Question for Conservatives...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Since you're the self proclaimed experts on this.

Once what is now the Obama Tax Plan is passed, how soon can we expect to see significant improvement in the jobs situation?

If it's passed within a month...

a. Job gains will explode almost immediately, taking unemployment down a point or two by spring.

b. Job gains will be moderate and slow.

c. There won't be any jobs gains of any consequence for a year, because tax cuts don't create jobs.
Rule of thumb for economics 101.

It takes a total of 10 years to determine the effectiveness of the change of interest rates and 8 years to determine the effectiveness of tax cuts.

Consumer confidence will increase if either one of these were to decrease. Would take a good two years or so to see actual game changing results. But there will be a very short surge of employment if passed.
Yes, and B, but in the job creation aspect this is a temporay solutions to a longterm problem. Personaly, I feel the government needs to leave all part of the economy alone. Its not their buisness to create american jobs, it's conducting and defending us internationally as well as enforcing basic human rights
Why on earth do you expect this to create jobs? This isn't lowering taxes. It's keeping the taxes identical. Heck. it's raising death tax.

While it's definitely good to keep taxes from going up because it will kill more jobs, keeping the tax rate the same is not going to increase jobs in the economy. It's going to keep us from losing more.

However, we also have the problem with more spending.

There are two parts to creating jobs. Cutting taxes and cutting spending. This compromise ostensively does neither.
Rule of thumb for economics 101.

It takes a total of 10 years to determine the effectiveness of the change of interest rates and 8 years to determine the effectiveness of tax cuts.

Consumer confidence will increase if either one of these were to decrease. Would take a good two years or so to see actual game changing results. But there will be a very short surge of employment if passed.

And about 8 years after the Bush tax cuts we had a horrible recession?
The deficit went into decline until 2007. Unemployement remained low and stable.
The deficit went from a decline of $45 billion Clinton's last year to an increase to $200+ billion Bush's first year to an increase to $500+ billion by the end of 2007.
To CON$ that increase is a decline. :cuckoo:

Unemployment went from 3.90% when Clinton left office to 5% by Dec 2007 to 7.40% when Bush left office.
To CON$ that increase is stable. :cuckoo:
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Since you're the self proclaimed experts on this.

Once what is now the Obama Tax Plan is passed, how soon can we expect to see significant improvement in the jobs situation?

If it's passed within a month...

a. Job gains will explode almost immediately, taking unemployment down a point or two by spring.

b. Job gains will be moderate and slow.

c. There won't be any jobs gains of any consequence for a year, because tax cuts don't create jobs.

Ha, NY Carbineer,

You and me are in pretty close agreement. I don't want to piss off one of few allies I have on the board. Also, I sold carbon footprint reduction and green energy in NYC a while back:razz:

I agree that trickle down economics is a silly myth, but I also think that we can roll the dice that that $75-140 billion for wealthy Americans over the next 2 years might give some certainty to employers and markets and be a psychological plus and good chess move for Obama to make since the economy is bad and the Republicans have been screaming from the rooftops for him to throw them a bone.

They did win an election. Playing nice seems like the right thing to do out the gate, no?

I expect the unemployment rate to be right where Goldman predicts it to be, between 8-9% at the end of 2012. Lower than today, but not low enough. That's with or without the tax cuts.

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