Zone1 Question for Mods re usernames

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Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
This is not as random a question as it might seem to be at first glance.

Some of us remember what the word “bukkake” means. It’s a weird sexual behavior.

If someone came here (no pun intended) and chose the word “bukkake” as his (or her) username, would that be accepted by this Board’s mods and management?

— Curious in Seattle (and I’m not even on the west coast).
It’s a rarity, that’s for sure.

Although, perhaps, the members named Golden Shower and ScatFan will not agree with us.
I misspelled it on purpose, to not offend.

Unkotare is the proper spelling. A very messy subject.

@scatfan golden Shower you see this?

It looks like there are currently no mods online. They are normally listed on the "Forums" page. None there now.

WTF is up with this Sergeant Bill noob? They sound like they have a thinner than normal skin to be hanging around here.

And yeah, BackAgain, I'd like to know if there are any usernames that would be banned, because you can find a lot of interesting terms in the Urban Dictionary that mean not quite what most would think they mean.

I wonder if Tea Bagger would be an acceptable name, because there are some conservatives who were proud to call themselves one, at least, up until they found out what the modern day definition is of that term.
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