Question For Normal People.Does Anyone Actually Believe There Was A Hillary Bounce?

If you we cannot sell products in China...then those ports on West Coast will be closed to them. If Wall Street investors lose $$$$ too fucking bad. Nobody cared about U.S. Workers who lost jobs.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.

Are you REALLY this stupid???? Of course NAFTA pisses me off. What on earth made you think I was ever FOR NAFTA????
Then why vote for party that betrayed you? Vote based on that issue and how candidate stands on the trade issue. Third party, independent, Donald Trump. Fuck it.

I don't believe a thing Trump says. There is truly something wrong with him mentally. His unbridled hatred is repugnant. Nothing in the way he communicates resonates in my sense of morality or trust. I honestly believe he is a danger to the republic.

I don't like Hillary either. I cannot vote democrat. At least she will just continue to operate business as usual. I would rather concede another 4 years of same old same old than risk our future to Donald Trump's erratic mental state. I am not of the opinion that our country is going down the toilet. That idea is shear nonsense. I have listened to the negativity word mill for several decades and have grown numb to it. We have a great country already. Don't let some madman tell you different. We will survive another dem president. Trump could and probably would do irreversible damage. I would very much like to get back on the republican band wagon. Trump is the wrong man to lead me back into the fold.
You're the one who can't bring themselves to honestly look at WHY jobs left, Sealy! If an auto worker made high pay and the auto company still made a profit producing a car then it's a good thing for everyone including the UAW because that job is worth that wage! That isn't what happened though. We reached an absurd point where US car companies were losing money on each vehicle that rolled off an American assembly line and only making money on vehicles that were made elsewhere! Jobs have to pay what jobs are worth in a free market. When a wage is set artificially by either the government or by union extortion it eventually leads to problems like job exportation. You are NEVER going to get those jobs back if you don't let the market determine the wage.

again- German Autoworkers are better paid than ours, and they produce more cars...

The problem in the US Auto Industry is the rich people who run them designed bad cars no one wanted to buy, no matter who made them or where they were made.
I would support Cuban if he ran as a republican. Unlike Trump HE is a self made billionaire.
Mark Cuban is fucking hysterical...

Mark Cuban is someone I could care less about.

I will see your lack of caring and raise you my lack of caring for Donald Trump.

You watch Cobert? Nuff said.

He's funny, a poor replacement for Letterman but there are not a lot of choices on over the air TV. But that's not where I pulled that video.

I get my entertainment from several sources. I don't have a problem watching those I agree and disagree with. That's how one becomes something I like to call well informed.
I would support Cuban if he ran as a republican. Unlike Trump HE is a self made billionaire.
Mark Cuban is fucking hysterical...

Mark Cuban is someone I could care less about.

Who cares? :dunno: That was still fucking funny.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.

Are you REALLY this stupid???? Of course NAFTA pisses me off. What on earth made you think I was ever FOR NAFTA????
Then why vote for party that betrayed you? Vote based on that issue and how candidate stands on the trade issue. Third party, independent, Donald Trump. Fuck it.

I don't believe a thing Trump says. There is truly something wrong with him mentally. His unbridled hatred is repugnant. Nothing in the way he communicates resonates in my sense of morality or trust. I honestly believe he is a danger to the republic.

I don't like Hillary either. I cannot vote democrat. At least she will just continue to operate business as usual. I would rather concede another 4 years of same old same old than risk our future to Donald Trump's erratic mental state. I am not of the opinion that our country is going down the toilet. That idea is shear nonsense. I have listened to the negativity word mill for several decades and have grown numb to it. We have a great country already. Don't let some madman tell you different. We will survive another dem president. Trump could and probably would do irreversible damage. I would very much like to get back on the republican band wagon. Trump is the wrong man to lead me back into the fold.
"Crazy" Donald is crazy. That's what's wrong with him.
:2up: :banana: :stupid: And who is taking the polls that claim Hillary has a 7 point bounce? And how many were polled? 1000? 2000? 3000?, what about the other 297 Million People?
:smartass: No normal/intelligent fair minded American buys/falls for any of these polls. And why do the polls change every week? One week we have Trump ahead by 15 points, next week Hillary is ahead by 5,,then next week Trump is ahead by 10, then the following week its a tie.
Get the point? Maybe we should just ask our friends/neighbors instead? And why does Hillary need to campaign in Penn/Ohio? Didnt we all assume she has already won those states? :hellno:

Conservatives and statistics.....

Totally baffles them
Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.

Are you REALLY this stupid???? Of course NAFTA pisses me off. What on earth made you think I was ever FOR NAFTA????
Then why vote for party that betrayed you? Vote based on that issue and how candidate stands on the trade issue. Third party, independent, Donald Trump. Fuck it.

I don't believe a thing Trump says. There is truly something wrong with him mentally. His unbridled hatred is repugnant. Nothing in the way he communicates resonates in my sense of morality or trust. I honestly believe he is a danger to the republic.

I don't like Hillary either. I cannot vote democrat. At least she will just continue to operate business as usual. I would rather concede another 4 years of same old same old than risk our future to Donald Trump's erratic mental state. I am not of the opinion that our country is going down the toilet. That idea is shear nonsense. I have listened to the negativity word mill for several decades and have grown numb to it. We have a great country already. Don't let some madman tell you different. We will survive another dem president. Trump could and probably would do irreversible damage. I would very much like to get back on the republican band wagon. Trump is the wrong man to lead me back into the fold.
"Crazy" Donald is crazy. That's what's wrong with him.
And "Crooked" Hillary is crooked. That's what's wrong with her.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.

Are you REALLY this stupid???? Of course NAFTA pisses me off. What on earth made you think I was ever FOR NAFTA????
Then why vote for party that betrayed you? Vote based on that issue and how candidate stands on the trade issue. Third party, independent, Donald Trump. Fuck it.

I don't believe a thing Trump says. There is truly something wrong with him mentally. His unbridled hatred is repugnant. Nothing in the way he communicates resonates in my sense of morality or trust. I honestly believe he is a danger to the republic.

I don't like Hillary either. I cannot vote democrat. At least she will just continue to operate business as usual. I would rather concede another 4 years of same old same old than risk our future to Donald Trump's erratic mental state. I am not of the opinion that our country is going down the toilet. That idea is shear nonsense. I have listened to the negativity word mill for several decades and have grown numb to it. We have a great country already. Don't let some madman tell you different. We will survive another dem president. Trump could and probably would do irreversible damage. I would very much like to get back on the republican band wagon. Trump is the wrong man to lead me back into the fold.
"Crazy" Donald is crazy. That's what's wrong with him.
And "Crooked" Hillary is crooked. That's what's wrong with her.

Are you afraid she will run off with the white house silverware? :lol: Or maybe run an illegal book making operation?
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.

Are you REALLY this stupid???? Of course NAFTA pisses me off. What on earth made you think I was ever FOR NAFTA????
Then why vote for party that betrayed you? Vote based on that issue and how candidate stands on the trade issue. Third party, independent, Donald Trump. Fuck it.

I don't believe a thing Trump says. There is truly something wrong with him mentally. His unbridled hatred is repugnant. Nothing in the way he communicates resonates in my sense of morality or trust. I honestly believe he is a danger to the republic.

I don't like Hillary either. I cannot vote democrat. At least she will just continue to operate business as usual. I would rather concede another 4 years of same old same old than risk our future to Donald Trump's erratic mental state. I am not of the opinion that our country is going down the toilet. That idea is shear nonsense. I have listened to the negativity word mill for several decades and have grown numb to it. We have a great country already. Don't let some madman tell you different. We will survive another dem president. Trump could and probably would do irreversible damage. I would very much like to get back on the republican band wagon. Trump is the wrong man to lead me back into the fold.
"Crazy" Donald is crazy. That's what's wrong with him.
And "Crooked" Hillary is crooked. That's what's wrong with her.
I'll take crooked over crazy any day.
Its been yet another bad week for Trump

After the GOP convention, he had the expected bounce which lasted only a few days

Once the Democrats had a chance to roast Trump in their own convention, Trump, in a rage, shot himself in the foot by attacking Gold Star parents

Now, influential Republicans are hanging him out to dry and major donors won't touch him

You reap what you sow Donald
I'll take crooked over crazy any day.
It's not like you have any say in the matter. The best you can do is keep visiting your therapist. Crooked Hillary's psychopathology is not something shrinks have much luck with, so consider yourself lucky at least.
Of course I have it say in the matter. Don't be ridiculous. Like every other U.S. citizen, I get a vote. That's my say. And living in a crucial swing state, my vote matters more to Hillary than the votes in states she already has a lock on.
I'll take crooked over crazy any day.
It's not like you have any say in the matter. The best you can do is keep visiting your therapist. Crooked Hillary's psychopathology is not something shrinks have much luck with, so consider yourself lucky at least.
Of course I have it say in the matter. Don't be ridiculous. Like every other U.S. citizen, I get a vote. That's my say. And living in a crucial swing state, my vote matters more to Hillary than the votes in states she already has a lock on.
It's sanity that eludes you just as Hillary's sleaze sticks to her like stink on shit, not your right to vote.

Quit being such a putz.
You're the one who can't bring themselves to honestly look at WHY jobs left, Sealy! If an auto worker made high pay and the auto company still made a profit producing a car then it's a good thing for everyone including the UAW because that job is worth that wage! That isn't what happened though. We reached an absurd point where US car companies were losing money on each vehicle that rolled off an American assembly line and only making money on vehicles that were made elsewhere! Jobs have to pay what jobs are worth in a free market. When a wage is set artificially by either the government or by union extortion it eventually leads to problems like job exportation. You are NEVER going to get those jobs back if you don't let the market determine the wage.

again- German Autoworkers are better paid than ours, and they produce more cars...

The problem in the US Auto Industry is the rich people who run them designed bad cars no one wanted to buy, no matter who made them or where they were made.

Actually, of the main reasons the US Auto Industry lost market share was that unionized American auto workers built some really crappy cars in the 70's and 80's. American automobiles went from being some of the best made cars in the world to being some of the worst made...and that's a fact that anyone who got stuck driving one of those pieces of shit Detroit was putting out back then remembers all too well! What was the old advice about buying a car back then? To check and see if the car was made on a Monday or a Friday because if it was made on Monday the union workers were probably hung over from the weekend and if it was made on Friday they weren't paying attention because they were thinking about that first beer after the shift was over? Auto workers were making the big bucks back then...too bad they didn't make quality cars like they should have!
Its been yet another bad week for Trump

After the GOP convention, he had the expected bounce which lasted only a few days

Once the Democrats had a chance to roast Trump in their own convention, Trump, in a rage, shot himself in the foot by attacking Gold Star parents

Now, influential Republicans are hanging him out to dry and major donors won't touch him

You reap what you sow Donald

Trump is not stupid. He's shot himself in the foot many times .. on purpose.

He doesn't want to be president .. he's looking for a way out .. and he will continue shooting himself daily until he finds a way out .. or damages himself so much that he couldn't possibly win.
You're the one who can't bring themselves to honestly look at WHY jobs left, Sealy! If an auto worker made high pay and the auto company still made a profit producing a car then it's a good thing for everyone including the UAW because that job is worth that wage! That isn't what happened though. We reached an absurd point where US car companies were losing money on each vehicle that rolled off an American assembly line and only making money on vehicles that were made elsewhere! Jobs have to pay what jobs are worth in a free market. When a wage is set artificially by either the government or by union extortion it eventually leads to problems like job exportation. You are NEVER going to get those jobs back if you don't let the market determine the wage.

again- German Autoworkers are better paid than ours, and they produce more cars...

The problem in the US Auto Industry is the rich people who run them designed bad cars no one wanted to buy, no matter who made them or where they were made.

Actually, of the main reasons the US Auto Industry lost market share was that unionized American auto workers built some really crappy cars in the 70's and 80's. American automobiles went from being some of the best made cars in the world to being some of the worst made...and that's a fact that anyone who got stuck driving one of those pieces of shit Detroit was putting out back then remembers all too well! What was the old advice about buying a car back then? To check and see if the car was made on a Monday or a Friday because if it was made on Monday the union workers were probably hung over from the weekend and if it was made on Friday they weren't paying attention because they were thinking about that first beer after the shift was over? Auto workers were making the big bucks back then...too bad they didn't make quality cars like they should have!

Union workers built the crappy designs with the crappy parts demanded by management

The auto industry of the 70s and 80s was fat and lazy and ignored the international threat of the Germans and Japanese. They were more interested in short tem profits than long term stability
Its been yet another bad week for Trump

After the GOP convention, he had the expected bounce which lasted only a few days

Once the Democrats had a chance to roast Trump in their own convention, Trump, in a rage, shot himself in the foot by attacking Gold Star parents

Now, influential Republicans are hanging him out to dry and major donors won't touch him

You reap what you sow Donald

Trump is not stupid. He's shot himself in the foot many times .. on purpose.

He doesn't want to be president .. he's looking for a way out .. and he will continue shooting himself daily until he finds a way out .. or damages himself so much that he couldn't possibly win.

I believe Trump entered the race as a gag. A chance to pump up his ego

At some point he realized....These idiots are taking me seriously?
You're the one who can't bring themselves to honestly look at WHY jobs left, Sealy! If an auto worker made high pay and the auto company still made a profit producing a car then it's a good thing for everyone including the UAW because that job is worth that wage! That isn't what happened though. We reached an absurd point where US car companies were losing money on each vehicle that rolled off an American assembly line and only making money on vehicles that were made elsewhere! Jobs have to pay what jobs are worth in a free market. When a wage is set artificially by either the government or by union extortion it eventually leads to problems like job exportation. You are NEVER going to get those jobs back if you don't let the market determine the wage.

again- German Autoworkers are better paid than ours, and they produce more cars...

The problem in the US Auto Industry is the rich people who run them designed bad cars no one wanted to buy, no matter who made them or where they were made.

Actually, of the main reasons the US Auto Industry lost market share was that unionized American auto workers built some really crappy cars in the 70's and 80's. American automobiles went from being some of the best made cars in the world to being some of the worst made...and that's a fact that anyone who got stuck driving one of those pieces of shit Detroit was putting out back then remembers all too well! What was the old advice about buying a car back then? To check and see if the car was made on a Monday or a Friday because if it was made on Monday the union workers were probably hung over from the weekend and if it was made on Friday they weren't paying attention because they were thinking about that first beer after the shift was over? Auto workers were making the big bucks back then...too bad they didn't make quality cars like they should have!

Union workers built the crappy designs with the crappy parts demanded by management

The auto industry of the 70s and 80s was fat and lazy and ignored the international threat of the Germans and Japanese. They were more interested in short tem profits than long term stability

god couldn't have made those GM and Ford and Chyr designs work. But the UAW had no interest in producing quality either. It is different now. GM is an employee owned corporation.

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