Question for Left-Leaning Individuals: Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, Marxists, Communists, Big-Government, One-Worlders, Etc.


America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
This is a legitimate question for anyone who considers himself/herself a "left-leaning" person.

I realize that not all left-leaning folks agree with each other on all issues. Same is true of Conservatives (although I believe that we're more willing to voice our disagreements than lefties are). But generally speaking, what is it about the left's ideology or philosophy that appeals to you the most? List a few things that you truly believe the left has right as opposed to the counterpoints offered by the right.
Gonna need my welding goggles for the blinding virtue beacons that are fixin' to flash in my face.
After years of debating lefties, I still don't really know what motivates them to reach their conclusions. I feel that it's more their hatred for the right than it is a love for anything on the left. But I'm legitimately curious.
After years of debating lefties, I still don't really know what motivates them to reach their conclusions. I feel that it's more their hatred for the right than it is a love for anything on the left. But I'm legitimately curious.
Because conservative policies, 1) Don't work (no success stories for over 4 decades), 2) Don't "conserve" anything. Not money. Not the environment. Not congenial relations between Americans.
Because conservative policies, 1) Don't work (no success stories for over 4 decades), 2) Don't "conserve" anything. Not money. Not the environment. Not congenial relations between Americans.
So it's more of your dislike for the right than it is a love for a particular ideology on the left?
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Bed wetters is a blanket term that covers all those sniveling pukes.

They either lack a frontal cortex entirely, or the defective one they were born with has atrophied.

For most of them their colon has stepped in to function in its place. That's why everything they say sounds like stupid shit.

It is.
Please name for me one conservative policy success story in the last 4 decades.
I'll wait. :)
That question can always go two ways. I think the inventions of the free market have been super beneficial to society, in general. Automobiles, Computers, Architecture, Crop Production, etc. I think lowering taxes gives the working class more buying power: Homes, Cars, Food, Utilities, etc.

But I'd really like to see you provide a list of Liberal policies that you believe would benefit the populace, as a whole.
The End of the Cold War in 1991.
No conservative ended the Cold War. The Soviet Union imploded. We didn't do matter how much you want to give Reagan credit for it.
Guiliani cleaning up NYC in the 90's.
Yeah....stop and frisk. How'd that end up? Oh yeah, Guliani washed his hands of it and then decided he was going to be "America's Dunce".
The Abraham Accords before Hamas went nanners.
Fat lot of good podunk treaties did, huh. Didn't solve the Palestinian issue which is where the Hamas attacks were grounded in.

If these are your success're in trouble. :)
This is a legitimate question for anyone who considers himself/herself a "left-leaning" person.

I realize that not all left-leaning folks agree with each other on all issues. Same is true of Conservatives (although I believe that we're more willing to voice our disagreements than lefties are). But generally speaking, what is it about the left's ideology or philosophy that appeals to you the most? List a few things that you truly believe the left has right as opposed to the counterpoints offered by the right.

I believe unions are important to having a middle class. Republicans are anti union.

I believe we need to go Green

I like pro choice

Democrats are more the party that looks out for labor. Republicans say uneducated blue collar whites are only worth $15 hr. Can't live on that.

Democrats properly regulate industry. Look how they lowered drug prices. You're welcome.

Infrastructure spendng

They support/defend social security and medicare.

Boy did Trump prove Thom Hartmann right

They only know how to be attack dogs against the right, they don't really know or understand how or why they support the left. Already one great example of that in here.
List a few things that you truly believe the left has right as opposed to the counterpoints offered by the right.

Liberty. That's the biggie. We reject fascism, the right embraces fascism.
Economic success.
Foreign policy success.
Embracing actual reality instead of PartyPropaganda.
Supporting the Rule of Law.
Putting country before party.
Being competent.
Not being whimpering snowflakes.
Not roasting in the special hell for all of eternity.
No conservative ended the Cold War. The Soviet Union imploded. We didn't do matter how much you want to give Reagan credit for it.

Yeah....stop and frisk. How'd that end up? Oh yeah, Guliani washed his hands of it and then decided he was going to be "America's Dunce".

Fat lot of good podunk treaties did, huh. Didn't solve the Palestinian issue which is where the Hamas attacks were grounded in.

If these are your success're in trouble. :)

The 80'S Military buildup was the nail that broke the board. Deny all you want.

90's new york improved vastly, giving us the NY of the 2000's and early 2010's until DeBlasio fucked it up

Hamas' attack was in response to the accords, as a last gasp because they were removed from the peace process.

Figured you would dismiss them all with tired SJW hackery.

Your responses have been measured, and found wanting.
But generally speaking, what is it about the left's ideology or philosophy that appeals to you the most?
It is fact/science based (the gender identity yahoo's notwithstanding), displays empathy for fellow human beings, is more tolerant of others unlike myself, is aspirational, not dogmatic, seeks compromise if counterparts are willing, recognizes we rise and fall as a country........not individuals.

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