Question For Normal People.Does Anyone Actually Believe There Was A Hillary Bounce?

Its been yet another bad week for Trump

After the GOP convention, he had the expected bounce which lasted only a few days

Once the Democrats had a chance to roast Trump in their own convention, Trump, in a rage, shot himself in the foot by attacking Gold Star parents

Now, influential Republicans are hanging him out to dry and major donors won't touch him

You reap what you sow Donald

Trump is not stupid. He's shot himself in the foot many times .. on purpose.

He doesn't want to be president .. he's looking for a way out .. and he will continue shooting himself daily until he finds a way out .. or damages himself so much that he couldn't possibly win.

I believe Trump entered the race as a gag. A chance to pump up his ego

At some point he realized....These idiots are taking me seriously?

I believe there is more than just a gag to it. But I agree that he's probably surprised but the numbers of morons who buy his act.

That being said, he knows there is money to be made even when he loses.
Actually, of the main reasons the US Auto Industry lost market share was that unionized American auto workers built some really crappy cars in the 70's and 80's.

Um... right. You do realize the autoworkers don't DESIGN the cars, right? I mean, I hope you understand the concept at least that well

What was the old advice about buying a car back then? To check and see if the car was made on a Monday or a Friday because if it was made on Monday the union workers were probably hung over from the weekend and if it was made on Friday they weren't paying attention because they were thinking about that first beer after the shift was over? Auto workers were making the big bucks back then...too bad they didn't make quality cars like they should have!

Actually, I never heard that joke and neither did anyone else.

The problem wasn't the assembly, it was the design. It was Detroit continuing to make gas guzzlers when the market demanded fuel efficiency. It was designing starter cars like the Chevette and the Escort that turned young people off of the brand.

You see, your argument would make sense if we lost out to scab shops reciting Ayn Rand. We didn't. We lost out to a bunch of unionized socialists in Germany and Japan with single payer health care and CEO's who don't make more than six figures that the employees CAN FIRE.
I'll take crooked over crazy any day.
It's not like you have any say in the matter. The best you can do is keep visiting your therapist. Crooked Hillary's psychopathology is not something shrinks have much luck with, so consider yourself lucky at least.
Of course I have it say in the matter. Don't be ridiculous. Like every other U.S. citizen, I get a vote. That's my say. And living in a crucial swing state, my vote matters more to Hillary than the votes in states she already has a lock on.
It's sanity that eludes you just as Hillary's sleaze sticks to her like stink on shit, not your right to vote.

Quit being such a putz.
Sadly, ad-hominem seems to be all you're capable of. Oh well.

Its been yet another bad week for Trump

After the GOP convention, he had the expected bounce which lasted only a few days

Once the Democrats had a chance to roast Trump in their own convention, Trump, in a rage, shot himself in the foot by attacking Gold Star parents

Now, influential Republicans are hanging him out to dry and major donors won't touch him

You reap what you sow Donald

Trump is not stupid. He's shot himself in the foot many times .. on purpose.

He doesn't want to be president .. he's looking for a way out .. and he will continue shooting himself daily until he finds a way out .. or damages himself so much that he couldn't possibly win.

I believe Trump entered the race as a gag. A chance to pump up his ego

At some point he realized....These idiots are taking me seriously?
I'm sure "Crazy" Donald thought it would be good for his ratings on The Apprentice.
I'll take crooked over crazy any day.
It's not like you have any say in the matter. The best you can do is keep visiting your therapist. Crooked Hillary's psychopathology is not something shrinks have much luck with, so consider yourself lucky at least.
Of course I have it say in the matter. Don't be ridiculous. Like every other U.S. citizen, I get a vote. That's my say. And living in a crucial swing state, my vote matters more to Hillary than the votes in states she already has a lock on.
It's sanity that eludes you just as Hillary's sleaze sticks to her like stink on shit, not your right to vote.

Quit being such a putz.
Sadly, ad-hominem seems to be all you're capable of. Oh well.

If you keep bending over, you have to expect things to happen.
I'll take crooked over crazy any day.
It's not like you have any say in the matter. The best you can do is keep visiting your therapist. Crooked Hillary's psychopathology is not something shrinks have much luck with, so consider yourself lucky at least.
Of course I have it say in the matter. Don't be ridiculous. Like every other U.S. citizen, I get a vote. That's my say. And living in a crucial swing state, my vote matters more to Hillary than the votes in states she already has a lock on.
It's sanity that eludes you just as Hillary's sleaze sticks to her like stink on shit, not your right to vote.

Quit being such a putz.
Sadly, ad-hominem seems to be all you're capable of. Oh well.

If you keep bending over, you have to expect things to happen.
Be sure to let me know if you ever muster the ability to address what I said.
It's not like you have any say in the matter. The best you can do is keep visiting your therapist. Crooked Hillary's psychopathology is not something shrinks have much luck with, so consider yourself lucky at least.
Of course I have it say in the matter. Don't be ridiculous. Like every other U.S. citizen, I get a vote. That's my say. And living in a crucial swing state, my vote matters more to Hillary than the votes in states she already has a lock on.
It's sanity that eludes you just as Hillary's sleaze sticks to her like stink on shit, not your right to vote.

Quit being such a putz.
Sadly, ad-hominem seems to be all you're capable of. Oh well.

If you keep bending over, you have to expect things to happen.
Be sure to let me know if you ever muster the ability to address what I said.
That you prefer abject corruption and sleaze over what you consider crazy?

WTF am I supposed to say about that, except that you're as sleazy as the Beast?
Of course I have it say in the matter. Don't be ridiculous. Like every other U.S. citizen, I get a vote. That's my say. And living in a crucial swing state, my vote matters more to Hillary than the votes in states she already has a lock on.
It's sanity that eludes you just as Hillary's sleaze sticks to her like stink on shit, not your right to vote.

Quit being such a putz.
Sadly, ad-hominem seems to be all you're capable of. Oh well.

If you keep bending over, you have to expect things to happen.
Be sure to let me know if you ever muster the ability to address what I said.
That you prefer abject corruption and sleaze over what you consider crazy.

WTF am I supposed to say about that, except that you're as sleazy as the Beast?
"Crazy" Donald is crazy; and not just because I think so.

Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?
:2up: :banana: :stupid: And who is taking the polls that claim Hillary has a 7 point bounce? And how many were polled? 1000? 2000? 3000?, what about the other 297 Million People?
:smartass: No normal/intelligent fair minded American buys/falls for any of these polls. And why do the polls change every week? One week we have Trump ahead by 15 points, next week Hillary is ahead by 5,,then next week Trump is ahead by 10, then the following week its a tie.
Get the point? Maybe we should just ask our friends/neighbors instead? And why does Hillary need to campaign in Penn/Ohio? Didnt we all assume she has already won those states? :hellno:
Doesn't matter if you believe reality.

Battleground polls: Clinton tops Trump post-convention -

Remember I told you the people in my office who were undecided are now NOT voting for Trump? That's in Michigan. Trump is done.

Trumps Bump after the convention has turned into a THUMP.
:2up: :banana: :stupid: And who is taking the polls that claim Hillary has a 7 point bounce? And how many were polled? 1000? 2000? 3000?, what about the other 297 Million People?
:smartass: No normal/intelligent fair minded American buys/falls for any of these polls. And why do the polls change every week? One week we have Trump ahead by 15 points, next week Hillary is ahead by 5,,then next week Trump is ahead by 10, then the following week its a tie.
Get the point? Maybe we should just ask our friends/neighbors instead? And why does Hillary need to campaign in Penn/Ohio? Didnt we all assume she has already won those states? :hellno:
Doesn't matter if you believe reality.

Battleground polls: Clinton tops Trump post-convention -

Remember I told you the people in my office who were undecided are now NOT voting for Trump? That's in Michigan. Trump is done.

Trumps Bump after the convention has turned into a THUMP.
Now it's become the Khan thump.
:2up: :banana: :stupid: And who is taking the polls that claim Hillary has a 7 point bounce? And how many were polled? 1000? 2000? 3000?, what about the other 297 Million People?
:smartass: No normal/intelligent fair minded American buys/falls for any of these polls. And why do the polls change every week? One week we have Trump ahead by 15 points, next week Hillary is ahead by 5,,then next week Trump is ahead by 10, then the following week its a tie.
Get the point? Maybe we should just ask our friends/neighbors instead? And why does Hillary need to campaign in Penn/Ohio? Didnt we all assume she has already won those states? :hellno:
Doesn't matter if you believe reality.

Battleground polls: Clinton tops Trump post-convention -

Remember I told you the people in my office who were undecided are now NOT voting for Trump? That's in Michigan. Trump is done.

Trumps Bump after the convention has turned into a THUMP.
Now it's become the Khan thump.
Hillary is up so much yet Republicans are still hoping for an October surprise

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