance if you choose, that includes your personal property (furniture, clothes, appliances, etc) As in......having to replace everything if lost, destroyed or against any personal injury & medical claims (neighbor breaks his neck helping you on the roof)

Vehicle insurance is also required, If you are making payments to the bank to buy the vehicle, then the bank requires full coverage.....comprehensive, collision, towing, windshield/glass repair or replacement, etc. If your vehicle is paid off you are still required to carry liability insurance as a bare minimum, with the option of more coverage if you choose.

If your home or vehicle is paid in full with no payments to a bank.........some type of insurance is still required but many choose not too......until something happens
You don't need either if you don't fiance can get away with out car insurance but it's tricky ..

The last state that didn't require car insurance was Wisconsin but think that changed in 2012..

All states require at least liability on autos. And although this was used as an example to explain the requirement for health insurance in the ACA, it is not a valid comparison since worse drivers, bigger risk of insurance loss, have to pay higher premiums.
All states require at least liability on autos. And although this was used as an example to explain the requirement for health insurance in the ACA, it is not a valid comparison since worse drivers, bigger risk of insurance loss, have to pay higher premiums.

New Hampshire and Virginia do not requires auto insurance. Home insurance isn't required by government, but I doubt any bank would hold a mortgage on a property that wasn't insured.

Mandatory insurance is a bad trend in dealing with social risk. We seem to be intent on privatizing the things government SHOULD be doing, and socializing the things it shouldn't.

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