Question for CClayton Jones and Boss


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Dear CClaytonJones and Boss:
In some of your replies, I notice that you do not relate to the "divinity" side of interpreting Jesus, but focus on the natural laws and meanings that can be reasoned through
without invoking religious beliefs about these things.

May I ask if you are okay with the following equivalents of
how Christians see the role of Jesus as spiritual and connecting humanity
with a higher level represented by God or universal truth beyond us:

How do you feel about the concept of Jesus representing the embodiment and fulfillment of JUSTICE where the spirit of the laws is embraced in people directly and in our relationships.

1. Are you okay with interpreting accepting Jesus as committing to follow the laws of Justice by conscience, so people are connected with universal laws through this focus in the conscience?
Is that okay to relate this connection we have with truth by conscience
as the meaning of connecting in Christ or having Jesus or Justice live in our hearts?
Okay with that or something close to this?

2. the same way Christians take the scriptural laws, and commit to following these personally by conscience and conviction, where the people are the body of Christ or the church,
are you okay with the same happening with people who take the Constitutional laws
and commit to following these personally, where the people and government are one.

do you see a parallel going on where the scriptural law joins the people as one church
or the Constitutional spirit of the law of the land joins the people and government as one in spirit

3. Even if you personally do not believe that Jesus is the spirit of the laws made incarnate, where the scripture is fulfilled by this spirit [which I equate with Restorative Justice],
are you okay with other people receiving and understanding Jesus this way?

that by following and agreeing in the spirit of Justice [which I am saying Jesus represents]
then people can apply the laws and reach agreements instead of competing over the laws.

Thanks for your comments on this!

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