Question for Democrats


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Why do you want to ban the question about the Simpson Bowles debt commission from the debates? :confused: wtf are you hiding?
Why do you want to ban the question about the Simpson Bowles debt commission from the debates? :confused: wtf are you hiding?

Democrats are natural born cowards. Why is anyones guess.

Democrats refuse to discuss anything financial unless they can raise taxes.

You will not find a more morally bankrupt group.
Why do you want to ban the question about the Simpson Bowles debt commission from the debates? :confused: wtf are you hiding?

How would you phrase the the question at debate? You would have to be a little more specific that 'What about it?" not to be wasting valuable time. Have to save time for questions on tax returns after all. :D
Why can't democrats answer this one simple question?

Asked and answered.

Three Democratic House members objected Tuesday to a request by four senators that President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney be asked which of the commission’s proposals to address the debt they support. The Democrats said such a question would force “candidates to choose solutions from one menu of options.”
Took me all of 5 seconds on Google.

Democrats want debate question barred - Tomer Ovadia -
Why can't democrats answer this one simple question?

Asked and answered.

Three Democratic House members objected Tuesday to a request by four senators that President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney be asked which of the commission’s proposals to address the debt they support. The Democrats said such a question would force “candidates to choose solutions from one menu of options.”
Took me all of 5 seconds on Google.

Democrats want debate question barred - Tomer Ovadia -

why would you ban a question? oh that's right, democrats don't want to shine the light of day on their fucked up 5 trillion dollars of new debt and the fact that obummer ignored his own comissions advice.. :eusa_whistle:
Why can't democrats answer this one simple question?

Asked and answered.

Three Democratic House members objected Tuesday to a request by four senators that President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney be asked which of the commission’s proposals to address the debt they support. The Democrats said such a question would force “candidates to choose solutions from one menu of options.”
Took me all of 5 seconds on Google.

Democrats want debate question barred - Tomer Ovadia -

Well WillowTree should be very please you were able to look that up for her. :D
Why can't democrats answer this one simple question?

Asked and answered.

Three Democratic House members objected Tuesday to a request by four senators that President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney be asked which of the commission’s proposals to address the debt they support. The Democrats said such a question would force “candidates to choose solutions from one menu of options.”
Took me all of 5 seconds on Google.

Democrats want debate question barred - Tomer Ovadia -

why would you ban a question? oh that's right, democrats don't want to shine the light of day on their fucked up 5 trillion dollars of new debt and the fact that obummer ignored his own comissions advice.. :eusa_whistle:

Whoops, spoke too soon. :lol:
Why can't democrats answer this one simple question?

Asked and answered.

Three Democratic House members objected Tuesday to a request by four senators that President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney be asked which of the commission’s proposals to address the debt they support. The Democrats said such a question would force “candidates to choose solutions from one menu of options.”
Took me all of 5 seconds on Google.

Democrats want debate question barred - Tomer Ovadia -

why would you ban a question?
You should try reading.
The Democrats said such a question would force “candidates to choose solutions from one menu of options."
Asked and answered.

Took me all of 5 seconds on Google.

Democrats want debate question barred - Tomer Ovadia -

why would you ban a question?
You should try reading.
The Democrats said such a question would force “candidates to choose solutions from one menu of options."

yes, I know, that translates to suppression of free speech cause we don't want the light of day shined on the fact that the obummer ignored his own comissions recomendations, and that we've fucked up and added 5 trillion dollars of new devt in 4 years, it will be six trillion by the time the four years is actually here. yeah we get why the democrats are fucking pussies.
Why can't democrats answer this one simple question?

Asked and answered.

Three Democratic House members objected Tuesday to a request by four senators that President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney be asked which of the commission’s proposals to address the debt they support. The Democrats said such a question would force “candidates to choose solutions from one menu of options.”
Took me all of 5 seconds on Google.

Democrats want debate question barred - Tomer Ovadia -

why would you ban a question? oh that's right, democrats don't want to shine the light of day on their fucked up 5 trillion dollars of new debt and the fact that obummer ignored his own comissions advice.. :eusa_whistle:

How true. But it would be just like us Republicans while on that subject to want to veer into Barry's own words about cutting the deficit in half his first term, and, goodness, that might even lead to Barry's words about not deserving a second term if he didn't get the economy squared away during his first. it any wonder these morons are trying, and failing, to invent enough issues to divert attention away from the agitator's record?
why would you ban a question?
You should try reading.
The Democrats said such a question would force “candidates to choose solutions from one menu of options."

yes, I know, that translates to suppression of free speech cause we don't want the light of day shined on the fact that the obummer ignored his own comissions recomendations, and that we've fucked up and added 5 trillion dollars of new devt in 4 years, it will be six trillion by the time the four years is actually here. yeah we get why the democrats are fucking pussies.

How does NOT forcing them into a menu of options suppress their speech?
You're right there. Bush went to Vietnam to pertect our freedoms while Kerry did everything he could not to.

Why do you want to ban the question about the Simpson Bowles debt commission from the debates? :confused: wtf are you hiding?

Democrats are natural born cowards. Why is anyones guess.

Democrats refuse to discuss anything financial unless they can raise taxes.

You will not find a more morally bankrupt group.

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