Question for Iraq war supporters

I look forward to being this unhinged about former presidents 8 years after bush leaves the white house too.

You don't have to wait, the retards have been more unhinged since before he even became President and have spent the last 8 years making false claims. At least when us "right wing extremists" complain about Clinton we have actual PROOF he did what we are complaining about.
yea.. nothing says proof like those phantom WMDs, RGS! Oh the irony.

Like I said, Im glad we have the greelight to bring up the phenomenal clusterfuck that was the run up to invading iraq, say, in 2016!

Find the proof that it wasn't reasonable to believe in their existence. Find proof of lying in order to invade.
Find the proof that it wasn't reasonable to believe in their existence. Find proof of lying in order to invade.

He can not. I love how Bush lied but all the Democrats that said the EXACT same thing were just "mistaken". How all the worlds Intel services were under the thumb of Karl Rove and did Bush's bidding.
I will just as soon ans you find proof that god is not really the flying speghetti monster. PROVE that dick cheney is NOT the antichrist. Prove that YOU are not a robot.

Kinda tough to prove a negative, eh? Thank god that I have all those funny little cirlce and arrow chards that show your side claiming MOBILE WEAPONS LABS for further dead horse kicking in '16.

Thank god our legal system is not manipulated by the same idiotic logic.

Where did this imminent threat go to, Allie?!?

THE PRESIDENT: We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two. And we'll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them.

Iraqi mobile labs nothing to do with germ warfare, report finds
An official British investigation into two trailers found in northern Iraq has concluded they are not mobile germ warfare labs, as was claimed by Tony Blair and President George Bush, but were for the production of hydrogen to fill artillery balloons, as the Iraqis have continued to insist.,,977916,00.html

I will just as soon ans you find proof that god is not really the flying speghetti monster. PROVE that dick cheney is NOT the antichrist. Prove that YOU are not a robot.

Kinda tough to prove a negative, eh? Thank god that I have all those funny little cirlce and arrow chards that show your side claiming MOBILE WEAPONS LABS for further dead horse kicking in '16.

Thank god our legal system is not manipulated by the same idiotic logic.

Where did this imminent threat go to, Allie?!?

No negative to prove dumbshit. Every leading Democrat was of the same opinion as the President. Every world wide Intel agency believed what we believed. Go ahead explain how Bush lied but none of them lied as well retard.
Exactly. The criticism isn't that there were no weapons, but that Bush knew and lied to the people about it.

no, ma'am.. the criticism will be that he acted as a cheerleader when pushing the cause for war on what amounts to fabricated bullshit and fanatic ignorance.

Which, might I add, has cost this nation exponentially more than witch hunting a blowjob.
Changing the goal posts again, Shogun?

Look back in the thread to see what we were actually discussing.
No negative to prove dumbshit. Every leading Democrat was of the same opinion as the President. Every world wide Intel agency believed what we believed. Go ahead explain how Bush lied but none of them lied as well retard.

asked and answered.

Team Bush's continued proclamations of absolute certainty served to convey a false impression....ergo LIE.
Mistakes and lies are two different things.

A lie requires knowledge of the truth, or at least knowledge that what you're saying is untrue.
Exactly. The criticism isn't that there were no weapons, but that Bush knew and lied to the people about it.

absolutely not. no one is suggesting that Bush KNEW there were no weapons. I AM suggesting that he KNEW that there was NOT absolute certainty regarding their existence. THAT is the lie: the protrayal of absolute certainty when none existed.
Changing the goal posts again, Shogun?

Look back in the thread to see what we were actually discussing.

Yes, discussing the presidential blowjob almost a decade AFTER THE FACT. You know, exactly what I was alluding to.

Say, why do you avoid the golden rule when it doesn't fit your desire to demonize people?
Mistakes and lies are two different things.

A lie requires knowledge of the truth, or at least knowledge that what you're saying is untrue.

He KNEW there was not absolute certainty...there is no mistake there. Every analyst has said that ALL of the intell surrounding Iraqi WMD's came laden with caveats and qualifiers.... there was doubt...there was uncertainty.
In which case, he wasn't really lying. Just using current information to forward his agenda.

Wow. If that were a crime, everyone would be in jail.
Mistakes and lies are two different things.

A lie requires knowledge of the truth, or at least knowledge that what you're saying is untrue.

ANd, of course, YOU know for a fact that Busdh was mistaken instead of a bald faced liar!

Gosh, considering your other abilities in parsing motivation you sure are a beacon of light, lemme tellya.
Pretty hard to prove, though, isn't it?

If he was certain at the time, that's not a lie.
In which case, he wasn't really lying. Just using current information to forward his agenda.

Wow. If that were a crime, everyone would be in jail.


watch the spin..

Hey, develop a thick skin, Allie... if the Clinton blowjob is any indication we'll be bringing this shit up for another, say, 8 years!
Pretty hard to prove, though, isn't it?

If he was certain at the time, that's not a lie.

How many Quotes do you want that are words from his own mouth that states the CERTAINLY of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION as an IMMINENT THREAT, allie?

For real.. You might as well insist that Strom Thurman was only working with available knowledge when fillibustering civil rights legislation.

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