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Zone1 Question for Christians

The basic theological premise is that "God" is perfect and only the perfect can be in "God"'s presence. Humans being as we are, we are almost universally excluded from the possibility of admittance to this presence. Therefore, any avenue for humans to regain access has to be something "God" has additionally provided out of sympathy for us. This is called grace. The Christian principal is that grace redeems us. That is the simple explanation of the belief in being able to get into heaven.
It is also possible that even if "God" exists we have so far completely misunderstood everything and will all have a very long laugh after we "shuffle off this mortal coil" and see truth for what it is.
Yet God only provides that sympathy to some, regardless of what they believe or do. . Obviously the rest were created to go directly to hell. What kind of loving God creates people who are condemned to hell with no possible way to receive forgiveness, no matter what they believe or do??
I was devoutly Christian until I did a deep study of the bible which presented questions I couldn't find the answers to, and nobody I asked even tried to answer. I wish I could reclaim my faith. Believing in a loving, all knowing God who deeply cared about me personally gave me great comfort in hard times, and I wish I could regain peace that came from the belief that all things would work for the good to them that love God. I conveniently ignored the following part that said only those that were called according to his purpose.

Paul was quite specific when he said there is nothing in human desire or effort to gain forgiveness. God will show mercy or harden who he wants, and nothing we believe, say, or do will have anything to do with his choice. (Romans 9: 16-18) Paul goes on to explain that some people were only created as examples of his glory to be shown to the objects of his mercy. (Romans 9: 19-23) Obviously, those people were created to go to hell, since there is nothing they can believe , or do to change Gods decision on mercy.

Help me out here. Does God offer the chance to go to heaven to everybody, or just his chosen few, and how do you justify what Paul wrote with the idea of a benevolent forgiving God?
No god can be all knowing and all loving at the same time.

If you knew a person you loved was going to suffer you would do everything in your power to stop it.
An all knowing all loving god would know this and being that this god is also all powerful it has the ability to protect the person he is supposed to love. But the Christian god does not do this.

The whole free will thing doesn't play here because no one by their own free will chooses to have cancer or be murdered etc.
Everyone has the chance to gain entry into Heaven. We all are sinners but God forgives those that repent their sins.
Not what Paul said.
Romans 9
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[a] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”[b] 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?
Paul has nothing to do with this question.

God is either all knowing or he is not. If he is, then he knows what are choices will be. At the same time, that does not mean God chose for us.
Do people choose to die a horrible painful lingering death from cancer?
Do people choose to be murdered or raped?

The free will of victims is not what causes them to be victims.
Many think that Christians rest on blind faith without any thought or pondering put into it. But I, like millions of Christians, ponder these questions often. Mankind had to come into existence somehow. Some believe it was by pure chance (which takes faith) but I believe that we're here by design (which also requires faith).

Either God created everything by design and with purpose, or life and the entire universe are chance mistakes with no purpose at all.
John 5:39 You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,

Clearly, Jesus did not expect blind faith or he would not have said this.
Yet God only provides that sympathy to some, regardless of what they believe or do. . Obviously the rest were created to go directly to hell. What kind of loving God creates people who are condemned to hell with no possible way to receive forgiveness, no matter what they believe or do??
God will reward those that live a good life and repent for their sins.
I was devoutly Christian until I did a deep study of the bible which presented questions I couldn't find the answers to, and nobody I asked even tried to answer. I wish I could reclaim my faith. Believing in a loving, all knowing God who deeply cared about me personally gave me great comfort in hard times, and I wish I could regain peace that came from the belief that all things would work for the good to them that love God. I conveniently ignored the following part that said only those that were called according to his purpose.

Paul was quite specific when he said there is nothing in human desire or effort to gain forgiveness. God will show mercy or harden who he wants, and nothing we believe, say, or do will have anything to do with his choice. (Romans 9: 16-18) Paul goes on to explain that some people were only created as examples of his glory to be shown to the objects of his mercy. (Romans 9: 19-23) Obviously, those people were created to go to hell, since there is nothing they can believe , or do to change Gods decision on mercy.

Help me out here. Does God offer the chance to go to heaven to everybody, or just his chosen few, and how do you justify what Paul wrote with the idea of a benevolent forgiving God?

Curious as to how you did a "deep study of the bible" and come up with this question?
God will reward those that live a good life and repent for their sins.
Again, not what Paul said. Is Paul just full of shit? We know his teachings are opposite to what Jesus said. That's brings up another question I have about Christianity that seems to have no rational answer.
Do people choose to die a horrible painful lingering death from cancer?
Do people choose to be murdered or raped?

The free will of victims is not what causes them to be victims.
Clearly we have free will because people get so upset when it is violated.

But as you say, even though we may have free will that does not preclude it from being violated in various ways. Nonetheless, God is who gave it to you in the first place so why would he then take it back and forbid you to use it?

You must also ask another question, free will to do what? Do we have free will to have our heart keep beating or free will to reject or accept God? Obviously it is only the later.

God is said to be a God of love. Why is this important, because love demands the freedom to reject or accept another party. That is the real focus of free will God is after. Just know that when it comes to violating your free will, man is the biggest culprit as he violates what God has freely given you.
Again, not what Paul said. Is Paul just full of shit? We know his teachings are opposite to what Jesus said. That's brings up another question I have about Christianity that seems to have no rational answer.
I will take Jesus Christ words over Paul's.
Again, not what Paul said. Is Paul just full of shit? We know his teachings are opposite to what Jesus said. That's brings up another question I have about Christianity that seems to have no rational answer.
If God knew that Pharaoh would reject him, he could simply use that rejection as part of his ultimate plan to help others would would not reject him.

That is how I view what is being said.

Put another way, God did not make Pharaoh reject him, rather, he simply augmented the hardness of his heart to put him on full display so that God would be on display in answering it.
Again, not what Paul said. Is Paul just full of shit? We know his teachings are opposite to what Jesus said. That's brings up another question I have about Christianity that seems to have no rational answer.
So, you're really not looking for rational answers. This is a troll thread meant to bash Christianity. At least be honest about it without pretending to be a lost soul in search for spiritual answers.
I will take Jesus Christ words over Paul's.
Lot's of Paul haters here. As one person rightly mentioned, he murdered Christians at one time.

But Paul changed teams and became a Christian. He even later was murdered for his faith. Ever wonder why?

Paul gave up literally everything, including his life for Christ.

Therefore, I would take Paul over pretty much anybody when it comes to faith in Christ.
Clearly we have free will because people get so upset when it is violated.

But as you say, even though we may have free will that does not preclude it from being violated in various ways. Nonetheless, God is who gave it to you in the first place so why would he then take it back and forbid you to use it?

You must also ask another question, free will to do what? Do we have free will to have our heart keep beating or free will to reject or accept God? Obviously it is only the later.

God is said to be a God of love. Why is this important, because love demands the freedom to reject or accept another party. That is the real focus of free will God is after. Just know that when it comes to violating your free will, man is the biggest culprit as he violates what God has freely given you.
You did not answer my question.

If a god is all knowing and he knows a person he supposedly loves is going to be murdered and does nothing how can you believe that god is all loving?
The question is only to Christians because I'm wanting answers concerning Christian beliefs. If I get courious about Judaism, I will start another thread.
Ummm according to Christians Paul was Jewish, but that's a lie, Saul was Jewish, Paul is actually a trinity of characters like I stated Jesus was...Paul is from the stories of Sergius Paulus called Paul, Appolonius called Pol-both not Jewish.
Lot's of Paul haters here. As one person rightly mentioned, he murdered Christians at one time.

But Paul changed teams and became a Christian. He even later was murdered for his faith. Ever wonder why?

Paul gave up literally everything, including his life for Christ.

Therefore, I would take Paul over pretty much anybody when it comes to faith in Christ.
And all Christians are sinners. Many of us lived very wild lives at one time. The whole purpose of Christ's shed blood was to redeem us and save us from our sins. We're all called to repent of those sins and turn to Christ. Paul reminds us time and again that we should turn to Christ. He was a Christian's Christian.
You did not answer my question.

If a god is all knowing and he knows a person he supposedly loves is going to be murdered and does nothing how can you believe that god is all loving?
A man of faith once told me, "If you are a person of faith the hardest question is, if God exists why is there suffering? However, if you don't believe in God, you have harder explanation which is explaining everything else"

We all suffer and will die. Nothing will change that after sin came into the world. This is exemplified on the cross as Christ had two thieves next to him. The one on the Left cursed him and said if you be the Son of God get me the F$ck down! as where the other simply asked to remember him as he went back to his kingdom as Jesus welcomed him into his kingdom.

Just know that when Paul and the thief on the right of Jesus died, they had peace eternal.
Yet God only provides that sympathy to some, regardless of what they believe or do. . Obviously the rest were created to go directly to hell. What kind of loving God creates people who are condemned to hell with no possible way to receive forgiveness, no matter what they believe or do??
Should I try some other language since this post was not understood?
Lot's of Paul haters here. As one person rightly mentioned, he murdered Christians at one time.

But Paul changed teams and became a Christian. He even later was murdered for his faith. Ever wonder why?

Paul gave up literally everything, including his life for Christ.

Therefore, I would take Paul over pretty much anybody when it comes to faith in Christ.
But according to squabbles with James they both accused each other of teaching of another christ, which brings us to the broadstroke word Christians, which meant any cult that followed a christ and there were many christs and many cults.

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