Question for ISIS: take out USA grid kills 200m Americans-- what would it do to the $?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Former top government officials who have been warning Washington about the vulnerability of the nation’s largely unprotected electric grid are raising new fears that troops from the jihadist Islamic State are poised to attack the system, leading to a power crisis that could kill millions.
“By one estimate, should the power go out and stay out for over a year, nine out of 10 Americans would likely perish,” said Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy in Washington.

The Knights Templars and other criminal gangs in Mexico will do anything for money, and ISIS, the richest terrorist organization in history, has hundreds of millions of dollars at its disposal,” said Pry.

New ISIS threat America s electric grid blackout could kill 9 of 10

So ISIS has billions of "$s"? Why dollars? More importantly ISIS --- destroy American economy killing millions of Americans... what will that do to the value of your "billions" in dollars???

ISIS.... have you thought this out thoroughly???
grid going done has been talked about for years g5000 . Might really happen one day due to attacks or natural causes . Might as well be aware and prepared to some degree . I think its as good a topic as Earthquake preparation or a person having a supply of needed prescription drugs on hand and ready to be used .
Jesus Christ. Don't you tards ever get tired of scaring yourselves silly?
Did you read this closely Messiah???
Plus "scaring silly"... what about you globalwarmingevangelistas?
You running scared about global warming that is not something that will happen tomorrow...
The grid has always been a weakness but idiots like you say yeah will I flip the switch it comes on!
Dumb f...k! My point was I don't believe ISIS is that totally stupid to grossly devalue the American dollar which is what they have the billions in.. by destruction the USA economy!
Granny says Obama needs to kick some Iranian butt a-fore our lights go out...

Exclusive: Iran hackers may target U.S. energy, defense firms, FBI warns
12/13/14 - The Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned U.S. businesses to be on the alert for a sophisticated Iranian hacking operation whose targets include defense contractors, energy firms and educational institutions, according to a confidential agency document.
The operation is the same as one flagged last week by cyber security firm Cylance Inc as targeting critical infrastructure organizations worldwide, cyber security experts said. Cylance has said it uncovered more than 50 victims from what it dubbed Operation Cleaver, in 16 countries, including the United States. The FBI's confidential "Flash" report, seen by Reuters on Friday, provides technical details about malicious software and techniques used in the attacks, along with advice on thwarting the hackers. It asked businesses to contact the FBI if they believed they were victims.

Cylance Chief Executive Stuart McClure said the FBI warning suggested that the Iranian hacking campaign may have been larger than its own research revealed. "It underscores Iran's determination and fixation on large-scale compromise of critical infrastructure," he said. The FBI's technical document said the hackers typically launch their attacks from two IP addresses that are in Iran, but did not attribute the attacks to the Tehran government. Cylance has said it believes Iran's government is behind the campaign, a claim Iran has vehemently denied. An FBI official did not provide further details, but said the agency routinely provides private industry with advisories to help it fend off cyber threats.

The Pentagon and National Security Agency had no immediate comment. Tehran has been substantially increasing investment in its cyber capabilities since 2010, when its nuclear program was hit by the Stuxnet computer virus, widely believed to have been launched by the United States and Israel. Cyber security professionals who investigate cyber attacks said that they are seeing evidence that Iran's investment is paying off. "They are good and have a lot of talent in the country," said Dave Kennedy, CEO of TrustedSEC LLC. "They are definitely a serious threat, no question."

Iranian hackers are increasingly being blamed for sophisticated cyberattacks. Bloomberg Businessweek on Thursday reported that Iranian hacker activists were responsible for a devastating February 2014 attack on casino operator Las Vegas Sands Corp, which crippled thousands of servers by wiping them with destructive malware. It said the hackers sought to punish Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson for comments he made about detonating a nuclear bomb in Iran.

Exclusive Iran hackers may target U.S. energy defense firms FBI warns - Yahoo News
It is strange that hackers are never dealt with...lets get active, CIA!
Power grids are increasingly tempting target for hackers...

National Power Grids Increasingly Targeted in Cyber Attacks
February 01, 2016 | WASHINGTON — Ukraine’s electric power grid is once again under cyberattack, just one month after a similar incident successfully brought down portions of the system and left millions in the dark.
Worse, researchers studying the attacks say the malware believed responsible – a new version of the so-called BlackEnergy bug – has likely spread to numerous European power grids and is poised to infect many more. The attacks and spreading malware have left cybersecurity analysts scrambling to determine not only which systems are at greatest risk, but who might be responsible. “We need to assume it’s already being deployed around Europe,” says Udi Shamir, co-founder and chief security officer for the cybersecurity firm SentinelOne. “This is cyber-warfare; we need to wake up and see that this is war.”


Shamir and his team recently completed a total reverse engineering of the new BlackEnergy3 bug – a technique often used by analysts to learn how bugs work, and possibly who wrote it. What they discovered is that BlackEnergy3 is using the same Microsoft Office vulnerability to spread as its earlier, and less sophisticated, versions, BE1 & BE2. Shamir says that’s unusual, because Microsoft patched that hole in 2014. “There are a few possible explanations,” Shamir told VOA. “First, these just might be old systems that haven’t been updated. Second, someone on the inside might be intentionally spreading this. And third, it’s possible these bugs have been sleeping in systems for months on end, and they’re only now waking up.”

Attribution is notoriously difficult with malware, making it very difficult to conclusively prove who is behind these attacks; however, researchers at the cybersecurity firm iSight previously found similarities between earlier versions of BlackEnergy and the Russian-linked Sandworm malware that targeted NATO infrastructure back in 2014. Shamir found the same similarities in BlackEnergy3, providing his team with “suggestions” of Russian involvement. “The code-style, the clustering, yeah it looks like Russia,” Shamir said. “I’m pretty confident that the origin is from Russia, but I don’t have any bulletproof evidence.” More troublesome, Shamir says this latest version of BlackEnergy is “modular,” making it much easier for hackers to quickly change how the malware works, and significantly harder for security analysts to find and root it out.

9 of 10 would die of the geid is completely down for a year?

And why, exactly, should I give a damn about an event that has exactly zero chance of happening? Electricity is not going to vanish for a year. What do you think that we are going to be during this dark time? Praying that the lights come back on?
grid going done has been talked about for years g5000 . Might really happen one day due to attacks or natural causes . Might as well be aware and prepared to some degree . I think its as good a topic as Earthquake preparation or a person having a supply of needed prescription drugs on hand and ready to be used .

Yup and from what I've read its all just talk.

Wouldn't take a lot to take the grid down and once down it would take years to get it back up.

Hit key areas and no more electricity. What a thought. LOL
One just needs to look back at California a dozen years ago to see the problems caused by deliberate disruption of electrical power perpetrated by Enron.
We really should put a security guard next to that giant switch that controls our whole electric grid!
Good Grief! A run away asteroid will destroy the planet long before some terrorist nut job can carry out such an attack. So, chill out...."What's that up in the sky? Its a bird, its a plane, no its an asteroid ready to spread the face of Armageddon on the planet!"

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