Question for Democrats: What does FAILURE taste like?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Does it taste anything like the shit sandwich you've been force feeding the American people for the last eight years?

You got everything you asked for:

Obamacare, how is that working out for ya'?

Abortion, all nine months, for any reason or no reason at all. How is that working out for ya'?

Christian bakers, forced to bake wedding cakes for homosexuals getting married. How is that working out for ya'?

Transgender men in the ladies room. How is that working out for ya'?

Hating on white males and shutting them out of jobs, college admissions, and government contracts. How is that working out for ya'?

Whipping up blacks to hate cops and ambush them in the streets. How is that working out for ya'?

Millions of illegal aliens flooding into the country. How is that working out for ya'?

The Catholic Church, forced to provide birth control pills to its employees. How is that working out for ya'?

"Taking a knee" at the National Anthem. How is that working out for ya'?

Trade agreements that cause American jobs to be shipped to China and Mexico. How is that working out for ya'?

Disrespecting the American flag. How is that working out for ya'?

Hating God. How is that working out for ya'?

Hating on Israel. How is that working for ya'?

Starting war in every Arab country and calling it democracy. How is that working out for ya'?

Running up $19,500,000,000,000 in debt with out of control spending and no way to pay it back. How is that working out for ya'?

A sluggish economy that never grows past 2% with the largest number of Americans out of the workforce since the 1970's. How is that working out for ya'?

An out of control EPA that has determined that every rain puddle is under federal jurisdiction. How is that working out for ya'?

A VA that does not function and lets veterans die waiting for medical treatment. How is that working out for ya'?

An IRS that the President has used against his political enemies in the Tea Party. How is that working out for ya'?

A Justice Department that has refused to prosecute civil rights violations against white people, rampant government corruption, and hamstrings the FBI in its investigations. How is that working out for ya'?

An FBI that drops an investigation against a Democratic candidate for President even though its obvious to every American that she is guilty as hell. How is that working out for ya'?

Benghazi, where four Americans were abandoned by a Democratic administration to die, and then the cover up afterwards. How is that working out for ya'?

Fast and Furious, a rogue gunrunning operation that ended up with a drug dealer murdering a border agent with a gun that the U.S. government deliberately allowed him to have in his possession. How is that working out for ya'?

The "closing" of Guatanamo, which never actually happened. How is that working out for ya'?

The recent backstab of Israel in the United Nations. How is that working out for ya'?

The ejection of 35 Russian diplomats, which only resulted in Russia mocking the Obama administration as a lame duck. How is that working out for ya'?

I could list the failures forever, but at some point I have to stop.

So let me ask you, how does your outrage you feel that Hillary Clinton wasn't elected President compare to the outrage the American people had to suffer every day for eight years because of the failures, corruption, and cover ups of the left-wing extremist, incompetent, feckless, Obama administration.

Does it taste like a shit sandwich?

Because that's what eight years of Obama tasted like to me.
The chickens came home to roost, the demoquacks are decimated and reeling.

They're not defeated yet.

Until they're relegated to mere regional government offices and have virtually zero representation in the federal government they remain a threat to civil society and the republic. The DNC needs to be beaten so badly the die hards switch to the CPUSA.

We must stay on the offensive and make sure our congress critters advance our agenda while rolling back regressive policy.



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