Question for Hillary voters

CNN didn't give her the questions, Donna Brazile did and was also a CNN contributor

That's pretty hilarious equivocating. Donna was Algore's campaign chief and a CNN employee, a really "unbiased" "news" person for sure.

Who wrote the questions?

Did Donna write the questions?

How did Donna get the questions?

Did CNN think Donna would not give the questions to Hillary if Donna got them?
go whine to the intel community


You mean the US "intel community" that tells us a 757 hit the Pentagon on 911 but won't show us a video of that???

Credibility is one thing the US "intel community" has precisely zero....

oh brother. you are one of them thar nutcases. tell me all about pizzagate. & how hillary & obama smell like sulfur.
Here's a 100% vetted left wing source for ya...

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

"Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught."

which is the same attitude we see here from all the Dems

That's right, it was her. You stated that an entire cable news bureau was at fault.
You stated that an entire cable news bureau was at fault.

HOW did a partisan hack like Brazile get the questions?

If CNN was impartial, they would have kept those from all their Dem activists disguised as "news" people. Unfortunately for CNN viewers, EVERYONE THERE IS A DEM HACK.
the Russians help Trump,


You DID vote for Hillary, and then you proved you are a DEM by LYING about that...


you're shitting yourself over a couple questions.

Your stated standard is "manipulating the election." Debates affect elections. Your side is 100% busted for CHEATING in debate.

You do not care. You were 100% for Hillary cheating by any means necessary, even murdering Seth Rich.

What do you have to say about that??

WAAAAHH WAAAAAHHH the Russians the Russians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

without a shred of evidence to back up your accusation.

Anyone notice the profoundly weird phenomenon around here of RWnuts posting about the election as if Trump LOST?
the Russians help Trump,


You DID vote for Hillary, and then you proved you are a DEM by LYING about that...


you're shitting yourself over a couple questions.

Your stated standard is "manipulating the election." Debates affect elections. Your side is 100% busted for CHEATING in debate.

You do not care. You were 100% for Hillary cheating by any means necessary, even murdering Seth Rich.

What do you have to say about that??

WAAAAHH WAAAAAHHH the Russians the Russians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

without a shred of evidence to back up your accusation.

Anyone notice the profoundly weird phenomenon around here of RWnuts posting about the election as if Trump LOST?

Not really, although there certainly seem to be an awful lot of Libs denying she lost.
the Russians help Trump,


You DID vote for Hillary, and then you proved you are a DEM by LYING about that...


you're shitting yourself over a couple questions.

Your stated standard is "manipulating the election." Debates affect elections. Your side is 100% busted for CHEATING in debate.

You do not care. You were 100% for Hillary cheating by any means necessary, even murdering Seth Rich.

What do you have to say about that??

WAAAAHH WAAAAAHHH the Russians the Russians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

without a shred of evidence to back up your accusation.

Anyone notice the profoundly weird phenomenon around here of RWnuts posting about the election as if Trump LOST?

Not really, although there certainly seem to be an awful lot of Libs denying she lost.

Why would someone obsess on a debate from 10 months ago or whenever it was, now, after the election, when their guy won?
It's worth repeating that these debate question scandal freaks were literally beside themselves with joy when the illegally obtained DNC emails, by the thousands, were made public.
It's worth repeating that these debate question scandal freaks were literally beside themselves with joy when the illegally obtained DNC emails, by the thousands, were made public.

Sure, lets focus on DNC emails that were "illegally" obtained, and be oblivious to the debate questions given to Hillary. How about the emails regarding Sanders, want to ignore those too? How about we just pretend none of that really happened. We could even pretend Hillary won...does that make you feel better. What a fricken loon.
Why would someone obsess on a debate from 10 months ago or whenever it was

Translation - cheating only matters if the other side does it. When Dems get caught cheating, it doesn't matter = who cares???

When Dems ask you to trust them, remember what they said about Hillary busted cheating in the debate....
It's worth repeating that these debate question scandal freaks were literally beside themselves with joy when the illegally obtained DNC emails, by the thousands, were made public.


Translation - it should be illegal for the American people to know the truth about just what low character scum the Dems really are
You eat the pissy biscuit.

We just can't get one Dem to say IT WAS WRONG for CNN to CHEAT and give the debate questions to Hillary.

What we get is 100% proof that Dems do not care about character at all.

CNN didn't give her the questions, Donna Brazile did and was also a CNN contributor. So start with the facts. There was plenty of dishonesty in both campaigns but at least Hillary wasn't giving Putin hand jobs and then lying about it.
Brazile admits she forwarded town hall questions to Clinton camp

No she didn't give hand jobs ,just 20% of out uranium, why would we give any country uranium to build a bomb that will probably be used on Americans.

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Were you at all bothered by the now documented truth that CNN gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate???

I'm just trying to see if any Dems value morals/ethics/character at all. So far, on USMB, there is precisely no evidence Hillary voters care at all about things like lying, stealing, and cheating...

START the Jeopardy! music.... (this one may take a while....)

No not really . Are you bothered that Russians tried to sabotage Hillary and get trump elected?

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