Question for Hillary voters

You eat the pissy biscuit.

We just can't get one Dem to say IT WAS WRONG for CNN to CHEAT and give the debate questions to Hillary.

What we get is 100% proof that Dems do not care about character at all.

CNN didn't give her the questions, Donna Brazile did and was also a CNN contributor. So start with the facts. There was plenty of dishonesty in both campaigns but at least Hillary wasn't giving Putin hand jobs and then lying about it.
Brazile admits she forwarded town hall questions to Clinton camp

No she didn't give hand jobs ,just 20% of out uranium, why would we give any country uranium to build a bomb that will probably be used on Americans.

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Donald Trump's Mostly False claim on Hillary and uranium

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Hillary has been caught lying/stealing/cheating so many times, it is hard to stop laughing when someone tries to claim she is innocent...
Hillary has been caught lying/stealing/cheating so many times, it is hard to stop laughing when someone tries to claim she is innocent...

i don't believe i've seen anybody on this thread claim hillary is an innocent anything.
Yes, those coveted, EXTREMELY difficult CNN debate questions like "how would you handle health care reform?" or "How would you handle the Syrian refugee crisis?"

There's no chance ANYONE could see those zingers coming.
Yes, those coveted, EXTREMELY difficult CNN debate questions like "how would you handle health care reform?" or "How would you handle the Syrian refugee crisis?"

There's no chance ANYONE could see those zingers coming.

that's right- & if hillary DIDN'T get those questions ahead of time, we know that NO WAY, NOW HOW she could have given an informed reply.

too bad nobody helped tiny hands with the 'nuclear triad' question ahead of time.
Hillary has been caught lying/stealing/cheating so many times, it is hard to stop laughing when someone tries to claim she is innocent...

Says the Trump supporter who ignores his fraudulent university, racial housing discrimination lawsuit, ripping off contractors the world over, lying about his taxes, faking an injury to dodge the draft, lying about wiretapping, lying about the location of a naval fleet in an effort to provoke war with NK, lying about his own understanding of nuclear weapons, ISIS, foreign policy, Syria, etc. etc. etc.

Donald Trump is the Babe Ruth/Muhammed Ali/Michael Jordan/Jack Nicklaus-all-time world heavyweight champion at lying and cheating....and he got your vote!
Were you at all bothered by the now documented truth that CNN gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate???
Yes, i was "bothered" by it, like i am bothered by all the record setting lies Trump told.
Current politics stinks!
I would still vote for Hillary over Donald. No problem being bothered by my vote!
You hate America!

Hillary won the popular vote!

Russia helped Trump win the racist Electoral College vote!

Those emails were illegally obtained!

Now I know there are one or two more excuses I am missing from the Progressive Left but that is their excuse for Hillary failure.

So for the Progressive Clinton voter:

The reason Clinton lost the Electoral College is because of Jill Stein, Sanders voters and Clinton not having the same luck that Obama had.

Check the close states where Clinton lost and ask yourself if she lost because of Jill Stein getting the Sanders Green vote?

As for the cheating by the Democratic Leadership, well you were not suppose to know about it and those that voted for Clinton love cheating as long as they are doing the cheating but damn it all to hell you better not read their emails about their cheating!
Were you at all bothered by the now documented truth that CNN gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate???

I'm just trying to see if any Dems value morals/ethics/character at all. So far, on USMB, there is precisely no evidence Hillary voters care at all about things like lying, stealing, and cheating...

START the Jeopardy! music.... (this one may take a while....)

I'm not for two reasons. One: It's not as if there are any curve ball questions in these debates. Every candidate should come prepared to discuss everything from healthcare to foreign policy; so being told in advance "You will probably be asked a question about healthcare" isn't exactly a competitive advantage. Two: I don't blame the democratic party for the caution showed towards Sanders or for whatever special treatment may have been offered to Clinton. Clinton has been a lifelong democrat whereas Sanders became a democrat five minutes before declaring his candidacy. Parties are free to choose or aid their representative in the general election however they want. On the other side of the aisles, the republican party was overtly trying to defeat Trump throughout the primary process, going as far as to suggest re-writing the rules at the convention just so that they avoid a hostile takeover from an outsider.
I'm not for two reasons.

1. you don't care about truth, justice, the American way
2. you don't care if the Dem is a low character scumbag, you just care about YOUR GOVERNMENT CHECK

That's a poor reading of what I said. Political parties are private organizations that can select whoever they want to represent them in a general election. They could very well choose to disregard votes entirely and simply install whatever candidate they want at any time. That said, I don't fault the democratic party for showing favoritism towards Clinton anymore than I would fault the republican party for its apprehension towards Trump, particularly when what we're talking about is vague notions of questions that may be asked in a primary debate.

What's that? I'm going to be asked about my views on healthcare? Well thank you, Captain Obvious.
They could very well choose to disregard votes entirely and simply install whatever candidate they want at any time.

That was DWS' attitude.

particularly when what we're talking about is vague notions of questions that may be asked in a primary debate.

They weren't "vague" to Hillary, because she had them before the debate. That wasn't the DNC either, it was CNN, a completely corrupt left wing activist TV station disguised as "news."
It's worth repeating that these debate question scandal freaks were literally beside themselves with joy when the illegally obtained DNC emails, by the thousands, were made public.

Sure, lets focus on DNC emails that were "illegally" obtained, and be oblivious to the debate questions given to Hillary. How about the emails regarding Sanders, want to ignore those too? How about we just pretend none of that really happened. We could even pretend Hillary won...does that make you feel better. What a fricken loon.

Why would you support illegally obtaining emails?
They could very well choose to disregard votes entirely and simply install whatever candidate they want at any time.

That was DWS' attitude.

particularly when what we're talking about is vague notions of questions that may be asked in a primary debate.

They weren't "vague" to Hillary, because she had them before the debate. That wasn't the DNC either, it was CNN, a completely corrupt left wing activist TV station disguised as "news."

Again, that you don't understand the fact there are no curve ball questions in presidential debates is not my problem. I'm sure Sanders and Clinton were prepared to discuss anything. Being told in advance that you're going to be asked about your views on healthcare isn't even remotely an advantage or game changer.
You hate America!

Hillary won the popular vote!

Russia helped Trump win the racist Electoral College vote!

Those emails were illegally obtained!

Now I know there are one or two more excuses I am missing from the Progressive Left but that is their excuse for Hillary failure.

So for the Progressive Clinton voter:

The reason Clinton lost the Electoral College is because of Jill Stein, Sanders voters and Clinton not having the same luck that Obama had.

Check the close states where Clinton lost and ask yourself if she lost because of Jill Stein getting the Sanders Green vote?

As for the cheating by the Democratic Leadership, well you were not suppose to know about it and those that voted for Clinton love cheating as long as they are doing the cheating but damn it all to hell you better not read their emails about their cheating!

Did the founders make a mistake putting the 4th Amendment into the Constitution?

You haven't even proven WHO DID THE HACKS. You just PARROT completely unreliable and discredited "sources...."

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