Question for Hillary voters

"When you tolerate the intolerant, you become their accomplice."

and you call today's left "tolerant" as they refuse to allow FREE SPEECH on campus and want to make it illegal to question Algore's obvious fraud?

It's worth repeating that these debate question scandal freaks were literally beside themselves with joy when the illegally obtained DNC emails, by the thousands, were made public.

Sure, lets focus on DNC emails that were "illegally" obtained, and be oblivious to the debate questions given to Hillary. How about the emails regarding Sanders, want to ignore those too? How about we just pretend none of that really happened. We could even pretend Hillary won...does that make you feel better. What a fricken loon.

Why would you support illegally obtaining emails?

Yup, who cares about the message, shoot the messenger.
Were you at all bothered by the now documented truth that CNN gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate???

I'm just trying to see if any Dems value morals/ethics/character at all. So far, on USMB, there is precisely no evidence Hillary voters care at all about things like lying, stealing, and cheating...

START the Jeopardy! music.... (this one may take a while....)

I'm not for two reasons. One: It's not as if there are any curve ball questions in these debates. Every candidate should come prepared to discuss everything from healthcare to foreign policy; so being told in advance "You will probably be asked a question about healthcare" isn't exactly a competitive advantage. Two: I don't blame the democratic party for the caution showed towards Sanders or for whatever special treatment may have been offered to Clinton. Clinton has been a lifelong democrat whereas Sanders became a democrat five minutes before declaring his candidacy. Parties are free to choose or aid their representative in the general election however they want. On the other side of the aisles, the republican party was overtly trying to defeat Trump throughout the primary process, going as far as to suggest re-writing the rules at the convention just so that they avoid a hostile takeover from an outsider.

just an FYI - hillary was a republican when she started out. she was a goldwater girl & after hearing MLK, she changed parties.
after hearing MLK, she changed parties.


Hillary became a Democrat the first time she and Billie Jean King dyked off together.

poor poor poorly educated you. no wonder drumpf depends on you so much.


First Lady Biography: Hillary Clinton

Influenced by her father's strong loyalty to the Republican Party, Hillary Rodham was active in a young Republican group. She actively campaigned for Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater in 1964. Also influenced by her mother, who was a Democratic, she was inspired to work in some form of public service after hearing a speech in Chicago by Reverend Martin Luther King.

In the summer of 1968, she was accepted into the Wellesley Internship Program in Washington, for nine weeks, assigned to work as an intern for the House Republican Conference. In that capacity, she was directly led by the future US President Gerald Ford, then serving as House Minority Leader, as well as congressmen Melvin Laird of Michigan and Charles Goodell of New York.
Hillary Clinton Biography :: National First Ladies' Library
thanx for playing the 'i'll show how much of an ignorant douchebag i am' game.

you win.

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